View Full Version : Typo or Error, it is still funny.

03-14-2011, 03:59 AM
I was shown something from the old 4th edition 40K codex by a friend who is a red shirt at one of the GW stores in Sydney. It was also put in the special, limited edition hardback 5th edition edition 40K rule book as well.

What I am referring to is on Page 117 of the 4th edition rule book. Pages 116 and 117 show a picture of a combined Sisters of battle Army and Grey Knights army.

The caption below it reads " When the threat is great, Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus and Ordo Hereticus will often join forces to defend the enemies of Mankind. The Grey Knights and Adeptus Sororitus combine to formidable effect to defend the holy shrine of St. Capilene."

So this means the Grey Knights and Sisters of battle are on the side of Chaos. Sure it is a typo, but it was either never picked up, or just ignored, even when they included it in the limited issue hardback 5th edition rule book. Perhaps the Grey Knights and Sisters of Battle have a secret agenda to Defend the enemies of Mankind. LOL

It was funny when I read it the first time, and it gives me a good basis to back my Word Bearer/Grey Knights - Chaos Marine/Black Knights army list.

has anyone found any other funny or interesting typos in the rule book or any codex they use?

I am guessing the text was suppose to read "defend against the enemies of mankind" but they did not proof read it well enough, and missed the error.

03-14-2011, 06:35 AM
Yeah, there´s a famous typo in the German version of the BRB.
There they wrote
"der geilige Imperator" instead of "der heilige Imperator",

which can be translated adequatly like:

"the horny Emperor" instead of "the holy Emperor"

That must be just about the worst place imaginable for a typo.

Drew da Destroya
03-14-2011, 07:46 AM
lol. The Horny Emperor does help explain the Sensei, at least.

At least some of the radical inquisitors out there might remember what I'm talking about here, but for the rest of you:

03-14-2011, 08:08 AM
For a Long time the receipts for Assault Marines in my local Gw Read
" Space Marine ***..." Then ran out of space for letters. Not really a typo but when your fifteen it was good for a laugh.

03-14-2011, 09:50 AM
Why would they be on the sides of Chaos? I don't get it.

03-14-2011, 09:53 AM
Why would they be on the sides of Chaos? I don't get it.

" When the threat is great, Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus and Ordo Hereticus will often join forces to defend the enemies of Mankind. The Grey Knights and Adeptus Sororitus combine to formidable effect to defend the holy shrine of St. Capilene."

03-14-2011, 10:57 AM
lol i always used to get confused at that and i thought i was just a newb!

ahhh 40k 4rth ed... fun times!

03-14-2011, 03:08 PM
" When the threat is great, Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus and Ordo Hereticus will often join forces to defend the enemies of Mankind. The Grey Knights and Adeptus Sororitus combine to formidable effect to defend the holy shrine of St. Capilene."
Thanks Buffo for explaining that.

Drew Da Destroyer, you gave me a great idea for a chaos warband. A Grey Sensei and cultist who join with chaos Marines to form an army. Not legal in any way, but a good idea for friendly games with my mates.

03-14-2011, 06:32 PM
For a Long time the receipts for Assault Marines in my local Gw Read
" Space Marine ***..." Then ran out of space for letters. Not really a typo but when your fifteen it was good for a laugh.

Maybe I just have the heart of a fifteen year old, but I got a laugh out of that one.:D

03-14-2011, 08:18 PM
" When the threat is great, Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus and Ordo Hereticus will often join forces to defend the enemies of Mankind. The Grey Knights and Adeptus Sororitus combine to formidable effect to defend the holy shrine of St. Capilene."

*facepalm* Thanks BuFFo, I have been misreading it all this time. Maybe I can be a GW proofreader too. LOL.

03-14-2011, 11:06 PM
*facepalm* Thanks BuFFo, I have been misreading it all this time. Maybe I can be a GW proofreader too. LOL.

Dude, I didn't even know this existed until this thread... ;)

03-15-2011, 02:22 PM
" When the threat is great, Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus and Ordo Hereticus will often join forces to defend the enemies of Mankind. The Grey Knights and Adeptus Sororitus combine to formidable effect to defend the holy shrine of St. Capilene."

Well it's quite obvious to me that the High Lords of Terra, of not the entire government of the Imperium is an enemy of mankind. This in no way implies any other faction is not an enemy.

Brass Scorpion
03-15-2011, 03:46 PM
My favorite unintentionally humorous statement by GW comes from Rogue Trader days, it might be in the article in the Compendium about the deodorant bottle Land Speeder, and it says that they will likely never release a line of plastic vehicle kits so feel encouraged to create your own. By the time I got the Compendium there were already a few plastic vehicle kits and I don't have to point out how many have been added since then. I guess when they realized there were HUGE piles of money to be made by designing a line of plastic vehicle kits, they thought better of that statement.

03-16-2011, 06:30 AM
For a Long time the receipts for Assault Marines in my local Gw Read
" Space Marine ***..." Then ran out of space for letters. Not really a typo but when your fifteen it was good for a laugh.

I am 29 and i still find that funny!

03-17-2011, 03:22 PM
My favorite unintentionally humorous statement by GW comes from Rogue Trader days, it might be in the article in the Compendium about the deodorant bottle Land Speeder, and it says that they will likely never release a line of plastic vehicle kits so feel encouraged to create your own. By the time I got the Compendium there were already a few plastic vehicle kits and I don't have to point out how many have been added since then. I guess when they realized there were HUGE piles of money to be made by designing a line of plastic vehicle kits, they thought better of that statement.

The compendium WAS a compilation of quite a few WD articles (over several years), and that article was written BEFORE the Rhino kit was available. The ONLY vehicles they had at the time were jetbikes (yes, they were vehicles), bikes and land speeders - and they were ALL metals.

The deodorant flask (it was a stick deodorant, btw) was actually a "grav attack tank" not a "land speeder", since THAT had a model available.
Even when the plastic kits did come out, they weren't even MADE by GW.
They were made by the subcontractor who did the plastic inserts for MATCHBOX(tm) cars (for Lesney, who made the cars) in the UK.

"unlikely we'll ever produce plastic vehicles" though ... Yeah, right.