View Full Version : Fighting Grey Knights

Astral Platypus
03-25-2011, 07:19 AM
Our Local store has been kind enough to allow us to play a few games with the codex and I have managed to get a few games in against it. A friend of mine has tried a few different lists and tactics in order to get a feel for the book; he has been fighting Space Wolves and Chaos Space Marines, and these are the observations I have:

Nothing Grey Knights do makes me want to dust off my plasma guns; I would rather see my opponent take whole models from his Paladin Squads (when he has them), and I never ended up wishing I had them against the rest of his army.

I brought a predator annihilator to several of these games, and always had something that was worth shooting at.

Vindicators either get blasted off of the table or your opponent's army does. For 115 points it's just too useful, whether it gets blown up or not.

Khorne Berserkers, Grey Hunters, and Noise Marines can give PA Grey Knights a bad day, even if they're armed with halberds; the PA Grey Knights just don't have enough attacks to take assaults from these units. The Grey Knight's attacks might all be power weapons, but they are quite manageable if you can rob them of their charge bonus.

Purifier squads are a nightmare. My opponent started using these instead of a teleport attack squad and got a good deal of mileage out of them.

Paladins are only as dangerous as their mode of transport is effective. Walking their way to you from a wrecked Landraider makes them as easy to avoid as any other walking unit, and deepstriking right on top of you means they wont be quite as effective after the inevitable round of weathering your whole army's shooting phase. Paladins didn't last very long in our games without an apothecary.

I would like to know what anybody else's experiences have been; it looks like 1 out of every 3 armies I will be fighting in the near future will be Grey Knights, so any input on this army would be useful.

03-25-2011, 09:59 AM
I'll be taking Njal Rulebreaker even more than I used to (which is a lot); shutting down purifiers and hammerhands on a 3+ will be awesomesause. Plus the way I load out grey hunters (double fists and multiple melta weapons) should serve me well.

As you said I think Vindicators will be an asset. I also think we'll need to start taking more lascannons in order to ignore 2+ saves and reliably knock down stromravens early (Missiles just won't cut it).

03-25-2011, 10:31 AM
I would just keep doing what you have done with your army in the past and make it work for you against the Grey Knight list. If you try to re-tool your army you are not going to play like you are use to. Mistakes will be made and your opponent might notice that and take advantage of it.

Be aware of what each selection of Grey Knights brings to the table, know their roll on the battlefield, watch how your opponent uses them. Buy the codex and read, read, read again.

Stay one step ahead and make your opponent react to you instead of reacting to them. By dictating the battle you have more freedom to play your army the way you intend to play it. And will see better results.

Most of all "attitude", the old adage that attitude is everything. I see negative people getting negative results and positive getting positive results. If you look across and "sigh" or think something is cheesy over the top undefeatable or whatever, it will affect your play. You have accepted defeat before you even roll for deployment.

Just my view on playing in general and dealing with new codex armies.

04-20-2011, 10:55 AM
Not much differance in the army builds , just different tactics now. Know your army, know your enemy's army, and know victory.

"To the righteous we bring hope. To the tainted we bring fire."

- Castellan Garran Crowe

04-20-2011, 12:30 PM
Take as much psychic defense as you can. Grey Knights don't need their psychic powers to win, but if they get them unopposed then they can completely screw you over.

Grey Knights are very mobile, but not particularly fast. Except Interceptors, Dreadknights and Storm Ravens. Kill their transports, and it'll be tough for them to get into your deployment zone to contest objectives.

Don't bother with deathstar units. Except maybe 10 THSS Terminators. A good GK player will be able to combine his unit's firepower to bend most any deathstar over.

GKs are great at shaking vehicles, but not that great at actually killing them in general. If you can kill the psyrifle dreads you're a long way towards keeping your tanks alive.

04-20-2011, 12:57 PM
I play BA and Against henchmen GK I've found a use for my whirlwinds if the chimera is popped and as mentioned above vindicators against PAGK. Ive still been having good luck with the glass cannon formation of Dante/shinny nipples/sang guard

Hive Mind
04-20-2011, 01:54 PM
Take as much psychic defense as you can. Grey Knights don't need their psychic powers to win, but if they get them unopposed then they can completely screw you over.

Yep. Shadow in the Warp really hurts them in my, admittedly limited, experience.

04-20-2011, 04:05 PM
Unless they have a brotherhood banner and/or an attached IC or two so you can attempt Hammerhand a couple times. And against 'nid synapse at least it's the Brotherhood Banner that helps the most, since synapse is usually on multi-wound models. I played one game vs nidz with 10 foot terminators decked out with an Inquisitor with grenades and all the bling, and they just walked through the army. I just had to be sure to shoot all the genestealers dead first.