View Full Version : 12,000 pts Dark Angels vs 12,000 pts Tyranids

03-19-2011, 03:21 AM

I am currently preparing a pizza and beer game of Apocalypse against a good friend of mine. We intend to play our collections of Dark Angels and Tyranids, which we collected since the late 1980s.

What we agreed so far:
12,000 points each from one single codex
Painted models only
WYGIWYS exept for Terrorfexes which can be represented by FW Hierodules
No titans or Tyranid equivalents
No vehicles with structure points
No titan killer type weaponry
Joined update of data sheets to 5th edition rules
We shall do a full battle report including analysis

Agreed sources
Apocalypse rulebook
Apocalypse Reloaded
Imperial Armor Apocalypse I
Imperial Armor Apocalypse II
Online datasheets from GW

We will both know each other’s lists and post them ahead on BOLS. We shall also do a full video report and analysis. This game is meant to test data sheets on effectiveness. As GW has quite a few data sheets out there which are useless.

I am able to deploy the following data sheets:
Thunderhawk Gunship
Vindicator Linebreaker Squad
Space Marine Suppression Force
A Battle Company
Skyhammer Orbital Strike Force
Deathknell Orbital Strike Force
Deathwing Redemption Force
Armoured Spearhead
Land Raider Terminus Ultra
Siege Dreadnought
Strike Eagle Drop Pod Assault
Ancients Assault Force
Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod
Predator Assasin Squadron

I discarded all data sheets not listed above as unworthy, senseless or ‘unfluffy’. My thoughts about the remaining data sheets from a Dark Angels perspective are as follows:
1. Thunderhawk Gunship
As agreed, this data sheet has to be discarded due to the structure points and the titan killer weapon I attached to the model. However, as a general view this data sheet is a bit overpriced by at least 100 points and spends most of its life time in my show case after. I used it only once so far. It was shot down in round two as its amour is easily penetrated with most long range weapons on the field.
2. Armoured Spearhead
Solid data sheet. I almost always play it with two Land Raiders and one Land Raider Crusader. I use it to transport a veteran squad lead by Azrael in the Crusader and two tactical squads.
3. Suppression Force
A must-have data sheet against Tyranids. I will play it with five Whirlwinds.
4. Line Breaker Squadron
As I do not know whether the terrain will have a lot of cover. I might make sense to eradicate obstacles AND slow down my opponents advance. Thus I will use a Linebreaker with five Vindicators. Depending on the situation I can draw the ‘dinner plate of doom’ or use single templates.
5. Battle Company
The fluff bunny in me makes me want to play it. We updated ‘Hold at all Costs’ to 5th edition that every unit in the battle company can score.
6. Land Raider Terminus Ultra
Nice model. Yet it is to static. It can only fire all weapons if it stays where once deployed. Discarded.
7. Skyhammer Orbital Strike Force
Discarded in favor of the battle company data sheet.
8. Deathknell Orbital Strike Force
I intend to play one with 6 Terminator squadrons and two cybots.
9. Deathwing Redemption Force
Discarded in favor of the Deathknell data sheet.
10. Siege Dreadnought
I will use one to be better able to ‚clean‘ bunkers or equivalent solid structures infested by Tyranids.
11. Damocles
I ALWAYS take one.
12. Strike Eagle Drop Pod Assault
Discarded in favor of the battle company.
13. Ancients Aussault Force
Great sheet. Yet, by personal taste only, I prefer to use single Cybots. I use them to counterattack. I usually deploy them in addition to a tactical squat. So every tactical in the battle company will get a Cybot, but two. Those two will be in the Armoured Spearhead.
14. Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod
The two Cybots in the Dethknell will get one each.
15. Predator Assassin Squadron
I shall deploy five Predator Annihilator as an Assassin Squadron. Just in case one or two big bugs show up ;)

I am very happy to receive some feedback. Flame on 

P.S.: English is not my mother tongue. Excuse lingual mishaps, please.