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View Full Version : Project Throgg - A WoC Troll Army

03-21-2011, 01:30 AM
So I thought I would say hello to the BoLS forums by posting my current project. This first post is pretty much a cut/paste from other forums. So Im sorry if some of it doesnt make sence.

Anyhow in about a month I'll be attending a local campaign weekend, which is all about the fun, and not the win! So I've revived a project I started about 2 years about. A Warriors of Chaos, troll list. Nothing at all 'man' sized. Idealy no humans at all. These are the troll conversions I did back then



Well its been 2 years, and Ive finaly painted one as a test scheme.

Heres the Troll (Sorry bad photo)


And a chaos ogre along with a hound...


Ignore the skin on the Ogre, Ive changed that since this photo was taken.

03-21-2011, 01:32 AM
Sorry for the double post but I had hit the img cap in the first post.

Mass update. Ive been busy! :) Just as a heads up all of these have poor light in the photo, sorry. I'll try get a nice shot of everything at the end.

This is the warshrine, and while not finished. Its 'done enough'. if I have time I can go back and touch up some of the details.


Hellcannon, nearing completion.


My Eternal unit. That banner took alot of converting! Theres parts from 4 kits in that!


03-21-2011, 02:32 AM
Not my sort of army, but very nice conversions and paint jobs. I like the purple flesh in particular.

04-07-2011, 11:19 PM
These look killer man, really digging it! Can we see Throgg???

04-09-2011, 03:13 AM
Sorry been far to busy to actualy paint stuff. I do however need to have this completed by this weekend. So expect mass updates! :)

Heres Galrauch, my only form of magic offence / defence!


The base is a bit meh, I may strip it and start again if I have time!

04-11-2011, 02:59 PM
Progress so far today.

Started Eternal unit, all base coated.
10 Trolls all painted and washed. Needs another layer though, and details picking out ect
Movement trays built
BSB started, heres a crappy camera phone shot. Its not finished!


Painting him has made me realise Im a very lazy painter these days. It took more time to paint that ogres flesh with layering then it did to paint 10 trolls using washes. It looks a million times better for it though, pitty the crap camera doesnt pick it up.

6 Ogres to start, 12 or so warhounds and hellcannon crew left. Oh and basing!

04-12-2011, 07:54 AM
5 Finished trolls, well minus the bases. Still CCPP's


No flash this time, shows the blending better but the dark area's are daker then they actualy are. Joys of using a phone for photos :p