View Full Version : commission work :S

03-24-2011, 06:28 AM
Hi, got a squad of DE kabalite on ebay, not looking like they are gonna sell :( was wondering if anyone had any advice about painting and selling models? I've done ok out of it so far, but with mostly space marines and tyranids! Is it best just to go with the mainstream armies? worth investing in the new grey knights when they are out?
appreciate any help or advice


03-24-2011, 09:01 AM
Have you got a link to the auction? Would deffinitely help to see the what kind of pictures you've got and how you've written the description/advert. Also would be good to see the quality of the models you are trying to sell, but I assume they are at least as good as the Nids and Marines you've all ready sold.

In my experience most people either want an army painted to a little above tabletop standard, or a centrepiece model like tanks or characters that are significantly above the level of painting they are able or have the time to paint to. This is doubley true of the more specialist armies, so single squads don't sell as well unless someone has requested you do them.

03-24-2011, 09:13 AM
Squads sell best when people are able to add them to a pre-existing army and have the paint schemes match. Like, if someone has an Ultramarine army, they can buy an UM squad from ebay and it will match. Grey Knights should be pretty good for doing commission work because they have a standard look and should be able to fit into any GK army. DE might be tricky because there is more variety in color choice.

03-24-2011, 12:10 PM
yeah ive had the same problem... post a link and im sure someone might help!

03-24-2011, 02:17 PM

heres the link

thanks for the tips, have some BA sternguard and assault squads coming up soon!

might invest in a dreadknight when they get out!

03-24-2011, 02:32 PM
Dude they are beautiful! I wish I had the money to buy them.

First off, it's like lerra said about adding them to an existing army they have to be able to fit in with the rest of their stuff and be on par with their painting skills since they are troops.

Second, you based them so that is a little bit of the problem. They might go with someone's existing army but the bases don't so that could steer away potential buyers.

I was able to get some really nicely painted stealth suits for cheap from ebay because of these reasons.

If you painted another squad and a HQ the same way and sold them together that might be the way to go with the dark eldar.

p.s. I really do like them. I wish I had not of seen them because I might make a bid.

03-24-2011, 02:37 PM
First thing I would say would be to improve your photographs. You've got a good start with the paper background, but I'd advise getting some larger (at least A3, if not A2) to give you a bigger background area to work with ond cover/hide the rest of your desk. I'd also go for some closer shots, ideally of every model but in pairs would be ok, to really show off the colour scheme and your paintng.

As for the models, try a more generic basing technique. If you really want to go with snow, use less flock and some sand/small rocks to give it a more interesting look.

That said, with 3 days to go, don't worry too much. There is still plenty of time for them to sell.

03-24-2011, 02:38 PM
Beautiful models, agreed. The pics are a bit dark, though, and it's hard to see all the detail. Also, if you are shipping to the EU only it might be a bit more difficult to find a buyer.

03-24-2011, 02:43 PM
umm better pics are a good idea, and close ups.

also use CMON, fourms or blogs to generate intrest and views.

but my priest still hasnt sold so you cna ignore this :P
