View Full Version : Pintin Help

03-28-2011, 05:37 PM
I’m looking to add to my Marine army, but I found out that Games Workshop has discontinued the primary color I used years ago, Midnight Blue. I have had some success tinkering with a mix of Necron Abyss and Asurmen Blue, but I don’t want to have to mix it every time. Does anyone know if Reaper, Vallejo, or Privateer Press makes a paint that is close to GW’s Midnight Blue? I don’t trust the pictures online as a basis for comparison and my local hobby shops don’t carry much other than GW. Thanks.

03-28-2011, 06:47 PM
My handy conversion chart from Reaper says that Midnight Blue is equivalent to "Ultramarine Shadow 9187".

03-29-2011, 08:06 AM

^ a great resource that pretty much everyone should know about.