View Full Version : BT VS Eldar... Help request!

03-26-2011, 03:37 PM
By far the best tactic that I've come across on the web is blocking...

This is a tactic that NEARLY saved my *** during a match with my friend, allow me to explain the details...
(My) Black Templars vs. His Eldar (which is a beast...) The matchup is what really throws me off, he uses my copy of army builder, so I know It's a legit army list.

Point of the story is that he fits in an Avatar AND a wraithlord in 1000 pt battles, I used a rhino to not only drop off troops, but to block his wraithlord from CC with my average templars (which kept the wraith lord out of combat for 1 turn), My main question for you astartes players is if I pulled this off right? Or am I doing something wrong. I continually loose to this person, Their army normally consists of 2 dire avengers squads, wraith lord, avatar, dark reapers w/ autarch (IIRC). I've tried SEVERAL different approaches, but can't seem to get a leg up over this opponent.

I've tried max melta/fist, i've tried max flamers, I've tried min-maxing w/ terminators exploiting the Black templar rules for termies and assault cannons... I think I just REALLY need help!

Da Gargoyle
03-26-2011, 04:21 PM
Sorry I am an Eldar and I was curious about the Eldar list. It looks light on for points to me but I don't know what options he is giving the troops. For example, my wraith lord has a sword and I usually give him flamers and a scatter laser. If you dropped a rhino in front of my WL he would chop it to pieces.

However, if he is fielding an Avatar, meltas and burners are not going to help. The avatar is immune to them.

Does he check for wraith site on the WL? If there is no seer in range he should be rolling each turn. It does not always happen but if he rolls that 1 he is a sitting duck for power fists and the like. Thats why I would have added a storm guardian sqd with a Warlock to accompany him.

I would say Las Cannon for the WL and Av. Missiles and flamers for the troops. Your hardest option to kill after that would be the Reapers which have a reasonable save and I would assume would utilise cover. I would focus on them first turn because they have range and threat. Can you deep strike in behind with terminators? Because unless he keeps the Avatar or WL near them, you have a very good survival chance and not much CC opposition and a hefty round of shooting in the strike phase.

03-26-2011, 04:32 PM
He does check wraith sight, rolls awesome, and stomps my opposition. Bladestorms, waits for me to charge (seeing as I only have BP/CCW and IIRC has shimmer sheild ready and waiting... Are we missing rules?

ALSO: I've run two razerbacks w/ TLLC and it still hasn't helped me.

Are us Black templars Doomed in low point battles, or is this one guy just raping me off of good dice rolls?

I NoSe
03-26-2011, 05:42 PM
Give TH/SS Termies a try. Also what vow are you taking?

03-26-2011, 05:57 PM
I've literally taken everything in the book... deepstriking th'ss termies to just Lightning claw termies... TLLC razerbacks, full on crusaders w/ meat shields... there's nothing I can do to stop this ONE guy! The wraithlord ALWAYS rolls awesome on wraithsight, and the avatar's ONE, LIMITED attack always kills at least two models! Am I honestly outclassed?

I NoSe
03-26-2011, 09:21 PM
That 1000 point limit is tough. I'd say give it a go with a squadron of Land Speeders with the Typhoon Missile Launchers and a squad of Termies with Cyclones. That much S8 at range has gotta account for something. Good luck cause that is one hell of a list to crack.

03-27-2011, 02:20 AM
i second I nose

as an eldar player if i was fielding this I'd fear a fast moving shooty force. land speeders should target reapers first as they are your only threat. Every thing else has short range or won't catch you.
Next target would have to be wraithlord there are things that can ruin it's day. Sniper riffles and power fist sergeants (also good for eldar characters as 1 failed invun means instant kill) . on your speeders assault cannons may be worth it , red will ruin wraith guard but you will need 6's you also will have to shift the DA who with an avatar is not going to run.
the next target depends on mission for seize target the DA not with avatar
In anilate he will blob next to avatar for fearless so it has to g.
Cap and con is situational depending on how mobile your troops are and what he does with his.

to sum up

take out his shooty.
avoid his nasty.
destroy what you need to, win the mission

dave l

03-29-2011, 09:27 AM
something to look at is the lascannon preds, them plus the typhoon missles are cheaper then C:SM's version. the lascannons will wound the wraithlord on a 3 and deny his armor, one good shootin from a pred can kill the wraithlord. The avatar is another mess, i'd try tossing your thunder hammer termys and emp's champion at it.
and the only vow you should be taking is the preferred enemy one.

03-29-2011, 09:40 AM
if he's taking that much in 1000 points i'd prefer to go Shooting templar then melee;

HQ: Emperor's champion - Preferred enemy vow
Elites: 5xAssault Termys - TH/SS- furious charge
Troops: 2x(5x Crusader squads - bolters and missile launcher with Razor back - TL Lascannon)
Fast Attack: 2 Typhoon missile land speeders (I'd keep them separate, but it's up to you)
Heavy Support: Predator Annihilator - sponsons Lascannons
This is 1,000 points and should be able to out shoot anything he's taking.

The termys i'd let them walk, no DS, plop them with the champ and make a CC front wall to cover your 2 troops who should be out of their transports fireing the missle all game, the land speeders can fly around to deny cover and blast the fiery buns off the avatar. :P

Have the 2 razorbacks provide side cover to the 2 troops, and then sit back and blast the xenos scum to kingdom come.

04-07-2011, 11:04 PM
It definitely sounds like a wonderful plan, but sadly, my wallet can't handle this. I now have to unexpectedly have to move, thanks for all your help guys/gals.