View Full Version : Dark Eldar Grotesque Question

03-22-2011, 10:13 PM
Hi all,

I was going over the DE codex, and was wondering about fitting out an Aberration with Scissorhands. That would give him 5/6 Attacks and wound on a 3+ with a likely re-roll. My question is what happens to poisoned CC weapons when attacking vehicles? The rulebook says that the advantage isn't conferred against vehicles (no duh, one doesn't roll to wound on vehicles), so does the weapon just use attacker's strength, or is it worthless against vehicles like the DE's poisoned shooting attacks?

Any replies would be appreciated.

03-22-2011, 10:52 PM
Just use the strength of the model. Shooting weapons have no strength value in their profile thus they cannot affect vehicles. A model has a strength value.

The scissorhand simply says that it WOUNDS on a 3+ in close-combat it doesn't say that it removes the model's strength characteristic.

03-23-2011, 12:39 AM
Just use the strength of the model. Shooting weapons have no strength value in their profile thus they cannot affect vehicles. A model has a strength value.

The scissorhand simply says that it WOUNDS on a 3+ in close-combat it doesn't say that it removes the model's strength characteristic.

Thanks for the reply. That's what I thought. I've been looking for ways to use them as the Internet says that they are teh suck, but you can do wound allocation nonsense with them, they have FNP vs krak missiles and can inflict a world of hurt on vehicles. Mindphase gauntlets could even mess with power fist ICs. Their biggest drawback is their low Ld, so they require a hammie, but that would also give them furious charge. In short, they look like they could be fun!

03-23-2011, 02:06 AM
The biggest issue with Grotesques is that they're not Incubi...or Trueborn...or Bloodbrides or any of the other disgusting units DE can take as Elites.

03-23-2011, 06:22 AM
Do what I do, take 10 Grots with two Heamonculi. Watch as your opponent squirms and tries to deal with a unit he cannot kill. It is probably one of the more powerful unit combination in the book.

Also, don't bother with the mindphase gauntlet. Just get scissorhands and go to town.

This unit also makes a great WWP delivery system.

03-23-2011, 07:28 AM
Take Urien, and a unit of them with a hemonc...nothing like S6 (7 on the charge) mutliwound, T5, FNP hurters. Then with an aberation and a liquifier gun or2 and you can even have a little play around with wound allocation!

03-23-2011, 07:43 AM
Dont listen to the internet too closely man. Have you ever seen what a full unit of Spawn can do when guided by a rhino to narrow their field of vission? Its random, not pretty, and woe betid the fool who lets those guys walk into his lines.

Grotesques have their uses, and they are quite scary, so have at em!

Drew da Destroya
03-23-2011, 10:22 AM
I like sticking a real killy HQ in with a group of 4, in a raider. An Archon or Lelith, generally. Let the brutes take hits while the HQ tears things in half. Also, starting your HQ with FNP? Excellent.

And Scissorhand is the way to go. 7 attacks on the charge? Thanks. Throw in a Liquifier, and you have a party. A Wound-Allocation party!

Ok, that was dumb... but I like my Grotties.