View Full Version : Blood Angels Army

03-25-2011, 02:12 PM
Just throwing this out there. But what are peoples impressions when they go to play 40K and go to face off against a Blood Angels army and see there isnt a sinlge jump pack assualt squad and all your facing is tanks?
Or any other army for that matter? Being that an army can be played a certain way but is not in the "flavor" of the army.

Any thoughts ideas? The list comes to about 1915 bland, no special weapons or veh upgrades. Just thinking its a powerful list as far as weapons, but not in the flavor of the Blood Angels.

I have kicked around a list:
5 Assault squads in Razorbacks (All 5 man squads, Razorbacks of all options Laz, AssCan, Laz/Plasma)
1 Death Company in Landraider Crusader (3 man squad)
1 Assualt squad in Landraider (5 man squad)
1 Baal Predator AssaultCan w/Heavy Bolters
1 Devi squad in Razorback (Devis 4 missile launchers, Razorback w/Twin Heavy Bolter)
1 Predator Laz w/Heavy Bolters
1 Predator AutoCan w/Heavy Bolters

03-25-2011, 03:33 PM
I usually field Blood Angels as no jump packs, but I don't field them the way that you are. Mostly, because I like 10 man squads and Tactical squads. I treat them as a codex chapter, and will use any weapon to kill the enemy. In fact, the Dante recognizes that fact, and he is not limited by any one way of fighting, the way other chapters are. So there's no problem with lots of tanks.

I wouldn't say it isn't the 'flavor' of Blood Angels. You have fast tanks, death company, baals, and assault marine troops. What's not the BA flavor?

i'd say that if you went all tactical and scout marines, bikes and devastators, you would still be blood angels, but managed to not take the blood angels stuff.

03-26-2011, 12:54 PM
I was playing nids today, and my opponent was expecting jump pack heavy assault but instead faced 5 preds, landraider crusader and assault cannon razors backs, they just couldn't take out that much armour

03-27-2011, 07:29 AM
I used this army list over the last few days and mauled people. Its ok, but not too fun. Seen a few people just roll their eyes and shake their heads at it. Overall it was not very fun for me after the first two games I played with it, and it really was not fun for the other players.

03-30-2011, 09:05 AM
I'm not sure why you think it's shocking not to use jump packs with Angels, it's quite common to use transports considering they're fast vehicles which makes them very effective and attractive. Here's my Angel list no jump packs at all.

Blood Angels "Wing Striker" - 2,000 points


Librarian shield of sanguinus & unleash rage
Librarian shield of sanguinus & unleash rage
Honour Guard w/ Razorback 2 x flamers - Razorback w/ lascannon & twin-linked plasma gun
Honour Guard w/ Razorback 2 x meltaguns - Razorback w/ lascannon & twin-linked plasma gun


1 x Sanguinary Priest


5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback 1 x flamer - sgt w/ power weapon - Razorback w/ lascannon & twin-linked plasmagun
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback 1 x flamer - sgt w/ power weapon - Razorback w/ lascannon & twin-linked plasmagun
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback 1 x flamer - sgt w/ power weapon - Razorback w/ lascannon & twin-linked plasmagun
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback 1 x meltagun - Razorback w/ lascannon & twin-linked plasmagun
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback 1 x meltagun - Razorback w/ lascannon & twin-linked plasmagun
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback 1 x meltagun - Razorback w/ lascannon & twin-linked plasmagun

Heavy Support


Total: 2,000