View Full Version : Bloodquest and more!

03-23-2011, 10:04 AM
Anyone remember donkeys years ago when GW was doing the Bloodquest movie? Whatever happened to that?

I was talking to some friends back when there was some hype about Ultramarines, we were saying that a great idea for a 40K movie would be to do the first book from the Eisenhorn Trilogy. Great fluff, already established plot, lots of bolter pr0n, excellent character development.

were it live action, who would you want to see play Eisenhorn?

We also were thinking a movie of the Horus Heresy would do well, especially as the books for that plot were being put out, so they'd work well together (ala harry potter series).

Any other ideas for good 40K movies?

03-23-2011, 11:42 AM

get james cameron to do it


03-23-2011, 11:46 AM

get james cameron to do it


Michael Bay + Titans = more awesomesauce?

03-23-2011, 11:51 AM
michael bay would just make the titans say cheesy 1-liners and introduce the slanesshi cult of megan fox :P

03-23-2011, 11:58 AM
michael bay would just make the titans say cheesy 1-liners and introduce the slanesshi cult of megan fox :P

Touche good sir. I'm sure James Cameron would find a way to rip off Fern Gully.. maybe set the movie on Catachan...

We need more grizzled actors. Too many pretty boys