View Full Version : Kabal of the Sundered Moon

03-22-2011, 12:57 AM
Hey all, I'm back once more, after a harrowing trial of non-warhammering and selling of my daemon army (now to my great regret) as well as a few other things, I feel I must start anew. I am beginning work on a Dark Eldar army, the Kabal of the Sundered Moon, and will be posting my progress as it goes forth.

03-22-2011, 03:30 AM
Quick note for the record, I'm not just jumping on the bandwagon here with everyone wanting Dark Eldar thanks to the ever-entertaining "new and shiny syndrome." I've wanted to do Dark Eldar for a while now, I've liked the shadowy, completely depraved nature of them, and the theme of the Eldar fallen from grace, but...well...the 3rd Ed. Codex just didn't have much info, and I really hated some of the older range models, so I held out for like...3 years until the new Codex and models were released. And now after going through the 5th Ed. Codex, I'm going to make this a fast, light army, lead by a Succubus and using primarily Wych units, Reavers, Hellions, and Raiders. Although I'll certainly use Dark Eldar Kaballite Warriors to some extent or another, they just don't feel as fast or nimble as the Wyches do. Oh, and a major theme I'll be including is the somewhat shamanistic feel of the Beastmaster, maybe even going so far as to make it a central theme for my army as a whole. We'll see ;3

Drew da Destroya
03-22-2011, 09:53 AM
This is the Painting/Modelling section, dude. You don't have to justify your army choice, especially not to a group of anonymous interneters!

I'm in your same boat. I was proxying the old DE codex for a while, but never bought any of the models. Since the gorgeous new models came out, I've been starting my army!

Looking forward to your pictures, man.

03-22-2011, 10:05 AM
I'm the same! Always wanted to add DE to my craftworlders, but i was told they had a new stuff soonish so didn't buy very much old stuff.

Well soonish turned out to be 18 months....

So they're my third army not my 2nd.

Just paint what you want, if you've got the skillz thats all thats important

03-23-2011, 03:31 PM
I played them alot...once I hit fifth place on our local with them...bum model range keep me away from buying models...now we can talk.

Anyway m8...im waitin for pics...c`mon!;)