View Full Version : Conversions are a lot of work...

03-21-2011, 10:25 AM
Anyone ever get any really, really bad axe conversion ideas but had to be scrapped due to money, bitz, or time constraints? Got pictures of your half baked ideas? I'll upload some of my pics from my half-trakk that didn't work out so well when I get a chance.

I used to have a sweet idea of using an Empire Steam Tank as an Ork Trukk, but then they upsized the truck and I had to scrap it.

03-21-2011, 10:40 AM
I have plenty of projects that are part way through, but nothing I ever do 40k-wise ever gets scrapped... just goes in to storage until it either becomes bits or gets finished. Took me about 3 years to build up my warlord, and I had several attempts at some parts (most notably the legs) before I got the look and feel I was going for.

I think the nearest I've come to an idea that actually got scrapped was a rather half-hearted attempt at making a Fortress for my space marines out of balsa wood. it had a moving gate, ramparts, multiple levels... until my dad back his car in to the garage while it was drying and crushed it to splinters! Never did get round to starting again, but if I ever do I would take a whole different approach to making it.

03-21-2011, 02:11 PM
Eldar Wave Serpent with old coffin shield field projectors.

modular fortress walls.

Titans and knights.

AH-1 and UH-1 versions of Valkyrie, on hold but expect to get them done.

variant heavy weapons for IG, current project.

03-21-2011, 02:24 PM
I have a TON of ideas that will probable never see the light of day because I just don't have the money for them. I have a tau battle suit that I put a little motor in to spin a little snub nose version of the burst cannon from his chest I just need to make a base to hide the battery and solder in a switch. I don't have a soldering gun so it sits there... mocking me.

03-21-2011, 04:12 PM
Amigo, pretty much all my projects are half done, that's why they call me half a job phill. However, i have now stopped starting new ones and found that i'm slowy finishing the old ones.