View Full Version : Keeping up with what you have posted

03-15-2011, 08:24 AM
Hey all,

New to the blog exp, been lurking around for a bit to get the feel for different websites. Basically do this while working, so I dont have tons of time to search the FAQs and whatnot.

Main question is this: how do I keep track of comments I have posted, threads I have created, and comments people have made in regards to my posts??

Im very interested to see how people respond to my comments, so any help on how I could enable this feature would be great. Thanks all!

03-15-2011, 08:36 AM
The way I check to see my replies is through the email you registered with Disqus, for the blog.

For the Lounge, it should be under your profile - a full history of your posts.

03-15-2011, 08:41 AM
when reading a post there is a thread tools pull down menu. subscribe to the thread.

On yhe right sidebar you see your user name(Welcome, FTE-Charge!!!.) in bold, with your last visit & private messages. Click on your name, or click user CP on top bar. here you will see any thrteads you have subscribed to that have new posts.

This may not be the most efficient way, but it is what I do.

You know if this was the imperium the Arbitres would string you up in a cage for being negligent to your duty if you were checking posts at work! Thank goodness this is all fantasy!

03-15-2011, 08:45 AM
You know if this was the imperium the Arbitres would string you up in a cage for being negligent to your duty if you were checking posts at work! Thank goodness this is all fantasy!

...or just an elaborate Tzeentchian illusion and our system is actually trapped behind a warp storm and Tzeentch decided to screw with us by making us think we were Earth and having us play a tabletop game based on what's going on in the galaxy around us.

03-16-2011, 08:42 AM
Thanks for the help!

03-20-2011, 02:38 PM
...or just an elaborate Tzeentchian illusion and our system is actually trapped behind a warp storm and Tzeentch decided to screw with us by making us think we were Earth and having us play a tabletop game based on what's going on in the galaxy around us.

I like that thought. Like the Matrix but a thousand times better. :cool: