View Full Version : Question on Purifiers

03-27-2011, 10:12 PM
Well, a concern mostly, as I might jump on the proverbial bandwagon.

A unit of purifiers casts their cleansing flame thingie before all blows are struck, if the couple glances of the bookI've had recall to me. And this maybe a throwback to 4th edition, but what if this power wipes wipes out models in BtB with the purifiers. Can your opponent do this to lessen the beatdown coming his way? Or am I missing something in the rules?

03-27-2011, 11:29 PM
That was 4th ed, this is now. No need to worry about that.

03-27-2011, 11:37 PM
The whole removing guys in BtB to lessen an opponents ability to kill you doesnt work anymore. You decide who fight at the start of the combat. So before blows are struck and before activating Cleansing Flame you figure out who can fight. So say your 10 Purifiers assault a squad of 30 Ork Boyz. All 10 of them make the assault and get in BtB or within two inches of another Purifier who is in BtB. All 10 of your Purifiers will get their attacks no matter how many orks die to Cleansing Flame (of course if Cleansing Flame kills all 30 you wont get your attacks but that shouldnt matter as you killed 30 Ork Boyz before combat even occured).