View Full Version : Need some help

03-15-2011, 10:58 AM
So I have an IG army just sitting on the shelf gathering dust and I quite fancy me some grey knight goodness. Should I try and sell my IG army and how much for?

I have:

1 company command squad with master of ordnance
Minstorum priest
1 ten man storm trooper squad

Infantry platoon
Platoon command squad
2x 10 man infantry squads
1 heavy weapon squad ( autocannons)

Vetsquad1 shotguns,meltas
Vetsquad2 plasma and chimera

2x armoured sentinels with plasma cannons

2x commissars

1 leman Russ executioner

All are heavily converted but not painted.

03-15-2011, 12:17 PM
If you sell this on eBay DO NOT PUT a Price on it. Start the auction at .99 the price will rise and is 12 hours before close you are not happy end the auction it will cost you .10 to do this if you set a high price people will ignore your auction


03-15-2011, 12:28 PM
Just add up all your stuff as if it was brand new and then subtract 10% and you will be looking at how much you can expect, although I would guess with IG you don't have to subtract the 10%.

Your converted models I can't really speculate on too much because if they are just meh then they won't bring you very much but if they are truly awesome then they could bring over retail.

The Bitz Barn has some good advice.

And for anyone who is new to selling on ebay painted models do not bring as much as they are worth even if they are "Pro Painted" they only bring more when they are "Master Painted" but even then they are a hard sell. I have a sweet stealth team and pathfinder team that I got really cheap because they were already painted, and painted VERY well I might add.