View Full Version : Dark Eldar Conversions

03-16-2011, 10:12 AM
I am fairly new to the hobby. I have an almost finished space marine army that I am using to learn and become comfortable with the rules and tactics of the game. However, during this learning phase, I am responding to a welling up of inspiration. I am working on a dark eldar army.

My first conversions were with wyches. Instead of using the dark eldar bodies, I used daemonettes. Dark Eldar wych bodies lack any real chest size and their bodies lack graceful looking movements. At least in my opinion. I will be posting pictures later.

I also want some scourges. I have some ideas for conversions, but are waiting on getting the bits.

Any suggestions are more than welcome.

03-16-2011, 10:20 AM
...Dark Eldar wych bodies lack any real chest size and their bodies lack graceful looking movements.

You have seen the new models correct?! They are way better than the 12 year old ones.

03-17-2011, 02:36 AM
You have seen the new models correct?! They are way better than the 12 year old ones.

Yeah, I'm with Mystery.Shadow on this.

03-17-2011, 03:40 AM
The new Wych models are far more dynamic than the Daemonettes, what an odd thing to do.:confused:

03-17-2011, 07:48 AM
If you are looking for a interesting unit to convert, try Beastmasters. Every Tyranid or other alien can be made into a Beastmaster unit, and it will look great on the table.

Also, Daemonettes as Wyches? I think Wyches are much more elegant then the Slaaneshi Daemons, but they do fit the half-naked-women-warriors theme.

03-18-2011, 10:12 AM
Thanks Frankio9. I was thinking about doing that as well.

And I am talking about the new wyches. I just think that the daemonettes provide a much more interesting appearance on the field. I'll put up pics tonight or tomorrow of my finished conversions. I did paint one last night as well (so I'll put up that picture too).

As mentioned, I'm also going to be doing up scourges, as well as some wracks.