View Full Version : My Pretty in Pink Nids

03-23-2011, 11:58 PM
First off let me introduce myself! I'm Allie and I play nids! I'm a beginner and this is my first army ever!!! I enjoy converting and painting my creations...

Last but not least my favorite conversion! My Tyranofex! Which (was not built or painted when I took the photo above heh) I worked about 6 months on... redoing the head... the gun.. and the legs lol... about 3 times lol.....

Emerald Rose Widow
03-24-2011, 12:14 AM
AWESOME another female nid player -high fives wh33lz- I play nids as well, so rock on girlfriend


those are mine ifn you wanna take a look see

I love the look of your conversion on the Tfex, its really good looking, and I absolutely LOVE the trygon bursting out of the rock, wonderful. Overall love your force, though the Mycetic spore isn't to my liking, but hey, to each her own right?

03-24-2011, 12:20 AM
yea the spore is too big... i wanna scale it down... may have it open... or completly change it... i love ur colors... its very cool... i cant get myelf to paint my termacants (lol) or any of the smaller pieces... i pretty much just wanna play around with green stuff ha!!! i need tp take a pic of my Prime conversion ... its awesome i think...

Emerald Rose Widow
03-24-2011, 12:28 AM
you have a real talent with the green stuff, if i may ask what got you started in the hobby. Those nids are my first army as well so ah is curious.

Name is Rachel btw

03-24-2011, 02:34 AM
Loving the colour scheme and the conversion work! Its inspring me to continue with my own Nid swarm (Got diverted by Blood Angels).

03-24-2011, 09:39 AM
I like the spore - one of the better scratchbuilds I've seen. The detail on the surface looks really cool. Not 100% sold on the tentacles, though, but I still like the overall model.

Everything looks really good for a first army.

03-24-2011, 09:40 AM
I started Last summer.. hubbys been playing forever... I really enjoy it...

Heres my Tyranid Prime.. Im very proud of it

I had to construct the neck w/ just green stuff so I could use a warrior head....
Used the body of a lictor (SP?)
Used the Arms from the lictor and green stuffed the Bone sword and lash whip from my Hive Tyrant to the hands... used the arms and gun from a wariior...

03-24-2011, 09:46 AM
I like the mycetic spore, it looks like it could squirt out a few carnifexes with ease. I like the pink paint scheme too.:)

Also, yay, another girl!

03-24-2011, 10:09 AM
That is far too good for a first army! lol

Seriously though I love the convertion work, especially the trygon coming out of the rock. Wouldn't have chosen to do that paint scheme myself, but you have pulled it off really well.

Keep up the good work!

And just to be different to veryone else; Boo, another girl :(
(not what I actually think, but I like playing Devil's Advocate :P)

03-24-2011, 10:53 AM
Is that spore actually glowing in the middle or just highlighted?!?

03-24-2011, 11:46 AM
Seems to be quite a lot of new women Tyranid players as of late:


Scroll down to see the latest posts.
Welcome to 40k!

03-24-2011, 12:00 PM
Looks a hundred times better then my first time painting tyranids. Nids were my first army almost 9 years ago also. Kudos on the GS work too.

Emerald Rose Widow
03-24-2011, 12:06 PM
Seems to be quite a lot of new women Tyranid players as of late:


Scroll down to see the latest posts.
Welcome to 40k!

you know you love us, mwahahahhaa

03-24-2011, 12:13 PM
you chicks are gross and also bad painters

03-24-2011, 12:16 PM
Is that spore actually glowing in the middle or just highlighted?!?

Highlighted.... but it could be the sunlight hitting it just right lol

03-24-2011, 12:17 PM
you chicks are gross and also bad painters

lol ><

03-24-2011, 02:04 PM
So this is how tyranids look after they eat some daemonettes. :D I really like your tyranid prime and his big @#$ sword!

03-24-2011, 07:25 PM
I started Last summer.. hubbys been playing forever... I really enjoy it...

He's a lucky guy.
Most of us settle for wife/ Gf that tolerates our hobby. One that enjoys the hobby, paint/ converts their own army and has talent is rare.

03-24-2011, 08:05 PM
Not bad at all. Not the colors I would pick though lol.

I have a handy tip for you if I may be so bold. After you are done drybrushing, try using a citadel wash over the top of it. It will help to blend your highlights together a bit and get rid of some of that "chalky" appearance.

03-24-2011, 08:52 PM
Not bad at all. Not the colors I would pick though lol.

I have a handy tip for you if I may be so bold. After you are done drybrushing, try using a citadel wash over the top of it. It will help to blend your highlights together a bit and get rid of some of that "chalky" appearance.

Awesome! ill buy some tonight...

03-24-2011, 09:05 PM
Bugs Bugs! That was my first army as well! They look awesome!

I really like you mix of greenstuff and conversions. Good job. I am inspired to make my tyrannofex now!

Emerald Rose Widow
03-24-2011, 11:53 PM
I am going to model my tfex after the pyrovore, so essentially im going to take a carnifex body, lean it forward with some supporting arms, and build the cannon off of its back. It will look amazing, and I got the inspiration from blue table painting.

03-25-2011, 12:18 AM
kk... i washed and wow what a diff!!! heres a sample
GUESS which one is washed lol.....

Emerald Rose Widow
03-25-2011, 10:24 PM
Awesome! ill buy some tonight...

yeah, washes are how i got the more clean and popping look of my lava skinned nids, the baal red really made a difference, but i own a pot of each of the GW washes for any future painting, they really are worth it.

03-26-2011, 12:27 AM
Lookin' good ;)