View Full Version : Crucible of Malediction

03-25-2011, 12:38 PM
How does the Crucible of Malediction affect Grey Knights ? The rule if the DE codex stat that "Every psyker" must past a leadership test or be removed. Would a unit of Grey Knights make one psyche test for the unit or would each individual model in the unit roll separately ? What about vehicles with psychic powers ? Independent Characters with units ?

I would say that each model has to roll separately (a la dangerous terrain) and psychic vehicles are effected, but would like to hear some concurring or dissenting opinions.


03-25-2011, 12:41 PM
To my knowledge the GK say any attack that effects physkers only targets the justicar, or one member of the squad.

So it affects 1 person in each squad within its range, if the Justicar is alive it has to be him. IC's are a bit different...

03-25-2011, 01:26 PM
Yea, have the same feeling that 'brotherhood of psykers' covers this. One the highest Ld model makes the test and is removed if failed. IC will have to make their own rolls.

Not knowing the wording for each rule, I have no idea about vehicles.

03-25-2011, 01:27 PM
How does the Crucible of Malediction affect Grey Knights ? The rule if the DE codex stat that "Every psyker" must past a leadership test or be removed. Would a unit of Grey Knights make one psyche test for the unit or would each individual model in the unit roll separately ? What about vehicles with psychic powers ? Independent Characters with units ?

I would say that each model has to roll separately (a la dangerous terrain) and psychic vehicles are effected, but would like to hear some concurring or dissenting opinions.


You are correct. Any model which is a psyker and within range must pass a leadership test or be removed from the table, INCLUDING vehicles. I believe vehicles test on Ld 10. Read the BA FAQ. So yes, unless there is something in the GK codex which explicitly states something otherwise, everything which is a psyker can be affected by it. Being embarked in vehicles isn't a defense either.

03-25-2011, 01:54 PM
You are correct. Any model which is a psyker and within range must pass a leadership test or be removed from the table, INCLUDING vehicles. I believe vehicles test on Ld 10. Read the BA FAQ. So yes, unless there is something in the GK codex which explicitly states something otherwise, everything which is a psyker can be affected by it. Being embarked in vehicles isn't a defense either.

Tyranids would like a word with you. Being embarked in a vehicle protects you even from Shadow in the Warp.

03-25-2011, 04:20 PM
Tyranids would like a word with you. Being embarked in a vehicle protects you even from Shadow in the Warp.

Crucible of Malediction - Every psyker within 3D6" of the bearer must pass a Leadership test or be removed from play as they go stark raving mad. No saves of any kind allowed.

There is an FAQ for the Tyranids which reverses the rule in the codex, but there is no such thing for DE yet. Eldar psychic powers don't require line of sight and can be used while embarked on units outside the vehicle. I would say that Shadows of the Warp would affect psykers unless there was an FAQ or special rule to say otherwise, which, unfortunately for Tyranid players, does exist. Such an FAQ does not exist for DE players. It can very well be that there is some special GK rule which might diminish CoM, but I haven't read through that codex yet as I (for the time being anyway) have never played against GK.

03-25-2011, 04:44 PM
Tyranids would like a word with you. Being embarked in a vehicle protects you even from Shadow in the Warp.

After reading the rules FAQ, I retract my previous statement. It seems that pyschic powers (and anti-psych) can work from inside vehicles on the outside, but not vice versa. One can use psychic powers from inside transports and area affect stuff works, but models inside cannot be targeted for some reason. Does that mean that Runes of Warding have no effect on psykers embarked in transports? As far as I know they do affect them, but it is stupid that Shadow of the Warp does not.

03-25-2011, 07:50 PM
GW is inconsistent about how outside stuff affects units inside vehicles.

But, yes, only one Grey Knight at a time is a psyker, for all intents and purposes. So the Crucible only hits one dude per squad.