View Full Version : Dark Eldar Airforce!

03-21-2011, 08:10 PM
So I recently came into a bit of money (Tax season for a student is always fun) and I am determined to buy myself some forge world fliers.

I am trying to figure out a good way to field them at 1850 (I don't like this size but its my LGS limit, so might as well go as big as I can).

Archon w/ Huskblade, Soul Trap, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Shadow Field

Haem w/ Shattershard

Bloodbrides x 6 w/ Agonizer Syren, 2 Shardnet+Impaler , Raider

Incubi x 5 w/ Raider

Trueborn x 4 w/ 4 Blasters, Venom

Warriors x 5 w/ Venom, Blaster

Warriors x 5 w/ Raider, Blaster

Warriors x 5 w/ Raider, Blaster

Warriors x 5 w/ Raider, Blaster

Reaver Jetbikes x 9 w/ 3 Heat Lances, Venom Blade Champ

Voidraven w/ 3x Shatterfield Missiles, 1x Necrotoxin

Voidraven w/ 3x Shatterfield Missiles, 1x Necrotoxin


Venoms only have one SC, can't find points for the extra but I guess Shatterfields make up for it somewhat.

Heam goes with the Brides, Incubi escort Archon.

Do I need to drop the CC for more Voidraven support?

The only thing in the list that I refuse to change is the Voidravens, everything else is free game! I just want to use some fliers QQ. (And of course win with them)

03-21-2011, 10:33 PM
Shatterfields aren't bad, but I'd take the Monscythes because of the AP. It means that when you kill the Mekboy or catch somebody in the open, they don't get the benefit of the armor save last second.

Oh, and S7 AP- isn't going to do any better against vehicles. No rerolls (the operable word there is WOUNDS) and seriously, how many 1s are you rolling? If this was "wound on a 4+" then maybe, but not S7. But then, I think fewer than 4 missiles is a waste. You can fire them al at oncel, why wouldn't you? The single blast won't cause enough wounds to matter on a large squad.

Rest of the army?

Drop the Reavers. Buy another Voidraven. You will have better anti-infantry AND better anti-tank. Also, Nightshields and Flickerfields on the flyers--those things are target priority number one for most opponents because they always have the answer to whatever you are fighting.

Final comment on your HQs:

Haemonculous is simply not worth it. Shattershards will kill at most roughly 1/3 of a marine squad. You don't have Wracks. Use the points to put more missiles on your voidravens, which will do better.

Huskblade with Soul Trap (because why would you use anything else with it?) is a weapon that might occasionally work against some models, but usually not. The issue is this: unless you are playing Tyranids, you won't kill an MC in close combat nor will you get to fight an IC. Hell, Imperial Guard have only three units in the entire codex with the IC rule, and one is unique. The other two rarely see table time, in my experience playing Guard (the most common army at my LGS and nearly matching Marines elsewhere nearby). And this is before we get to the crucial wording that the bearer, and only the bearer, of the soul trap is allowed to kill the enemy unit in question. So very often, you will be praying for that 5/6 to wound, then hoping that a 50-50 invul save will go in your favor.

03-21-2011, 11:07 PM
You know that is a very good point about the missiles,I had never thought about that.

I'm just a little worried about putting to many points into the voidravens. 4x monoscythe, NS, FF comes to over 200 points. On AV 11. At least the reaver squad can melta a transport and assualt the goey insides for FNP. The three meltas are also better AT then 2 void lances.

Very hard decisions, thanks for the food for thought!

Edit: (to match yours)
Haem is there for FNP wyches. Huskblade + Trap is there for power armored IC's mostly.

03-21-2011, 11:19 PM
3 S6 meltas aren't as good as 6 S9 lances. And on top of that you have the missiles.

Really, these have performed MUCH better for me than the bikes have. I run three Razorwings or Voidravens in every list now past 750 points. The missiles backing up the Lances is what makes the biggest difference.

03-22-2011, 12:37 AM
2 x Void Lance versus 2 xHeat Lance: Chance to destroy a vehicle

AV10: 0.37 vs 0.57

AV11: 0.29 vs 0.5

AV12: 0.22 vs 0.41

So 6 void lances are BARELY better then 3 meltas, BUT cost at a minimun 435 points, to the reavers 234. I'm not sold on dropping my armies best AT unit just yet =P

03-22-2011, 05:05 AM
Although a void lance can strike that armour from across the table, whereas the heat lances require the squad to probably be up close and personal, which if its a transport vehcile is going to hurt you, fast.

Also if you've just come into money to buy this, i'd advise patience before you buy and convert FW bits. The aircraft are due out in plastic, at half the cost in a few months.

Also i agree with cactusman. A soul trap and huskblade is nice, and can really lay the smack down on folk, but an agoniser is a much better weapon choice. plus it'll free up a few more points for use elsewhere....

03-22-2011, 11:55 AM
Where did you get that info DrLove?

I kind of assumed the next wave of models will be the heamo wave in June, which would leave the fliers till around Augast.

If you're right then that is very exciting news!

P.s. The Reavers will charge the troops in a transport, and can also JSJ out of LoS if they want to.