View Full Version : Dipping

03-21-2011, 03:51 PM
Im looking at trying the techinic thats called Dipping.
I am aware of the Army painter dipping product what else do people use?

03-21-2011, 04:47 PM

If your in the states pick up some Minwax Polyshades Satin Tudor. Ace is the only place Ive found it. Home Depot and Lowes dont have it for some reason. You'll need some mineral spirits to clean up after. Its something like $8 for a small can that will last a long time as oppsed to the army painter that is $35 for the same sized can. There are other colors of Minwax that will work depending on your tastes.


03-21-2011, 05:21 PM
I've personnaly yet to find a use for dipping. For me its a too haphazard technique, often resulting in paint being over thick in places or not quite getting everywhere I want it. I might be doing it wrong though.

I have however heard of people using normal GW and Vallajeo (sp?) paints thinned with proper acryllic thinners. Of course, you would usually need to use a bigger tub/pot than the ones supplied by either company, so you could incure a certain wastage of paint.

Brass Scorpion
03-21-2011, 11:02 PM
Im looking at trying the techinic thats called Dipping.
I am aware of the Army painter dipping product what else do people use?Darker brown Minwax also works. I actually tried that recently for my Orks, A few years ago it would have been a massive time-saver, but thanks to the ease of use of GW's current washes I foiund that washing with Devlan Mud worked just as fast and yielded better results. Give dipping a try and see what you think. The Army Painter stuff is supposed to be pretty good and a friend of mine gave me some, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

03-22-2011, 01:36 AM
there wasa a tutorial on it in one of the astro mags ( google it) a while back

dipping is simply
1) pain model badly in base colours
2) dip
3) matte varnish
5) profit.

be warned dipping isnt going to win any awards: its simply a 3 colour minimum + shades technique..... but the dip shades for you.

03-22-2011, 04:09 AM
Darker brown Minwax also works. I actually tried that recently for my Orks, A few years ago it would have been a massive time-saver, but thanks to the ease of use of GW's current washes I foiund that washing with Devlan Mud worked just as fast and yielded better results. Give dipping a try and see what you think. The Army Painter stuff is supposed to be pretty good and a friend of mine gave me some, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

I have to agree with using GW washes instead of dipping, I think they give you far better control and take no time at all, with all the colours available too I stayed away from dipping once gw released these washes. :D

03-22-2011, 09:05 AM
if you want good results dont dip. I use GW washes and the old GW inks. Vallejo Washes are also very good.

03-22-2011, 11:36 AM
yeah use washes instead of dipping, only EVER use dipping if you need an painted army in a day, use washes and you can make nice models!

06-04-2015, 09:39 PM
I have dipping my Tyranids for a couple years now and think it is a fine technique, in fact I may just throw up some pics and a tutorial if anyone is interested.

06-06-2015, 01:15 PM

I'd be interested in seeing that. I've never heard of dipping before and from Fuzz's description it doesn't sound to terribly effective. But if you've had different results, I'd like to see how you go about it. I have most of a chapter left to paint and I always like learning new things.

06-07-2015, 10:52 PM
Hey I am just getting ready to dip my Flyrant, I will throw up some pics. I see this is an old thread but I can't seem to find the thread I got my info from so I will post some ramblongs and let you judge for yourself.

06-11-2015, 10:37 PM
Well first off here are some links for dip tutorials, the one I used from tyranid hive hasn't any pictures anymore so I took some when I did mine!

I tried the method on dakka dakka but soon abandoned it, it more mess, extra steps and if those wang clips aren't sitting right your genestealers are airborne!
Second this method works GREAT for Tyranids, well any flesh I guess, but I wouldn't try it on power armor...
Lastly dipping is a method to provide shading as well as a gloss coat of urethane, stronger than any varnish, I think the finish is just as important as the shade, and if your one of those people who is dipping then hitting with a clear coat to eliminate the gloss that's cool but if you don't dig the finish you are better with sticking to citadel shades.

Everything you need some Minwax polyshade, some mineral spirits(the only stuff that will remove the minwax) and some cheap brushes. I dilute my polyshade to a 8:1 ratio of shade to mineral spirits, the polyshade itself is far to thick and you will lose details. I originally started at 10:1 like in the tutorial and it worked well when I was actually "dipping" my models in the polyshade, now I use a brush and the extra dry time is nice when your slopping around the dip.
I used a tudor satin because it's basically a nuln oil because it fit my paint scheme, there are a variety of shades most in the red to brown range (it is meant for staining wood after all)

Found this guy just lying around

My Malanthrope lol, till I have to get another squad of Zoans (highly unlikely, even though they look so keewl now)

And Mr. Hamcannons...

06-11-2015, 10:39 PM
sorry ran out of space for the pics!

Any questions have at er, I have lots more pics too, might just put them up for fun anyways.

06-13-2015, 01:35 PM
Very cool, gunna have to give this a try. I already have a model in mind and all the necessary stuff in my tool cabinet. Thanks Bren!