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View Full Version : Grey Knights - cheapest army in the game?

03-23-2011, 11:35 AM
Just seen a comment on an email from Wayland Games - to the effect of 'I can't believe 6 grey knight squads are only £136 - they must be the cheapest army in the game!'

Now I apprerciate they discount heavily but could this be true, a viable army that cheap (for example what could any of these do against AV14 instantly springs to mind)?

Anyone think of anything cheaper, and is this a new GW trend?

03-23-2011, 11:55 AM
It depends on what you consider "viable".

Chaos Daemons are probably still the cheapest army in the game ($24/£14 for a squad of 10 horrors @180 pts). Half of the HQ choices don't have models, so most people build their heralds out of basic troops plus some bits. I managed to build 4 heralds of tzeentch, ~25 horrors, and three daemon princes (about 1500 points) for $180/£110. I also converted Fiends of Slaanesh out of goblin spider riders and daemonette/seeker torsos for about $5/model to get up to 2000 points, so a total of $240/£150 for a tournament-level army (well, a tournament-level Chaos Daemons army, at least). But it does require more converting than Grey Knights probably will.

03-23-2011, 11:56 AM
The box comes with 5 GKs, not 10 as you may expect. So you need 2 boxes for a full 10-man squad.

Not so cheap now, is it?

03-23-2011, 12:04 PM
You sound snarky Lemt, I have no expectations regarding Grey Knights beyond an increase of bandwagon jumping generals with armies that have, in their time, been Vulkan engines, blood angels and then space wolves before magiacally reappearing as GK.

So I really am not qualified to talk about squad sizes.

03-23-2011, 12:52 PM
2 boxes of termies (£100)
4boxes of GK (£ 100)
1 knight (£35
1 dread (£25)
2 razorbacks, 1 landraider (£25+25+35?)
= £345

cheap? no oh and lemt is just annoyed that a 10 man GK unit is twice as much a a 10 man SM unit and £5 more than the old gk's

03-23-2011, 12:56 PM
How much are the current Grey Knights? as I would hate it if they were more than £25 per box (last price increase on the old metal models D:)

03-23-2011, 01:52 PM
2 boxes of termies (£100)
4boxes of GK (£ 100)
1 knight (£35
1 dread (£25)
2 razorbacks, 1 landraider (£25+25+35?)
= £345

cheap? no oh and lemt is just annoyed that a 10 man GK unit is twice as much a a 10 man SM unit and £5 more than the old gk's

What he said. One of the reasons I may go for a Henchmen GK army is that a standard army is soooo expensive.

03-23-2011, 01:54 PM
Right, this is what they rate an army as (direct copy):

What To Give Your Grey Knight Terminators?

Last week we were flooded with orders for entire Grey knight Terminator armies. So without further ado, here's our optimum configuration to help you win your games of Warhammer 40K.

1 with a force halberd and storm bolter
1 with a force halberd and psycannon
1 with a daemon hammer and storm bolter
1 with a force sword and storm bolter
1 with force falchions and storm bolter

There! Nothing will dare to face you in close combat and you'll most likely outshoot your opponents too. We still can't believe that 6 Grey Knight Terminator squads comes to £136. That must be the best and the cheapest army in the game?

Be sure to preorder your Grey Knights early for a speedy despatch as soon as they arrive. Whether converting or collecting, we know you want it now!

A certain orange monkey has been particularly popular with older Warhammer 40K players too. He's definitely a must have for any Inquisitor's retinue.

I wouldn't do it that way for sure but one man's cookiee cutter is another man's elite force.

03-23-2011, 02:04 PM
All you need are 2 grandmasters, 2 5 man marine squads, and 10 Paladins, all equipped differently.

If done right, the Paladin squad can take 16 wounds with 2+/5++/FNP before removing a single model. And they put out more s5 firepower than most other entire armies.

Have fun.

03-23-2011, 02:37 PM

2x10 Paladins, 3 Psycannons

~1500pts, ~$200

Even with the low model count, still not that cheap.

03-23-2011, 03:01 PM
Ok I'm not here to say that the GK are the cheapest army but they have good reason. The GK standard box has enough parts to make FOUR kinds of units. Its all those extra parts that push the price up and you could use those extra parts to do some conversions if you needed to. As for the Termies, I know that they are a key point for the army and you might require a lot of them, but they are the same price as regular termies still. Then the dreadknight. £33. Looks like the 40k version of Optimus Prime. Thats reasonable in my eyes:cool:
Its still a bummer that its £20.50 for five basic marines but there are worse
Cough-£70 for 10 immortals

03-23-2011, 11:29 PM
depending on what the old models will go for on Ebay, then GK's will be the cheapest army, my orks green tide is my cheapest army since it only costed me, right under 200 USD for 180 orks and a Ghaz model. That's a 1500 point army. So with options like that you might find it a bit cheaper, but that's based on luck and in the moment stuff.

03-24-2011, 03:23 AM
My wife and I are planning to build a draigo/paladin army when these guys come out. Four boxes of Terminators, two Dreadnoughts, and some extra bits (two more psycannons, a storm-shield for my Draigo conversion, a handful of cloaks, and autocannons for the Dreads) and we're still looking at ~300 dollars for an 18 model, 1500 point army.

03-24-2011, 06:11 AM
Im pretty sure GK will be the cheapest Army in respects to painting time!

03-24-2011, 06:37 AM
GW and cheapest army does not exist. While they may have the fewest minis, it will not be cheap at all.

03-24-2011, 07:17 AM
A lot of it varies based on points cost

a 500 point 'cron army (2x10 warriors, 1 lord) = ~ $75-$100 CDN

A 1500 point 'cron army.. different story all together.

03-24-2011, 11:26 AM
...Anyone think of anything cheaper, and is this a new GW trend?

"Cheap" and "Games-Workshop" are not normally used words in the same sentence. Unless separated by "not" somewhere in between.