View Full Version : Forgeworld open day 2011: what to look out for this year

03-19-2011, 11:58 AM
just glanced over the latest forgeworld email, this caught my eye

"Daren Parrwood has recently finished work on a huge Imperial Guard armoured transport vehicle, while Phil Stutcinskas is surrounded by Rogue Trader-era reference details, shards of plasticard, and Space Marines.

Will Hayes, having recently passed the mighty Phantom Titan over to Production, has begun working on slightly smaller Eldar upgrade components in recent days, and Stuart Williamson has turned his attention to Eldar of a slightly darker nature.

Paul Rudge’s Book Design team: Ian Strickland, Sam Lamont and Rhys Pugh, will be showcasing the work that goes into creating the lavish photographic art, maps, and colour profiles that illustrate our Imperial Armour books. A work-in-progress copy of the forthcoming Imperial Armour Volume 11: The Doom of Mymeara will be available for you to peruse along with an early proof copy of the very first Warhammer Forge expansion book, Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos"
Emphasis mine

hell yeah!

luckily i have my new car ready to attend this year :D

03-19-2011, 09:25 PM
"Daren Parrwood has recently finished work on a huge Imperial Guard armoured transport vehicle, while Phil Stutcinskas is surrounded by Rogue Trader-era reference details, shards of plasticard, and Space Marines.

emphasis mine. After last years Heresy era armors, I can't wait to see what is next!

03-20-2011, 12:15 AM
So are the fantasy expansions looking to be like the IA books for 40k? That would be awesome to see.

03-20-2011, 02:56 AM
Unlike previous years, they haven't announced which titan is going to be the raffle prize... Would anyone care to wager on it being the Phantom? Either way I'll still be spending my £5 on tickets, even though out of the last three years, two of the winners only bought 1 ticket each lol.

Morgan Darkstar
03-27-2011, 04:54 PM
apparently gamesday uk is slightly smaller this year only 2 halls rather than three, I will still be going as i really enjoyed being crushed in last years forgeworld Queue/Scrum :)

also keep your eyes peeled for goatboy!

03-28-2011, 01:30 AM
luckily i have my new car ready to attend this year :D[/QUOTE]

A new car.....don't ever, ever buy a new car you are being ripped off the moment you do buy one. When some jackass passes your new car and scratches it you will not be happy, like I was once a upon a time. Anyway, best thing to do is do a deal with a sales guy for a dealerships showroom car, yes it's second hand but hey you get a fantastic vehicle for a knockdown price and then if someone scratches it you wont feel so bad as it was not new, but slightly new ;)

As for FW please find out what the next 40K IA books will be about and if they are desigining kits for the SoB or BT's. What / When can we expect to see more IG kits and any other models for the Badab War and lastly will they do another series like the Badab War?

For Warhammer try and ascertain if they have a "roadmap" of their projects for the next year or so and will they be so good as to share it with you?

and final point - What is happening with Warhammer Historical?

Thanks and enjoy the day you jammy devil! :)

03-28-2011, 02:02 AM
emphasis mine. After last years Heresy era armors, I can't wait to see what is next!

That's the part that caught my attention also!

03-28-2011, 03:26 AM
I'm going to try to keep my eye out for other BoLS members. I would say I'll be in my Assassin Costume as per Games Day last year, but I've all ready been banned by the guys I'm catching a lift with. Partly because the driver thought I was a woman with a nice bottom in the skin tight suit.

Any ideas as to how to find one another?