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View Full Version : 1500 Salamanders test run

03-28-2011, 03:42 PM
I'm likely going to be running this list or something similar at an upcoming FLGS tourney in a week, and I'd like some opinions. So far it runs pretty well, but the army was originally built around a Land Raider + Hammer Termie squad, and I feel somewhat exposed without that big fire magnet in the middle.

HQ: Vulkan He'stan . . . 190 pts
Troop: 10 Tac Marines (Razorback w/ TL Ast Can, Sgt w/ PFist, Flamer, Missile) . . . 270 pts
Troop: 6 Tac Marines (Razorback w/ TL Ast Can, Sgt w/ PFist) . . . 206 pts
Troop: 8 Scouts (Telion, Sniper Rifles, Missile) . . . 174 pts
Elite: 10 Sternguard (2 HFlamer, 2 Combi-Melta, Drop Pod) . . . 305 pts
Fast: Land Speeder (HFlamer, MMelta) . . . 70 pts
Fast: 5 Bikes (2 Melta, MMelta Atk Bike) . . . 185 pts
Heavy: Thunderfire . . . 100 pts

Couple of notes: The local meta has swung heavily in favor of Eldar/DE, with a crazy Loota-spam Ork player and the inevitable handful of Smurfs and Blood Angels. Bike squad is 5 models total (is it better to note the number of bikes and then list the attack bike as an upgrade?)

03-28-2011, 08:15 PM
i'd suggest running the sergeants with power swords and then investing in melta bombs. with the points you save from that and losing a few scouts, you can bring the second tac squad up to 10 and pick up the second flamer/heavy combo. you've got enough other tankbusters in your army, and vulkan really shines when you get to twin-link stuff. i'd also consider dropping the thunderfire in favor of another flavor of land speeder, especially for mobility reasons.

03-28-2011, 10:14 PM
I'm running the power fists as a deterrent to "opportunistic" assaults, if that makes a difference.

I'd rather not drop the thunderfire cannon, it's been an all-star in my tests so far (get to paint half a Stormraven kill-counter on the side tonight!); thought about dropping the attack bike and the mook bike for another Land Speeder and another Combi-melta in the Sternguard.