View Full Version : Grey Knights mental?

03-15-2011, 03:34 AM
Does anyone else think grey knights are too cheap or is it just me? Now my friend might of got it wrong, but 100 points for 5 power weapon psycers who can instant kill a carnie, or any multi wound creature with ease? not mentioning their other psycic powers?

Now I'm not sayin they are OP, I think some of their effects are fair for the armies fluff, but 100 poins???
Thats 4 points more than a standard marine for pyschic powers/ storm bolters and power weapons....
Not to mention anti psycher and daemon grenades.

Now for me this is both a blessing and a curse. As it hopefully heralds a good future for my Black Templars, unless crudance writes it.

But anyway, with points like this how are armies Like BT meant to combat. I mean for like 3 points more he gets +2 initiative. so We basically auto lose combat, and our shooting is already out matched.

But what are your ideas?

03-15-2011, 04:41 AM
Does anyone else think grey knights are too cheap or is it just me? Now my friend might of got it wrong, but 100 points for 5 power weapon psycers who can instant kill a carnie, or any multi wound creature with ease? not mentioning their other psycic powers?

Now I'm not sayin they are OP, I think some of their effects are fair for the armies fluff, but 100 poins???
Thats 4 points more than a standard marine for pyschic powers/ storm bolters and power weapons....
Not to mention anti psycher and daemon grenades.

Now for me this is both a blessing and a curse. As it hopefully heralds a good future for my Black Templars, unless crudance writes it.

But anyway, with points like this how are armies Like BT meant to combat. I mean for like 3 points more he gets +2 initiative. so We basically auto lose combat, and our shooting is already out matched.

But what are your ideas?

Yes, Grey Knights are better than Tactical Marines for their cost. Four points for a force weapon, a Storm Bolter, Aegis (very mediocre psychic defense) and some funny grenades. They get access to an excellent, versatile heavy/assault weapon (the psycannon) and can even take two of them. They're just better.

They're not all psyckers--the unit as a whole is a psycker, which can either "activate" all of the unit's force weapons or use Hammer Hand, which gives the unit +1 S.

Also, there's no premium for the Justicar, which is neat.

That said, they're missing out on some of the good stuff in the Marine codex, and I'm not sure they're going to end up being a much stronger army, in general. Much better in combat, certainly, but a little lacking in the firepower area.

Night System
03-15-2011, 04:45 AM
To be honest, there not THAT much better in combat, having the stormbolters is scarier than the force weapons, as they only have 1 attack each, and with 6s to wound most mounstrous creatures they would be better off taking hammerhand.

03-15-2011, 04:57 AM
To be honest, there not THAT much better in combat, having the stormbolters is scarier than the force weapons, as they only have 1 attack each, and with 6s to wound most mounstrous creatures they would be better off taking hammerhand.

A unit of 10 (or 5 assaulting) has a very good chance of inflicting one wound, however. And that wound can be fatal.

Night System
03-15-2011, 05:06 AM
The thing is, when charging in with a carnifex, its just as likely to die to power fists, difference is that would take 2 turns rather than the unreliable one turn it may take to force weapon it (remember shadow of the warp, 3D6 psychic tests)

Theres rather not that much to worry about. And while the basic grey knight may be cheap, all the toys and special things they need to take do cost a bomb, and so unless you take nothing but basic greyknights, your destined to have a small army.

03-15-2011, 05:44 AM
carnies may not have it so bad. but what about armies like BT that need combat to do well, and therefor bash their heads against the wall against GK.
I know we have our FC termies, but they dnt help against everything.
And in a balanced list our basic guys are combat tricked which is kinda fail against GK. I mean my basic 5 man squad kitted out is 5 points more than 5 GK, and those 5 gk hit with PW not basic weapons and have higher strength and have better shooting :(

03-15-2011, 10:53 AM
if your going to rely on the FC termys with claws, then watch out for GK halberd's, they give +2 initiative, pushing the basic Grey Knight to I6. while keeping the force weapon goodness.

03-15-2011, 11:00 AM
Shoot them with plasma. They die just like any other marine and can't shoot plasma back at you.

03-15-2011, 11:02 AM
A lot of this is covered in the existing GK thread... I encourage you to post there.
