View Full Version : A Little Bit of Patience!!!!

09-01-2009, 02:58 PM
These last few months it seems we have been getting a lot of complaining and whining due to the lack of info coming out of GW.

For me, I welcome it. It brings me back to the old days when I was actually excited to see a new release at Games Day or in White Dwarf instead of seeing it 8 months earlier on the internet.

Reading rumors is fine, as much are pure speculation handed out by some unknowing red shirt or even third and fourth hand info from someone’s brother-in-law who knows a guy that knows a guy who works at GW.

I mean really guys, have we lost all out patience.

From a busyness standpoint it makes perfect sense. No other company lets out info about their products that far in advance. And it will also force people to start getting their info from White Dwarf (driving up sales) and hopefully some new pod casts.

In the end I think we have gotten a bit to used to leaked info. It was nice to get sneak peeks at models and I’m sure that wont stop, but I rather like that the only Space Wolf stuff we have seen are a couple of teasers leading up to a White Dwarf that should be chock full of new stuff!

Lets all just take a relaxing step back and chill out. Dark Eldar will get radon (maybe even sooner that we think) and same goes for all the other armies.

A bit of Patience goes along way.

09-01-2009, 03:42 PM
Dark Eldar will get radon
They'll be shooting clouds of radioactive gasses at us?

I really think that the nature of this creative hobby can get our creative juices flowing pretty madly with enough teasing.
People get conversion/kit-bash ideas in their heads or read about other people's plans for the same and the product gets to be a "must-have" over time.

In other words, I'm a fan of leakage of this sort.

The Lord
09-01-2009, 03:47 PM
it would make much more sense for GW to do controlled leaks like sneak peaks at what is coming up, behind the scenes type of things if you will, release some new artwork of the the army they are working on to hype it up a bit. it would make the community feel more like a partner in the hobby rather than us being completely blind as to what is happening.

09-01-2009, 03:51 PM
I am 30 years old. This means that Christmas gets better every year in a proportion linked to how much I drink on christmas eve, and how long I lie in on Christmas Day. As such I am a cynic and loath the current GW marketing methods -- the supposed air of conspiracy and shovign the odd new model into background photos in books etc for muppets to cream in their pants over.

This is probably the shampoo warlock at the helm of GW. Personally would rather they let us know, so I can plan in advance how much I am going to split my shekels between plastic crack, the mortgage and the vodka.

09-01-2009, 03:52 PM
I am actually on the side of Wolvychops.

I too miss the day where I heard saw something in a WD that I didnt already know was coming.

The realisation really hit me when the Space Marine teaster trailer was released at E3, but because of all the rumours that we had heard, it wasn't that much of a big thing to me, when I think it actually should have been. (I like to keep up with the lastest video games).

Also, Space Hulk. We all knew it was coming months before anything was offically said and now its here. Personally, I was dissappointed.

Im not saying that I dont apprechiate the rumours that we hear, I just think that it is nice to be completely oblivious to some of the stuff that is going to be released, so we can get that fuzzy feeling. The one we all use to get on christmas day, tearing open the wrapping paper just to find!.... Another jumper. Thank you, auntie Janice.

09-01-2009, 03:54 PM
Like Carly, I remember back in the day, before the internet (yes I am that old), when the new White Dwarf magazine came out and on a monthly basis everyone would lose their frickin' minds over how awesome all the stuff inside was.

Sometimes it's worth waiting ;)

09-01-2009, 08:12 PM
I think there is just too much expectant attitude going on overall.

Yes its great to get a rumor, and it makes me jsut as excited as the next guy, but it also lowers the excitement when the product actually comes out.

The simple fact is that we shouldn't expect anything. too many people seem to be demanding GW to tell them about Dark Eldar or Skaven or some other thing they have hearsd of, and when they don't, they get all but hurt.

Just wait a bit. If its disappointing, at least you wont have spent the last 4 months being disappointed.

I think they did a great job with Apocalypce. Someone leaked the retailers list that had almost all the Apocalypce stuff on it, but they were just words. No images, no rules. That is wetting the apatite, it sparks interest and imagination of what these things could be.

The whole point is that we shouldn't know what is in the books before they come out. We shouldn't have forum pages dedicated to all the rules we'll see in the next army book unless someone has actually seen a hard copy a few weeks in advance of the shipping date.

Like I said before, I love the sneak peaks as much as the next guy, but I don;t ever expect them or demand them. They should be a pleasant surprise from GW to its fans.