View Full Version : Why!?

03-16-2011, 02:27 AM
Why do I see a lot of people saying that Roboute Guilliman wore and used the Gauntlets of Ultramar?! When in the SM: Dex it says Marneus Calgar took them from a chaos champion and reforged them.

03-16-2011, 02:34 AM
nevermind, just went and re-read the description in the 3rd edition? space marine dex and it does say the primarch won them.

03-16-2011, 10:58 AM
Pretty sad how there is so much fluff from other edtion codecies, that GW doesn't use. Another example is 4th edtion Dark Angel Codex. In the 4th edtion codex, it says that The Lion was taken away, so I thought it was taken away in the Warp, but in 3rd edtion or 2nd it was said that The Lion was taken by the Watchers in the Dark and is in The Rock hybernating away.

I wish GW wouldn't do this and expand the fluff not shrink it up. When you have the latest codex you should have the latest information, more not less.

03-16-2011, 12:03 PM
This is one of my few complaints about GW fluff. Over the years there have been quite a few revisions. many have been from novels but some have been in the various codex. In settings like Star Wars, Star Trek, etc they have people who review any new material and determine if it is consistent with existing material. Gw appears to take an alternate view, "Wow author X has a cool story, it contradicts the last Codex but I think his version is cool so I'm using it in my Codex"

03-16-2011, 12:12 PM
I like that GW is willing to change fluff, it generally doesnt change too much, and sometimes gets more depth anyway.

03-16-2011, 12:31 PM
Why do I see a lot of people saying that Roboute Guilliman wore and used the Gauntlets of Ultramar?! When in the SM: Dex it says Marneus Calgar took them from a chaos champion and reforged them.

Where did you even get that impression from?

Drew da Destroya
03-17-2011, 08:03 AM
In settings like Star Wars, Star Trek, etc they have people who review any new material and determine if it is consistent with existing material.

This is definitely not true. They retconned where the Death Star was created like crazy between the Admiral Thrawn series and the new movies.

In the "original" telling, the Death Star was being designed by Thrawn in a super-top-secret part of the galaxy which was literally surrounded by black holes. This differs from the movies, where you see it being given to Count Dooku on Geonosis... which is clearly not surrounded by crazy black holes.

Not trying to tear you down specifically, btw. Just pointing out that all systems of lore have retcons and inaccuracies.

03-17-2011, 08:10 AM
where you see it being given to Count Dooku on Geonosis

Think about what you just said. That they gave the death star to Dooku on Geonosis.

No. They gave the design plans for the death star to him. A small holograph/data thing.

Theres no way that the death star could fit in Dooku's pockets, unless they were powered by black holes.

03-17-2011, 08:31 AM
boba fett totally shot his way out of the sarlaac pit. best story ever

Drew da Destroya
03-17-2011, 08:50 AM
Think about what you just said. That they gave the death star to Dooku on Geonosis.

No. They gave the design plans for the death star to him. A small holograph/data thing.

Theres no way that the death star could fit in Dooku's pockets, unless they were powered by black holes.

lol, I'm sorry, I meant the plans to build it. Regardless, in the new movies, it wasn't being designed by Thrawn in the Maw.

boba fett totally shot his way out of the sarlaac pit. best story ever

"At least you didn't go out like a *****."

Ever see that Robot Chicken episode? Hilarious.

03-17-2011, 08:57 AM
Didn't he detonate his jet pack and sort of literally blast his way up and out, rather shoot his way out? It has been an age since I read the book, maybe they retconned that as well. SW: Expanded Universe, one of the best examples of taking 'furthering the story' too far. Han Solo et al running around fighting in galactic wars in their 70s ftw.:rolleyes:

Well, it could be the superweapon of the Death Star was being designed in the Maw while the superstructure had been designed seperately and earlier. Under Daala, by authority of Tarkin though. Thrawn was of spreading enlightened Imperial rule to the outer reaches of the galaxy, wasn't he?\

This probably should go in the oubliette now.

Drew da Destroya
03-17-2011, 12:39 PM
Yeah, you're right, it was Daala. Research fail on my part, I remembered reading both the Thrawn and Daala arcs around the same time several years back, and clearly crossed some wires.

Also, speaking of taking things too far, how did we get from the Ultramarines to the SW: Expanded Universe?

03-17-2011, 01:25 PM
Didn't he detonate his jet pack and sort of literally blast his way up and out, rather shoot his way out? It has been an age since I read the book, maybe they retconned that as well. SW: Expanded Universe, one of the best examples of taking 'furthering the story' too far. Han Solo et al running around fighting in galactic wars in their 70s ftw.:rolleyes:

It's in Tales from Jabba's Palace (A Barve Like That)- he pisses the Sarlac off (or it's gestalt parasite consciousness) and makes it crush him, setting off the pack which explodes. He then shoots a hole in the creature with a concussion grenade and digs his way out. Later he is rescued by Dengar.

There's a good story in Tales of the Bounty Hunters (Last One Standing) where Boba Fett (the cool lawful neutral/vengeful psycho one, not the Kiwi/clone version) remenisces on his life and the 'justice' he's meeted out. Later he runs into a slightly aged Han - Boba immediately berates him for running around doing stupid stuff, since he's old and has a family so should be off being responsible not galavanting around the galaxy. Good stories, shame they kept stretching the plot out so much.

03-17-2011, 02:13 PM
And then in the more recent books, Fett raises an army to help fight the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Later he trains Jaina Solo go kill her brother Jacen after he turns to the dark side.

Oh, spoilers, btw;)

03-18-2011, 03:59 PM
shame they kept stretching the plot out so much.

Yeah SW died for me when they murdered Chewbacca and made the prequels. The Dune series did the same thing with god emperor and the complete reversal of paul being the kwisatz haderach. And unfortunately I think ward is getting close to doing the same thing with 40k by creating crap like driago.