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03-29-2011, 06:47 AM
I was wondering what kind of music you guys listen to when gaming. In my expierience in games stores there is a lot of metal ranging from thin lizzy and other seventies era stuff up to pretty hardcore modern stuff. I don't like it very much (I can enjoy the seventies stuff) but I prefer daft punk/new wave/ madchester tunes when its my turn to pick the songs

Whne I see online polls on what songs matches what army there tends to a be a lot of metal that I've never heard of-.

What do BoL's posters listen to when gaming?

03-29-2011, 06:48 AM
We usually listen to 80s heavy metal in the background - quietly though lol. And we often watch Star Trek TNG when its not our turns.. its win. We're winning.

03-29-2011, 06:58 AM
When at home? Ipod on shuffle. Which given the wide range of stuff on mine is dangerous :P

03-30-2011, 06:06 AM
The store I mostly gamed at had a lot of musical score soundtracks that were heavily badass. (Conan, King Arthur, LotR, etc.) Made for a nice heavy cinematic feel.

At someone's house? Generally we don't have music playing, for whatever reason...

Drew da Destroya
03-30-2011, 08:36 AM
I game at my friend's house. Usually, we'll have the TV on in a different room, or our non-wargaming friends will be playing a video game or whining about how boring 40k is.

03-30-2011, 12:51 PM
While I play the Gods talk to me, this is what I listen to.

03-30-2011, 04:04 PM
I like to listen to the Insane Clown Posse, so I usually have to wear my ipod. Nothing like violence, destruction, and face paint!

03-30-2011, 05:07 PM
The store I mostly gamed at had a lot of musical score soundtracks that were heavily badass. (Conan, King Arthur, LotR, etc.) Made for a nice heavy cinematic feel

Exactly my thoughts!!! Some of my best battles were fought to the soundtracks of Conan and Starship Troopers. In fact, IG players often win more with Starship Troopers music in the background lol.

As far as players with headphones in while playing; I find that downright rude. I have refused to play several people bc they require having their headphones so loud that they need me to repeat everything I say. I understand you want to get in your 'zone' but this is a social game so enjoy the other persons company (if you can that is lol)

03-30-2011, 07:10 PM
I've never played someone with headphones in, it would seem rude to be 5 foot away from someone for 2+ hours and not talk to them, but if your opponents don't mind who am I to judge?

03-31-2011, 03:46 AM
When I paint I listen to bands like all shall perish, acacia strain, gojira and some very old school hip hop, Africa bombarta, grandmaster flash ect.
And a bit of primus when I'm in the mood.

03-31-2011, 07:22 AM
As far as players with headphones in while playing; I find that downright rude. I have refused to play several people bc they require having their headphones so loud that they need me to repeat everything I say. I understand you want to get in your 'zone' but this is a social game so enjoy the other persons company (if you can that is lol)

Agreed! I only ever listen to my mp3 player when I'm on my own. If I'm doing stuff with my friends I never have it in, you're right, its just rude. I see people all the time "talking" with their friends while they have their headphones in, or their cell phones out and texting.

03-31-2011, 07:28 AM
I've never played someone with headphones in, it would seem rude to be 5 foot away from someone for 2+ hours and not talk to them, but if your opponents don't mind who am I to judge?

I wear a single earbud with the music playing at a lower volume, and am always very engaged with my opponents verbally. Any first impression of rudeness is always worn away with my friendly and self debasing ramblings.:)

Anyways putting an ICP cd into the player is much more likely to be seen as rude!! I do it for your protection, so as not to offend those who do not understand the Dark Carnival.

03-31-2011, 08:24 AM
I've never played someone with headphones in, it would seem rude to be 5 foot away from someone for 2+ hours and not talk to them, but if your opponents don't mind who am I to judge?

I haven't seen it happen for quite some time. Usually happens when playing those whom prefer metal or electric punk. But it was insane, I might as well been playing a computer since there wasnt any conversation.

Not to be insulting to anyone, but I have also found that the headphones duing battle types to be slightly uncomfortable around the local shop, so engaging them in some friendly conversation is a good way to make them feel more at home.

03-31-2011, 08:27 AM
I wear a single earbud with the music playing at a lower volume, and am always very engaged with my opponents verbally. Any first impression of rudeness is always worn away with my friendly and self debasing ramblings.:) .

I can respect that, one ear jack with unhindered conversation is perfectly fine. Its when I can hear the music and have to repeat everything I say that it gets annoying.

I could even see myself doing that with some Conan soundtrack instead of the metal that gets played in my shop more times than not.

Emerald Rose Widow
03-31-2011, 01:57 PM
Yknow what I love to listen to when defeating my enemies, Mozart's Requiem in D.....expecially the dies irae, mwahahahahhahaa -giggles-

Morgan Darkstar
03-31-2011, 04:43 PM
Yknow what I love to listen to when defeating my enemies, Mozart's Requiem in D.....expecially the dies irae, mwahahahahhahaa -giggles-

Nice :)

03-31-2011, 05:12 PM
I used to listen to Radiohead while playing, but I would always end up conceding and then curling up in a corner for a good cry.

04-01-2011, 03:25 AM
I tend to talk too much during matches to make it worthwhile listening to music, but sometimes we put on some classical music at home. When playing lizardmen I sometimes sing 'Der Glumph' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqpI8cURJts)which is a fantastic song about frogs a friend found on youtube. I love frogs.

Emerald Rose Widow
04-01-2011, 12:37 PM
I tend to talk too much during matches to make it worthwhile listening to music, but sometimes we put on some classical music at home. When playing lizardmen I sometimes sing 'Der Glumph' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqpI8cURJts)which is a fantastic song about frogs a friend found on youtube. I love frogs.

Rock on, love it. Me I have to have music playing, i need the background music because its just how I am, I am a music major and music is my thing.

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-01-2011, 09:40 PM
Industrial and it's sub genres is the only stuff I find fitting : dark, futuristic, cinematic, varied, aggressive, mechanical, harsh and militant sounding with vocals that sound like angry Cyborgs and robots from hell - pretty much sums up 40k dont you think ? :D

faves :
Godflesh, Cyanotic, Decree, C-tec, Cubanate, Front Line Assembly, Allied Vision, Die Sektor, Sleepwalk, Xentrifuge ect.

current fave track :

I need something that reflects the cinematic atmosphere of the game perfectly - so anything that isnt dark, futuristic and militant will kill my mood dramatically. When its right, it really pumps you up and makes you want to crush, kill and destroy.

Also, death-robot music is perfect for when I play Necrons with it's ultra-processed aggressive vocal style and mechanical hydraulic like polyrythymic noisepocalypse soundscape.

04-02-2011, 12:40 AM
I actually created a WH40K playlist for gaming, although I don't often listen to it during the game, although sometime before, after or while painting minis I'll put it on.

It includes ...

Gregorian versions of "Dies Irae, Dies Illa"

Some Nightwish:

Karl Jenkins version of "Dies Irae, Dies Illa":

Selections from the "Chaos Gate" soundtrack:

And of course, Drowning Pool:


Forgot to add, O Fortuna:

04-02-2011, 07:39 PM
Wow, no Manowar? I am disappointed, BoLS.

As a Chaos Space Marine player, I need some battle-ready metal to listen to, so Manowar, Dimmu Borgir, a bit of Apocalyptica here and there, Wintersun, and then some awesome super-dramatic stuff like Elend, Immediate Music, and Globus.

04-02-2011, 08:15 PM
Sisters of Mercy goes really well with war gaming, or maybe thats just me.

Emerald Rose Widow
04-02-2011, 11:07 PM
I actually created a WH40K playlist for gaming, although I don't often listen to it during the game, although sometime before, after or while painting minis I'll put it on.

It includes ...

Gregorian versions of "Dies Irae, Dies Illa"

Some Nightwish:

Karl Jenkins version of "Dies Irae, Dies Illa":

Selections from the "Chaos Gate" soundtrack:

And of course, Drowning Pool:


Forgot to add, O Fortuna:

This one approves of the Dies Irae

04-06-2011, 06:01 PM
Isn't Dies Irae the name of an imperator class titan?

Danse Des Chevaliers by prokofiev always reminds me of titans and aerial assaults