View Full Version : Dark Eldar Basics

03-25-2011, 11:52 AM
Been running this list in preparation for some upcoming tourneys. Currently it is specifically designed to be able to handle as many different types of armies and missions as possible. Over the next few weeks some tweaking will be done to account for expected opponents and missions:


- Succubus w/ agonizer+ haywire

- 6 x bloodbride: haywires, siren with agonizer, 2x shardnet, nightsheild raider (succ rides with these)
- 6 x bloodbride: haywires, siren with agonizer, 2x razorflail, nightsheild raider
- 6 x bloodbride: haywires, siren with agonizer, 2x razorflail, nightsheild raider

-5 x warrior: blaster, syrabite w/ blast pistol, venom (2 cannons)
-5 x warrior: blaster, syrabite w/ blast pistol, venom (2 cannons)
-5 x warrior: blaster, syrabite w/ blast pistol, venom (2 cannons)
-5 x warrior: blaster, syrabite w/ blast pistol, venom (2 cannons)
-5 x warrior: blaster, syrabite w/ blast pistol, venom (2 cannons)
-5 x warrior: blaster, syrabite w/ blast pistol, venom (2 cannons)

-Ravager: 3 lance, nightsheild, flickerfield, shock prow
-Ravager: 3 lance, nightsheild, flickerfield, shock prow
-Ravager: 3 lance, nightsheild, flickerfield, shock prow

Nothing flashy but this is really a tribute to how I ran my original dark eldar before the new codex. The point of the army is to basically solo everything with the wyches while the rest of the army flies around shooting stuff. Sounds kind of basic but what ends up happening is the wyches tie up most of an army leaving the rest of my planes free to blow everything up.

Comments / criticism welcome, sorry if explaination makes this army seem bland but I have been playing this style of de for a long time so it seems kind of simple when I try to explain how it works. Really it is a very fun and extremely aggressive army to play.

03-25-2011, 11:58 AM
Seems nice...my only thought is its 22 KP.

My one suggestion would be to change the troops a little...have a unit that doesn't have a transport, is a little bigger to defend home targets. And then maybe use the points on Sliscus, to get better combat drug rolls on your Wyches...

03-26-2011, 12:14 PM
Is there any chance we could persuade you to drop a squad of bloodbrides and replace the Succubae with Archons? They are just as effective in CC and the primary difference is that you get a 2+ save for a few more points.

After that, see if you can give the remaining Bloodbrides haywire grenades. 2 points apiece is going to be pretty useful--you can kill some really beefy armored units with enough haywire, even when your darklance/blaster rolls are against you.

03-26-2011, 12:38 PM
Agreed haywire is supreme. Every one of my Wychs have them. Sucks so bad when someone tries to stuff your unit with a dread. I laugh at them cause I will win that combat, just depends on how long but I won't lose that unit. Also..the Succy is vulnerable outside of close combat. She doesn't have a invul from shooting which sucks.

I can see night shields being somewhat useful on your raiders with warriors in it but honestly flickerfields are far and away better. On the ravagers they are def not worth it. Only long range weapons ever take mine out.

03-26-2011, 06:12 PM
Succubi are underrated in my opinion. While it is true you can't get a 2++, you get a 4+ that can't fail. Keep her in melee (I admit easier said that done sometimes) and she can outlast Archons.

I agree with Caldera, with Haywiere grenades you can destroy the units most players will use to counter your Wyches. I also agree re flickerfields, though if you have the points a nightshield as well can really help your Wych delivery apparatus.

I prefer to take a couple of 10-person units as well as little ones personally.

03-29-2011, 08:57 PM
Succubi are underrated in my opinion. While it is true you can't get a 2++, you get a 4+ that can't fail. Keep her in melee (I admit easier said that done sometimes) and she can outlast Archons.

I agree with Caldera, with Haywiere grenades you can destroy the units most players will use to counter your Wyches. I also agree re flickerfields, though if you have the points a nightshield as well can really help your Wych delivery apparatus.

I prefer to take a couple of 10-person units as well as little ones personally.

The bloodbrides all have haywires ^ ^

That is the whole idea behind using exclusively wyches in my elite slots rather than any of the other cc units. Incubi are awesome and I use them every game when I am playing for fun but the lack of haywire is huge.

Against full mech guard a 350+ pt archon/incubi squad will do jack, but each of these bloodbride squads will shut down 2-3 vehicles while the hail of lances crashes down