View Full Version : Eldar blending test

03-25-2011, 11:32 AM
I've been trying out some new techniques lately and I'm quite pleased with how they look so far. I had some Eldar minis laying about so thought I'd try it out on them....


I prefer the Red one to the Blue. I don't think I started with a dark enough base with the blue, so it looks a little plastic-y.

Any thoughts?


03-25-2011, 11:48 AM
I agree red is better than blue. But they are both awesome!

Full army of those (though time consuming i'm sure) would look great...

03-25-2011, 02:44 PM
Wet blend? Anyway, both look great. I think the reason the Blue turned out a little darker is cause it doesnt transition to almost white nearly as quickly as the red seems to.

03-26-2011, 03:53 AM
fantastic- the blue looks very,very nice!

how did you do it? they are fantastic.

my personal opinion is that because the highlight on the blue was white/lighter blue it looks like eldar armour but because you highlight red with yellow it dosnt look like armour but lava instead?!

03-26-2011, 06:25 AM
I agree red is better than blue. But they are both awesome!

Full army of those (though time consuming i'm sure) would look great...

Yeah I think I'll reserve it for just HQ's or something, I don't play Eldar I just used them to test the scheme on, but you never know :)

Wet blend? Anyway, both look great. I think the reason the Blue turned out a little darker is cause it doesnt transition to almost white nearly as quickly as the red seems to.

Er sort of, I didn't thin the paints much, just layered it on. But each layer was still in the middle of drying as I painted.

fantastic- the blue looks very,very nice!

how did you do it? they are fantastic.

my personal opinion is that because the highlight on the blue was white/lighter blue it looks like eldar armour but because you highlight red with yellow it dosnt look like armour but lava instead?!

Thank you :), Like I've said previously it was just layering on slightly darker and lighter shades. Nothing too fancy.

Hmm perhaps, I prefer the red though because it looks that way. I don't know, I just imagine Eldar armour to be a bit more 'fancy'.