View Full Version : SANGUINARY Priest

03-18-2011, 04:31 PM
for those of you who follow my blog this is nothing new (ahh procrastination) but heres my newley finished priest
more pics at my blog: www.fuzzbuket.blogspot.com
and on EBAy
and on cmon soon too!

ive got a ton of pics if you want to see more ( or just go to the blog)

well thats enough self promotion.

thanks for reading


03-18-2011, 06:36 PM
I feel like you aren't using enough water and thinning your paint enough. The paint looks really heavy and clumped, especially the white. You also need to work some more on your detail. The cape and the wings on the chest especially.

If you are trying to sell a model I would expect a higher level of polish.

03-18-2011, 06:53 PM
I concur with Sisiutl, thinning your paints is very good. Don't worry if it means you have to apply several thin coats to get a nice solid color. Remember you can always add more but it's harder to remove it. I would recommend painting all the fine details last like the small bits on the legs. If you look in the first picture the leg with the laurel under the knee looks like the armour around the laurel was just left the primer color. When you add highlights to red make sure you add small amounts of yellow to lighten and green to darken the red. White just turns the red pinkish, and black turns it brown. Overal the paint job on the model is pretty good. I highly advocate using the GW washes to help with the shading process.

03-19-2011, 12:41 AM
the problem may be i thinned too much :( but didnt thin the white when painting red. look closley at the kneepad- there is a orange (vallejo yellow/ merchite red) but is very thin

thanks for the constructive critisism!


03-19-2011, 02:26 AM
I agree with the points about thinning the paints on the white, However some of the other parts of the paint job I really like, The vials on the waist look really well done imo. I like the simple but effective chipping of the armour and although the helmet lenses look a little thick, the actual "effect" looks good in my book. I don't know what the painters are like in your LGS but mine are generally a bit sh*t with the exception of a few and your paint job here is much better than the average I see on the table. :D

Oh and the base is very nice too.

03-19-2011, 01:09 PM
You definately have the potential to paint exceptionaly well. One suggestion for the helmet would be to paint with maybe astronomicon grey foundation followed by a highlight of codex grey then skull white, leaving the deepest recesses grey. Then wash the recessed areas with badab black or gryphon sepia and see how that turns out for you. Just make sure you do the eye lenses before the rest of the helmet cause it is definately easier to do the eyes when you don't have to worry about messing up the rest of the face.

03-20-2011, 03:00 AM
yeh i used to do codex grey-skull white nut the overall effect was a light grey , but currently foundation grey> skull whit looks more white but is less shaded!

ill try your method soon- it sounds like it may work!