View Full Version : Return of the Squats.

03-14-2011, 11:29 PM
Saw this on Dakka Dakka first, then went to Warseer to check it out, thought I would share since I didn't see it here. http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=296849

Well after posting some GK rumors i have returned with some more interesting tid bitz.

Squats will be returning with the TAU!
depending on printing problems it is possible they will be slated for November 2011 moving the Necrons back

Squats will be a troop choice and have t4 s5(with battle axe) 5+ 5+FNP(intoxicating save) and SAP but will be allowed to charge 6" instead of rolling
There is a squat HQ but no info yet.

Kroot are still in as well as the firewarriors

Character unlocks crisis suits as troops and they have gotten much better.

update: demiurg is what i ment but im sure you all know that by now.

hopefully more to come in the upcoming months. Enjoy

Not sure if to take is serious. A bit shocked to see GW say on one hand they wanted to be serious for the Squats, or Demiurg or what ever they were going to be called and now to read the " 5+ 5+FNP intoxicating save, seems more comedy than anything else. Too much of a joke no seriousness at all. This doesn't seem to belong in a Tau codex.

What would SAP stand for?

Let us discuss. What do you think?

03-15-2011, 12:26 AM
They're called Demiurg. They are in no way, IU, related to the squats. I wish people would stop calling them squats. Squats got eaten by the Tyranid.

"Character unlocks crisis suits as troops."

If that character isn't O'Shovah then screw this game.

03-15-2011, 12:32 AM
Set back the clock!

03-15-2011, 12:50 AM
Reading this, all I can think is "huh? lul, wut?"

This seems so off the wall/Bizarre. The +5 FNP for being drunk sounds more like a joke, then a real rule. I'm having a hard time taking this seriously. A bunch of Drunk Dwarfs with battle axes in space is the last thing I think of, when I think Tau.


03-15-2011, 01:36 AM
you can still play 'demigurge' In BFG and there was some concept art floating about somewhere!

03-15-2011, 04:13 AM
This exact rumour came out before the last Tau codex was released. Not saying its wrong, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

03-15-2011, 04:16 AM
Well I would normally write this sort of rumour off too, but it does back up the rumour I heard from a very good source that Tau were coming towards the end of 2011 (September/October) and were getting a new unit type, which would be a troops choice.

I was told it would be xenos, but wasn't given the specifics.

This came from a strong source, and I had heard this several months ago, and this new rumour does strongly back this up.

I have been told that there are several new Tau plastics that are good to go (Vespid and Pathfinders) and that there will be reboxed Crisis and Battlesuits.

I never in a milion years thought it would Squats/Demiurg but then I also never thought in a million years that Grey Knights would get Jokearo either.

I hadn't heard of a new HQ, only a troops choice but has anyone considered one area that Tau are severely lacking that isn't close combat?

They have no psykers.

Squats didn't have psykers either, but they did have Living Ancestors, which were their equivalent.

Could the HQ be something similar? (this bit is speculation on my part though)

03-15-2011, 04:40 AM
The Lexicanum says that the Demiurg are allied to the Tau Empire.

It could happen....

(I still doubt it though).

Ghost of War
03-15-2011, 06:47 AM
Not that I would expect you to beleive me on it.. but the same guy that showed us (my buddy and I) the leaked Grey Knights codex like months ago just told us this. He also said that Necrons are having issues at the printers and might get bumped back with Tau taking their place as a release in Novemeber.

I know it sounds wack. But I was freaking out about the vindicares new ammo and its ability to steal invulns months before it showed up here.

Morgan Darkstar
03-15-2011, 07:11 AM
Not that I would expect you to beleive me on it.. but the same guy that showed us (my buddy and I) the leaked Grey Knights codex like months ago just told us this. He also said that Necrons are having issues at the printers and might get bumped back with Tau taking their place as a release in Novemeber.

I know it sounds wack. But I was freaking out about the vindicares new ammo and its ability to steal invulns months before it showed up here.

I still think Necrons are heading for a October-November release.

this Tau rumour just doesn't hold any weight for me.

As much as i would like to see new models and a new codex i think they will probably be done around late 2012 with the release of 6th ed coming around late 2013

03-15-2011, 07:38 AM
Not that I would expect you to beleive me on it.. but the same guy that showed us (my buddy and I) the leaked Grey Knights codex like months ago just told us this. He also said that Necrons are having issues at the printers and might get bumped back with Tau taking their place as a release in Novemeber.

I know it sounds wack. But I was freaking out about the vindicares new ammo and its ability to steal invulns months before it showed up here.

What kind of 'issues' could they be having that would necessitate them being pushed back for months? Out of metallic grey ink?

03-15-2011, 07:42 AM
If squats make a re-appearance in any shape or form, I will sell every bit of 40k stuff I own. They are anathema to the universe of 40k.

03-15-2011, 08:13 AM
Demiurg= cool

Demiurg that are secretly squats= not cool.

I dont see how a bunch of Ork-hating, evasive space miners could be so intoxicated and still hold onto their current fluff lol.

Either way, more alien aux units is the way to go for the Tau. Purist armies should still be viable, but the 'empire' theme with aux troops is a great theme (and also expands the universe with xenos without waiting for a whole new army book).

Brass Scorpion
03-15-2011, 08:24 AM
I also saw this bit about Squats on Dakkadakka yesterday. I almost posted it here, then thought better of it. I doubt it deserves the attention it is getting.

Demiurg that are secretly squats= not cool.Then uncool it is. GW loves to tease. The first chapter of Purge Of Kadillus involves a battle with Demiurg and the adjective "squat" is deliberately used to describe them.

As for the FFG model photos leaked out last year, GW gives FFG concept art and pre-production model work years ahead of GW releasing it so that FFG's books match the current state of Warhammer when by the time they are published. The one thing that really matters is marketing and market projections of what will sell. In spite of the nagging by some people about Squats since they disappeared roughly 17 years ago, would they really be a great seller for GW? I think a lot of people in and out of GW would doubt that. But then, "Anything can happen in the next half-hour!" (I know some of my fellows in the UK will get that one and hopefully at least a small handful in the US too).

03-15-2011, 09:27 AM
Right, and most of the concept art and whatnot floating around FFG is for the roleplaying game or from fluff sources (novels, forgeworld books, that kind of thing), not related to 40k codex releases. FFG just finished some big tome on Sisters of Battle for the RPG, and they've already released a ton of art and detail on Kroot Mercs (and we know they are not getting a codex in the next 5 years, if ever).

That said, the FFG guys love their dwarves in space, and Demiurg are basically Deep Dwarves/Duergar. That means they are darker skinned and more awesome than regular dwarves. I wouldn't be surprised to see them make more appearances in the fluff, if not into the Tau codex some day. I think GW will emphasize the Demiurg's crafting and mechanical skill rather than their drunkenness, though.

03-15-2011, 11:33 AM
I am curious what problems they could have at the printer? If they have problems at the printers, wouldn't the same problem be for any codex they put out to take it's place?

03-15-2011, 11:56 AM
If squats make a re-appearance in any shape or form, I will sell every bit of 40k stuff I own. They are anathema to the universe of 40k.

My first army was Tau and I have around 4000 points worth of them and 4000 points worth of chaos space marines and if this rumor is true I will sell them all and buy a plane ticket and go to the GW head office and beat the stupid out of whoever wrote the codex! This rumor pisses me off! (Not pissed at the OP just fearful of any truth being behind it.) Who ever puts some dumb@#$ SQUATS in MY BOOK will see nerd rage at its ZENITH!
:mad: mad face.

03-15-2011, 11:57 AM
I am curious what problems they could have at the printer? If they have problems at the printers, wouldn't the same problem be for any codex they put out to take it's place?

There could be typos.

Ghost of War
03-15-2011, 01:13 PM
or the resolution/ink for a particular photo might not be transferring cleanly and legibly

03-15-2011, 01:24 PM
I don't understand the rage here. The Demiurg are already part of the Tau Empire. They just aren't playable. GW isn't adding dwarves to the Tau - they're already there.

03-15-2011, 01:36 PM
I don't understand the rage here. The Demiurg are already part of the Tau Empire. They just aren't playable. GW isn't adding dwarves to the Tau - they're already there.


03-15-2011, 01:46 PM
I don't understand the rage here. The Demiurg are already part of the Tau Empire. They just aren't playable. GW isn't adding dwarves to the Tau - they're already there.

Where does it say such filth? And where does it describe the Demiurg? I just don't want stupid little dwarfs in my codex is that too much to ask? They were killed off for a reason and that reason is because they suck! I LOVE the tyranids for killing off such a piece of crap army, and I do realize that I'm being a bit irrational, but seriously I HATE them. I could deal with it if they were more alien but dwarfs are not for fighting they are for tossing!

03-15-2011, 02:09 PM
this is in the Battle Fleet Gothic. Not all of the Demiurg are apart of the Tau Empire, but there are some trade guilds that have signed on, for the greater good.

The Demiurg have supplied the Tau with the technology to build Ion Cannons. (it is the main weapon of the Demiurg vessels.)

Personally, my friends n' I have been using Demiurg units in the Tau army already. We have them set up similar to a 'techmarine'. There is one demiurg and a squad of robots. Of which a handful of the robots can upgrade to different types.


03-15-2011, 02:11 PM
Where does it say such filth? And where does it describe the Demiurg? I just don't want stupid little dwarfs in my codex is that too much to ask? They were killed off for a reason and that reason is because they suck! I LOVE the tyranids for killing off such a piece of crap army, and I do realize that I'm being a bit irrational, but seriously I HATE them. I could deal with it if they were more alien but dwarfs are not for fighting they are for tossing!

Well I hate the Tau. I hate their Fluff, their rules, their models, even hate their name.

Adding Squats to the Tau codex would be an Insult to the Squats. OTOH is the squat troops are generalists and not just a HtH type I can see making an entire army of them. Squat Fire Warriors, Squat Crisis suits etc.

03-15-2011, 02:11 PM
There could be typos.

A stroke of the keyboard doesn't take months. Besides, 40k is full of typos.

or the resolution/ink for a particular photo might not be transferring cleanly and legibly

Change the ink ratios or replace the picture. Done.

Anyone claiming that problems at the printers are having a significant impact on the release schedule sounds full of it to me.

03-15-2011, 02:20 PM
Some info on the Demiurg:

The Demiurg are known to have an allied relationship with the Tau, being noted as economic allies of the Tau Empire, and were initially introduced to the Tau via their mutual relations with the Kroot. From the Demiurg, the Tau acquired their knowledge of Ion Cannon technology, which is now heavily used by the Tau in their armies and fleets. Two Brotherhoods of Demiurg, the Srry'Tok and Thurm, are known to have joined the Tau Empire outright.

It is currently unknown if the Demiurg are full members of the Tau Empire, or allies, or mercenaries in their service. But they are involved heavily in commercial and economic relations with the Tau.

The Demiurg appear to have no homeworld, or at least have abandoned it in favour of living on their spacecraft, and as such have a high level of technology invested in their vessels since they are required to perform a number of tasks; Stronghold-class vessels, for instance are used as factories and processing units, whereas Bastion-class starships are more often configured for use in asteroid mining. A possible reason for this exodus is that the opportunities for commerce generated by manufacturing items on-location in the starships is very lucrative, although this is entirely speculative. Larger Demiurg vessels are largely automated and use electromagnetic fields to scoop up interstellar hydrogen, which is then compressed inside the vessel and ejected towards the rear, creating a form of fusion ram-jet engine. The engines of Demiurg starships are relatively slow in comparison to Imperial starship technology, however the complex shielding the system requires and the beneficial side-effects of its use are as of yet still unfathomed by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Aside from the development of ionic weapons, the Demiurg appear to remodel a lot of their weaponry from technology already developed for use in resource gathering and manufacturing. Two examples of this on board their spacecraft are the Cutting Beam, which appears to have been adapted from high-powered lasers used to mine asteroids, and automated mining machines, which, once reconfigured, are launched as attack craft against enemy ships.

Some old concept art:


http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkynCdWur2gKEqZg3C9KxsGpwjz3gMr snPnfl_nqLgGiURLQFl&t=1

03-15-2011, 02:20 PM
A stroke of the keyboard doesn't take months. Besides, 40k is full of typos.

Change the ink ratios or replace the picture. Done.

Anyone claiming that problems at the printers are having a significant impact on the release schedule sounds full of it to me.

I would just like to clarify that this was just a guess, and I thought the new tyranid codex was pushed back because of problems at the printers? Does anyone know about that? I can't really remember but I thought with the tyranid codex they printed a bunch of pages out of order so they had to fix that.

03-15-2011, 02:25 PM
@ Lerra

So Dead Space type of weapons... allright I'll admit that's cool.

03-15-2011, 02:31 PM
They're called Demiurg. They are in no way, IU, related to the squats. I wish people would stop calling them squats. Squats got eaten by the Tyranid.

What year did the Squats get eaten by the Tyranids?

Squats have long lives, like 400 years, and were spread throughout the Imperium so there could still be a planets worth of Squats out there.

Demiurg could also be an offshoot of the Squats that had taken to space long before their homeworlds were destroyed. That would be a good excuse to drop the drunken viking part of their background.

03-15-2011, 02:49 PM
Some old concept art:


http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkynCdWur2gKEqZg3C9KxsGpwjz3gMr snPnfl_nqLgGiURLQFl&t=1

Oh great. Instead of Drunk space Dwarfs, we are getting Stoned Space Dwarfs. That's so much better.

03-15-2011, 02:55 PM
Oh great. Instead of Drunk space Dwarfs, we are getting Stoned Space Dwarfs. That's so much better.

HA! Better indeed!:D

Brass Scorpion
03-15-2011, 03:09 PM
...and I thought the new tyranid codex was pushed back because of problems at the printers? Does anyone know about that?That is correct, but it was only delayed about two weeks and the release still went off inthe month originally planned.

03-15-2011, 03:13 PM
That is correct, but it was only delayed about two weeks and the release still went off inthe month originally planned.

So then it doesn't really make sense that the necron codex would be pushed so far back that another codex would take it's place.

03-15-2011, 03:46 PM
Interestingly I just downloaded the new(ish) book "the purging of kallidus" from itunes and the 1st chapter has the demiurg getting a kicking by Ghaz and his orks. It describes them as short, squat with beards and using rivet guns as weapons.

03-15-2011, 03:52 PM
Cool. An eight year old rumor. Party on Squats!

03-16-2011, 02:33 PM
That is correct, but it was only delayed about two weeks and the release still went off inthe month originally planned.
The only time I've heard of a Printing issue delay anything (else) like this, it was because there was a "flaw" perceived after the original test run, but the Printer's schedule is so tight, they lost their opportunity for a deadline and had to wait for another window (weeks / months). Some of these guys have very tight schedules and if you snooze - you loose.

Assuming this is the situation here - if another codex was ready for testing and passed, I could easily see them switching the codex release dates.

In the past, I've heard everything from bad pictures, poor layouts, switched pages and occassionaly - badly worded or wrong rules delaying the release of GW Army Books and Codexes. If any of these were to apply in this case, I would rather they fix the problem than release something that was "poor".

Then again, I am also a Dark Eldar and Space Wolf player - I've had my time complaining at the "wish it would be released already" seat! ;)

04-11-2011, 05:00 AM
I'm game for Squats, but not if I have to marry the force to Tau.

I started playing because of the Squats, years ago. I was a dwarf player that moved over during the Rogue Trader days. When the Squats went away in 2nd edition, I shifted to Space Wolves. Kind of the same thing, really. Just taller.

My hope would be, if this rumor is true, that I could take a viable army that consisted of only Squats.

(no, I'll not stop calling them squats)

Oh, I'd also love some trikes in the army.:)

Brass Scorpion
04-11-2011, 10:31 AM
(no, I'll not stop calling them squats)A "space dwarf" by any other name would still be as Squat. Apologies to Shakespeare. :)

04-11-2011, 12:02 PM
I only hate the idea of "Squats" because they used to be space gnomes, with beards etc, on trikes, with landraiders...

If GW can legitimately reconstruct the "Demiurg" as a race of aliens, as those concept arts show, "Ewoks with wookie technology" if you will, then I'm all for it. the more xenos the merrier!

Also, as ive come to the end of my Nid force, and the Guard pot is bubbling away nicely, the news of a new TAU codex is music to my ears as i've been eyeing up some FW TAU goodies the last few weeks, thinking of adding more xenos to my home planet! (though i will probably stay well clear of the demiurg/kroot/vespid side of things... personal taste, i dont have any abhumans in my guard...)

04-11-2011, 12:26 PM
I only hate the idea of "Squats" because they used to be space gnomes, with beards etc, on trikes, with landraiders...

If GW can legitimately reconstruct the "Demiurg" as a race of aliens, as those concept arts show, "Ewoks with wookie technology" if you will, then I'm all for it. the more xenos the merrier!

Also, as ive come to the end of my Nid force, and the Guard pot is bubbling away nicely, the news of a new TAU codex is music to my ears as i've been eyeing up some FW TAU goodies the last few weeks, thinking of adding more xenos to my home planet! (though i will probably stay well clear of the demiurg/kroot/vespid side of things... personal taste, i dont have any abhumans in my guard...)

Is this 40k racism?... I joke :L

04-11-2011, 03:08 PM
Is this 40k racism?... I joke :L
