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View Full Version : Eldar Ghost list 1500

Bedroom General
03-16-2011, 02:23 AM
Hiya Bolsketeers,

I'm rebuilding my concept of the Eldar from the ground up. Using the following homespun philosophical guidelines:
They are a dying race, so don't use many.
Hit the enemy when they can't hit back.
Always be able to harrass the enemy.
Disappear, or present hard targets.

So, with this self inflicted set of constrictions, and the models I own.
This is the list so far.

Nightingale Craftworld Ghost Army

Autarch Power weapon (for reserve rolls, hides near a Vibro cannon)

Avatar (or swap with WarpSpiders)

10 x Guardians Scatter Las Warlock (Embolden) Singing spear. (oh yes they are the bait)

5 x Pathfinders ( I treat them as anti infantry lascannons.)

3 x Jetbikes Sh Cannon
Plus Warlock Jetbike Singing spear Destructor

3 x Jetbikes Sh Cannon
Plus Warlock Jetbike Singing spear Destructor

3 x Jetbikes Sh Cannon

5 x Warp spiders
Exarch Extra spinner Power blades (or swap these with Avatar)

5 x Swooping hawks
Exarch Sunrifle Intercept Skyleap ( These two units, believe it or not, are the heavy lifters of my force. Yo yo hawking until able to pounce on weakened enemies with their fire power, or emping the crap out of a tank if necessary. I love them Swooping hawks!)

5 x Swooping hawks
Exarch Sunrifle Intercept Skyleap

Vibro Cannon Support Weapon (I love the rules for these babies, and I'm determined to use 'em. Auto glancing any vehicles along the line? Yes please!)
Plus Warlock Embolden (for BS4)

Vibro Cannon Support Weapon
Plus Warlock Embolden

Vibro Cannon Support Weapon
Plus Warlock Embolden

There you go, a tad under 1500 if you choose either the Avatar or the Warp Spiders. My head says Avatar, but my heart says Warp Spiders.

This is a fun list that I will definitely look forward to playing, 'cos i've a feeling it'll be quite annoying.
Please feel free to offer criticism and comment.

03-16-2011, 05:26 AM
Spiders over Avatar in your list for the fast attack.

Give the exarch the AP1 rifle....cos the hawks can DS to deal with infantry, but will have to hang around to assault any tanks. But a bunch of S6 shots, especially if ones AP1 on the rear armour can be scary

03-16-2011, 06:43 AM
I love this list! Unorthodox - something most people won't be expecting. If you've got the disposable income, I think these guys would fit PERFECTLY with the army:


Bedroom General
03-16-2011, 07:45 AM
Doc, I'll take 4 shots over 1 at st6 anyday, although the ap1 is very tempting.

03-16-2011, 08:52 AM
Eldar really need a farseer in just about any list, with the possible exception of Null Deployment Mechdar. If you want the reserves rolls then take the Autarch, and if you have your heart set on those reserves rolls then don't take the Avatar. Avatars are wonderful tarpits when they have Fortune cast on them, but when they don't they tend to die rather quickly. That and unfortunately with the Eldar codex being an older book he lacks the fleet special rule making it hard to stick him in combat.

Personally I think the Autarch would find much better use if you made him more mobile. Obviously he would be equipped to do the most damage in assault if he were on a bike, but I think he would definately fit better with the Warp Spiders or Swooping Hawks.

Vibro Cannons are neat, but Eldar heavy support slots are valuable - all the best units in the book compete for these slots. You really should fill them out better since its the only way that Eldar can get decent ranged anti-tank into the army.

03-16-2011, 03:41 PM
Hq give autarch wings and a fusion gun not only does this fit theme but give a little more anti tank ( vibros suppress tanks but for the get rid go melta)
far seer on jet bike doom will help hawks low strength attacks fortune keeps him and troop jet bikes alive
With true line of sight 3 jet bikes don't cut it I'd go 5 or 6
lose guardians replace with rangers they survive longer as bait.

avatar if you keep him back with the vibros you can lose embolden. he won't make it into combat unsupported

Dave l

Bedroom General
03-17-2011, 04:19 AM
The list's nature is to annoy, but there's nothing really to concentrate against. Its as if the Eldar couldn't really be bothered turning up. We play with at least 25% 5th ed type terrain, so hiding is quite possible. And I've decided to go with the Warp Spiders rather than the Avatar, as I haven't used them in a game yet. The Swooping Autarch is tempting (especially as I have just that model!) but the points are quite tight. I'm not sure where to find them, also I'm unsure whether the Autarch could Yo yo hawk with the squad, and I need the autarch to survive, he's just there for the reserve rolls.

Tough call with the jetbikes, I could resize and drop a squad, running 5 or 6 bikes with the two warlocks, but the small squads are I think, more potentially annoying. Again the terrain we use helps a lot when you have small squad sizes.

Even tougher call on swapping the guardians for a squad of Rangers. Great idea! I love the look of my Guardians, but I'm gonna probably switch 'em up. Thanks.