View Full Version : Assaults with Master Crafted Weapon

03-21-2011, 10:14 AM
Hello. I have a question about rolling attacks for a unit equipped with master crafted weapons.

For example, lets take a unit of stock Sang Guard and say it's still five men strong.

With two attacks each, under normal circumstances we'd compare WS, get the 'to hit' number and roll ten dice.

However, the rules for master crafted weapons let the model bearing it re-roll ONE miss per combat.

So, as I see this, each model's two attacks must be rolled separately so you can be sure each model is only re-rolling one miss.

In other words, if I roll ten dice at once and four are misses, there is no way to know which models those four misses go to. Did four models miss once, two models miss twice, etc.

This is obviously a game slower, but it's how I see things needing to be done to stay with the rules. Thoughts?


03-21-2011, 10:37 AM
Hello. I have a question about rolling attacks for a unit equipped with master crafted weapons.

For example, lets take a unit of stock Sang Guard and say it's still five men strong.

With two attacks each, under normal circumstances we'd compare WS, get the 'to hit' number and roll ten dice.

However, the rules for master crafted weapons let the model bearing it re-roll ONE miss per combat.

So, as I see this, each model's two attacks must be rolled separately so you can be sure each model is only re-rolling one miss.

In other words, if I roll ten dice at one and four are misses, there is no way to know which models those four misses go to. Did four models miss once, two models miss twice, etc.

This is obviously a game slower, but it's how I see things needing to be done to stay with the rules. Thoughts?


You are entirely correct. Every set of attacks made by a given master-crafted weapon needs to be rolled or designated individually.

If that's five models each with a master crafted thunder hammer (not uncommon with codex marines and Vulkan) you roll a separate set of dice for each model.

03-21-2011, 10:39 AM
Use different colored dice for each model or role each model's to-hit separately.
That or just get the opponent to allow each miss to be re-rolled.

03-21-2011, 10:47 AM
Thanks guys......I have a ton of different colored dice....another use for them....


03-21-2011, 11:57 AM
That or just get the opponent to allow each miss to be re-rolled.
. . . and hope that they don't realise that they are being cheated. :rolleyes:

03-21-2011, 12:43 PM
Good info on re-rolling for the master crafted weapons. I believe I read somewhere that you can only re-roll a dice one time. I have played Sang guard with a Chaplain and only re-rolled all the to "hit" misses from the Lit of Blood rule and did not re-roll those as master crafted as well.

03-21-2011, 12:45 PM
That's correct, the MC effect is useless if you're charging with a chaplain.

Mycroft Holmes
03-21-2011, 12:54 PM
That's correct, the MC effect is useless if you're charging with a chaplain.

Or a Lib using "Unleash Rage."
