View Full Version : Even more Dark Eldar on the way.

03-14-2011, 03:10 AM

"Our design team have been furiously working away to bring you even more great miniatures."

03-14-2011, 03:22 AM
Yeah but that page also says a Ravager can transport warriors...

Not saying that proves it wrong but still...

Grotesques, Wracks, Hemoncs, Talos/Cronos and the Aircraft

03-14-2011, 05:43 AM
This is good news to my ears.

Please let the new kits include venoms and scourges!

To be perfectly honest, I can live without the other stuff, but I need venoms like crazy - at the moment, I only have three flying deathtraps, I need more!

03-14-2011, 05:51 AM
From what I recall (I can't access Warseer to check) Hastings confirmed the following for the next wave:

Plastic Venom
Plastic Talos/Cronos
Plastic Scourges
Plastic Razorwing/voidraven
Metal Wracks

And others have mentioned some metal blisters, presumably Haemonculi and hopefully Lady Malys. Whom I hope will lack a croydon facelift (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croydon_facelift) unlike the recent succubus.

03-14-2011, 06:30 AM
From what I recall (I can't access Warseer to check) Hastings confirmed the following for the next wave:

Plastic Venom
Plastic Talos/Cronos
Plastic Scourges
Plastic Razorwing/voidraven
Metal Wracks

And others have mentioned some metal blisters, presumably Haemonculi and hopefully Lady Malys. Whom I hope will lack a croydon facelift (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croydon_facelift) unlike the recent succubus.

If the sculpt is as good as Lelith's, I will be a happy man.

03-14-2011, 07:29 AM
From what I can gather we should be getting the remainder of the Arena stuff first, so plastic Venom with Wych hangers on and 2 metal blisters in April.

If it is going to be April though I am assuming late April so as not to interfere with Grey Knights, maybe second half of April.

Then in May it's Wracks, Grotesques and Talos, although I still haven't had it confirmed that Talos will be plastic. Wracks and Grotesques are metal, I would be very surprised if Talos wasn't plastic but it isn't impossible it will be metal.

Then in June it's meant to be wings, so Scourges and flyer hopefully.

The special characters should all get a metal release, I think Sliscus and Malys are in April, but not 100% sure about that.

03-14-2011, 07:36 AM
I'd love to know your source Silver, that sounds a bit credible but why wouldn't they lump them all out at once?

03-14-2011, 07:40 AM
I'd love to know your source Silver, that sounds a bit credible but why wouldn't they lump them all out at once?

Probably to keep people interested. Give people a little bit at a time, keep sales more or less steady than big bulks all at once.

03-14-2011, 07:43 AM
I'd guess some of the bits in may, then the fliers in July/August with the rest of the supposed plastic fliers.

03-14-2011, 12:10 PM
ScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesSc ourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScou rgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourg esScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourges ScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesSc ourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScourgesScou rgesScourgesScourgesScourges!
Did I mention I'd like Scourges?

03-14-2011, 12:13 PM
Why do they keep making miniatures in metal?! *sob* :(

03-14-2011, 12:25 PM
Why do they keep making miniatures in metal?! *sob* :(

To make peoples cry and look it worked XD

03-14-2011, 02:26 PM
Why do they keep making miniatures in metal?! *sob* :(

Because the cost to make a mold for plastic minis is extremely expensive. When it's for a figure that people will only buy 1, maybe 2 of, it's not cost effective to make them in plastic.

Farseer Uthiliesh
03-15-2011, 01:55 AM

"Our design team have been furiously working away to bring you even more great miniatures."

As long as they release Grotesques, Wracks and a Cronus/Talos kit I will be very happy.

03-21-2011, 03:00 AM
GW just added some sneak peek pictures to the Incoming article:

They have also corrected hte Ravager description.

So, my guess is Grotesque/Wrack and Talos/Cronos.

03-21-2011, 03:23 AM
My guess is someone messed up on scheduling that post then. Posting without the sneak peaks.... Failure GW. Failure.

I agree with Eldargal... looks to be some Chronos/ Talos loving and grotesques.

Coupled with the picture of Urien, dare I say haemonculi too?

03-21-2011, 03:34 AM
It wasn't a mistake, the article says it has been updated with sneak pictures, its quite possible the models simply weren't painted or whatever. Not really a bad thing, letting people speculate and then tease them a bit more. Anyway, the rumourd releases for the next waves are:

Plastic Venom

Metal Haemonculi, Wracks, Groteques, plastic Talos/Cronos

Plastic Scourges
Plastic Razorwing/Voidraven

03-21-2011, 03:46 AM
I always saw the Wracks being more steel cage masks (ala Man in the Iron Mask) type things than this smooth one...looks too much like the reaver helmets...

I'm still buying 20 of them...

03-21-2011, 05:02 AM
I really hope that the schedule you just posted is true Eldargal, I really do....

I am sticking with a kabalite army, not touching Haemies :(.

03-21-2011, 06:16 AM
It wasn't a mistake, the article says it has been updated with sneak pictures, its quite possible the models simply weren't painted or whatever. Not really a bad thing, letting people speculate and then tease them a bit more. Anyway, the rumourd releases for the next waves are:

Plastic Venom

Metal Haemonculi, Wracks, Groteques, plastic Talos/Cronos

Plastic Scourges
Plastic Razorwing/Voidraven

The email says June for new models

More Dark Eldar models are being released in June and, once again, we're able to offer you an exclusive sneak preview of what's to come...

Doesn't mean that there won't be any before then though...

03-21-2011, 06:17 AM
Yeah i'd say April is too soon for anything, that hasn't already been put on advance order...

03-21-2011, 06:52 AM
Quite, that rumoured wave list came from Warseer and it does seem a bit optimistic. Having said that, if it all comes in June then we have:

Plastic Talos/Cronos
Plastic Scourges
Plastic Venom
Plastic Razorwing/Voidraven
Metal Wracks
Metal Grotesques
Special Characters

Compared to last november with:


Even if we assume one Haemonculi blister and just two SCs its nearly the same size as the first wave. That is a hell of a lot to release in one month. I'm not saying its not correct, but as far as I know it would be the largest (and fastest) second wave GW have released.

03-21-2011, 07:08 AM
GW do seem to be putting a lot of force behind the DE. I know the line was extremly old and nearly all old stuff discontinued, but they seem to be putting a lot more support in secondary model waves in DE than in say, Nids or Deamons did for their unreleased models. GK seem to have everything (except some of the IC's) released already or coming in the new releases

And if the report you posted recently Eldargal is correct, and DE are outselling marines at present, a rapid, large 2nd wave sounds great, striking while the iron is still hot...

03-21-2011, 07:19 AM
Well, two good points. DE have been successful, GW would want to capitalise on that, and the previous DE range was miniscule (and rubbish) compared even to the Tau or Necrons who came later. Still, its a huge amount of models, the mind boggles.:rolleyes: I'm going to have to use proxy buyers again so mother doesn't find out how much I'm spending.

03-21-2011, 08:00 AM
Yeah I must admit my predictions for an April release for the Venom now seem a bit off.

I think if it was going to be April then we would have seen the advance order, or at least something in White Dwarf but there isn't anything in there either.

My original understanding was that they were going to drip feed releases between now and June, but the sneak peak does suggest the whole lot in June, which as you say is a lot of models.

My info was from November last year, so I guess it's possible that since then things have changed, but at least it looks as though Jes' promise of 90% of the range will be out by end of June is on target.

I can't help thinking that somebody high up in GW has changed the way things are done with regards to releases.

If the rumours are to be believed we will have at least 3 Codexes this year, lots of new models and a big Summer Expansion, which I think is pretty unprecedented tbh.

It makes sense to release all the models for a new Codex release in one hit where possible, otherwise people tend to hold off until they can make an army, and then don't bother because so much time has passed, like I have done with Space Wolves.

I know that Dark Eldar were going to be a "toe in the water" so to speak. Many people higher up didn't want to release them, as there was a certain amount of uncertainty as to how well they would do, mainly because they had't been updated for so long.

Now they have been shown to be a success I suspect some of the other less supported Codexes will get the same treatment. It's interesting that many people I have spoken to said Sisters would be a long way off, which often means maybe never, but as soon as Dark Eldar start outselling marines the SOB plastics go to Beta.

Anyway, I am digressing, the sneak peek certainly shows that the "flesh" part of the Codex is being addressed, so if Jes was being 100% straight the Venom should be done too.

Now we just need some sneak peeks of Scourges! :)

03-21-2011, 08:06 AM
I'm going to have to use proxy buyers again so mother doesn't find out how much I'm spending.

Is that before or after the massive FW IA11 purchase?

Maybe GW is able to give the DE so many models because recent releases haven't been sucha huge new models release? GK are getting 3-4 new plastic kits, Orks & Goblins got 3-4 (i think). Maybe if Necrons are next and the sculptings been done for a while (as some rumour suggest) then the sculptors have been able to focus on other Dark Eldar models? Or maybe I'm just talking crap?

03-21-2011, 08:12 AM
I wasn't going to mention you by name, StraightSilver, everyone can get things a bitwrong especially with GW releas rumours.:p

Have you heard that DE are outselling Marines as well then? I've heard it from two stores in England, be interesting to see how much of a 'global' phenomenon it is.

Incidentally, back in 2007 or so I spoke to one of GWs corporate higher ups, and he said once they had their finances in order they intended to be a bit more liberal with the hobby side of the business. It could that is what we are beginning to see. Their finances are under control, despite sales being down in Europe, they are now willing to spend a but more money and take a few more risks with their releases. Dark Eldar seem to have been the test, and they passed with flying colours.

Well, the FW Eldar is coming in April or May, and the DE in June. I've not spent that much this year but I think to be on the safe side I'll get the FW stuff by proxy as well.

Is that before or after the massive FW IA11 purchase?

03-21-2011, 08:25 AM
If they're making it a June wave with its own incoming email, I would expect them to save everything for that, especially the plastic kits.

The mid month April releases (crowe and Jokaero) are already up for pre-order and I wouldn't have thought they'd share that with the Venom (plus its not in the April WD).

I'm still sceptical about the Talos? They pulled virtually every DE unit except that and a few HQs when the new release came out.

03-21-2011, 08:34 AM
I must admit 40K rumours are a bit of a nightmare, I tend not to put too many out there as I reckon only about 50% are close to being accurate, but I would have put money on the Dark Eldar stuff as my 2 sources (who shall remain nameless) were good ones.

In terms of Dark Eldar sales, their projected sales forecast was deliberately set low, but they have far exceeded expectations.

I believe Jes Goodwin was the driving force behing getting them released, and the reason he wanted the schedule so short was that if the first few kits fell flat on their face then we may never have seen the rest of them.

However I have heard from various sources that they have outsold Blood Angels, which isn't to say they have outsold Marines in general but it was probably certainly a surprise to GW as Blood Angels had very high sales expectations.

The Dark Eldar haven't been out long enough to really see how well they are doing though, there is always the "new" factor involved, and they have only been around for a few months.

Armies like Imperial Guard and Marines, and to some extent Orks form the core part of 40K sales as they have a steady turnover which hasn't really diminished over time. Other minor Xenos armies like Necrons tend to get a push when they have a new Codex out, but then sales decline to a steady but much lower level.

It would be interesting to see if with the right support Dark Eldar could be up there with the other core sellers, and attract a steady and consistent amount of sales. They seem to be at the moment, but I guess time will tell.

I think the benchmark for this argument will be set by Eldar as they were always a core favourite way back when which have diminshed over time. However I see these as being huge if they get the treatment Dark Eldar got, and Jes hinted that at some point he would like to give this a try, but that he was "all Eldared out".

But I do think winds of change are afoot within GW. I think to a certain extent the ChapterHouse case has kicked GW up the backside, and I don't think we will have the wait for miniatures that we have had in the past. The timeframe from Codex to mini will be much shorter to prevent other third party companies capitilising on GW dragging their heels.

03-23-2011, 11:42 AM
I'd be real interested to see actual hard sales of DE. I keep hearing it was a "successful" release, but against what expectations? Further, my actual experience has me as one of the only DE players in a large area (Portland, OR metro area in the US, 2.2 million plus). I've been in four tourneys with the DE since December, have seen no other players. I've read about one or two on the boards, but really that's it. Compared the sheer volume of Space Wolves after their release, Blood Angels after their release, and what I expect from Grey Knights, it doesn't overwhelm. Hell, I see way more Tyranid and Ork players, even Craftworld Eldar and Tau players, than I've seen DE.

Now, we'll see if that changes with wave 2 and a lot of really good essentials (Venoms, Scourges, Wracks, etc) hitting the ranks of those unwilling to convert them (I've made 6 venoms and 25 wracks), but I'm fairly convinced the DE will remain a second tier army in terms of popularity. I'm perfectly fine with that. They're a very GOOD army, very competitive with some great strengths and some obvious and subtle weaknesses that make them interesting and challenging. While I dig that, a lot of Flavor of the Month and/or Unskilled Power Gamer types might not like that versus the missile spam SW, chimera spam IG, and the sure-to-be-popular psycannon spam GK. We'll see.

03-23-2011, 07:53 PM
I wouldn't read too much into that, it will vary from area to area and country to country too much to make any kind of judgements. Unfortunately we will never know precisely how well they are doing, unless GW decide to release some army specific sales volume information. Which they won't. But we have quite a lot of anecodtal evidence that DE are selling very well and that GW considers them to be highly successful.

Also, tournaments have never given a particularly accurate representation of what armies people are collecting. They have always been dominated, by and large, by the latest Marine armies.

03-24-2011, 05:47 AM
I'd be real interested to see actual hard sales of DE. I keep hearing it was a "successful" release, but against what expectations? Further, my actual experience has me as one of the only DE players in a large area (Portland, OR metro area in the US, 2.2 million plus). I've been in four tourneys with the DE since December, have seen no other players. I've read about one or two on the boards, but really that's it. Compared the sheer volume of Space Wolves after their release, Blood Angels after their release, and what I expect from Grey Knights, it doesn't overwhelm. Hell, I see way more Tyranid and Ork players, even Craftworld Eldar and Tau players, than I've seen DE.

I started collecting DE too from last year october, but i think you will see a lot more DE-players in the coming months because then their mini's are finished painted, finished army list or are just waiting with their already made list on the venoms, wracks and such. Therefore all the people who have been purchasing the new DE have been in their rooms painting like hell (or heaven :P). In the coming months those people will be coming out of their rooms with their newly painted armies...

03-29-2011, 10:23 AM
I wouldn't read too much into that, it will vary from area to area and country to country too much to make any kind of judgements. Unfortunately we will never know precisely how well they are doing, unless GW decide to release some army specific sales volume information. Which they won't. But we have quite a lot of anecodtal evidence that DE are selling very well and that GW considers them to be highly successful.

Also, tournaments have never given a particularly accurate representation of what armies people are collecting. They have always been dominated, by and large, by the latest Marine armies.

Well, you're right about the sales stuff and whole secrecy issue. As long as it spurs GW to more Xenos and/or non-traditional releases, then whatever it takes.

But dominating the tourney scene? Well, now that I have DE, DE are dominating the tourney scene, lol. I've been Best General in the only two tourneys I've entered. So, I'm doing my part to convince people they're a viable army! But in terms of sheer numbers of participants, Marine variants are still the tops. I see way more Blood Angels than probably anything else, though I never seem to get to play them...

Farseer Uthiliesh
03-29-2011, 02:46 PM
I started collecting DE too from last year october, but i think you will see a lot more DE-players in the coming months because then their mini's are finished painted, finished army list or are just waiting with their already made list on the venoms, wracks and such. Therefore all the people who have been purchasing the new DE have been in their rooms painting like hell (or heaven :P). In the coming months those people will be coming out of their rooms with their newly painted armies...

A good post. I know it is true for me; just waiting for Grotesques, Talos/Cronus and more haemonculi before my army is truly completed. But I need to paint some more units that I have already purchased.

03-31-2011, 07:35 AM
Speaking for myself - I've had DE since they came out.

I'm not replacing every model on my shelf (already have more Raiders & Reavers than I knew what to do with), but I have been buying a box here, a box there. I will probably end up buying at least one of every new box type that comes out.

GW is not replacing every Dark Eldar model for every player out there, but they know this. I still use my old 2nd Edition Space Wolves with a new unit added here and there.

I think what interests GW more than anything else isn't the initial suges (though it's nice - it pays off the initial production costs and a bit extra), but the long-term continuous sales. If an army continues to sell at a profitable level, they will continue to support it. That's why they love marine armies. No matter what flavour, GW can usually expect to sell a few dozen boxes of Tactical Marines per week (day?).

While Dark Eldar will never reach the same levels of popularity as marines, we can only hope there's enough continuous purchases that GW will continue to support them.

Go Dark Eldar, Go!

04-05-2011, 06:57 AM
This may be a little hearsay, but was talking about the Forge World open day with my manager today. I mentioned needing a re-mortgage to be able to cover FW eldar and now DE in the future...

He said "Yeah, and what with the new DE release in June to add to that".

So June being furthur confirmed for the new kits?

04-05-2011, 07:04 AM
Yep, the Incoming email said June. Oh that reminds me, according to Frgt/10 on Warseer the Haemonculi wave is NOT coming in June. No Wracks nor grotesques, just:

Plastic Venom
Plastic Scourges
Plastic Razorwing/Voidraven (1 or 2 kits, unsure)

04-05-2011, 07:23 AM
Oh? That seems a bit wierd to me....I think the internets had pretty much decided that "preview" picture was a wracks head, and the article is ruled over by a giant picture of Urien...

Personally I'd rather have the Hemonc wave than the rest of it...well maybe except the Venom

Drew da Destroya
04-05-2011, 07:53 AM
I'd like the plastic Scourge... they've been doing pretty well in my games. Very versatile unit, and the models should look badass.

And if the rumors about metal Wracks are true, I'll be mostly converting them anyway.

04-05-2011, 07:56 AM
Well, if the rumours about a switch to resin in a few months are true, we may never see metal wracks.:) Could explain the delay, if the switch to resin is true.

04-05-2011, 08:59 AM
Could also explain some of the complaints we've seen regarding poor quality Metals lately. Trying to get most out of the "metal" molds before they change over to "Resin" molds.

Farseer Uthiliesh
04-05-2011, 02:46 PM
One of my Khymerae was missing one of the smaller forelegs.

04-05-2011, 02:54 PM
Is resin cheaper or more expensive than metal

04-05-2011, 03:00 PM
The flyers are a pain to convert. I will seriously quit the army if I have to make one more venom/void raven!

04-05-2011, 05:38 PM
I've heard from a semi-reliable source that the fliers may not be out in time for the release in June and that the whole "Summer of Fliers" thing may not actually come to be due to production issues. This would make me a sad panda. HUGE grain of salt alert though.

04-05-2011, 06:14 PM
Well, if the rumours about a switch to resin in a few months are true, we may never see metal wracks. Could explain the delay, if the switch to resin is true.
If GW gonna give me plastic Wracks Ill wait..hate metals(currently trying to asemble Incubi:mad:)
But I love to have Scourges and flyers on table....cant say wich one more.

Try using chaos warhounds as khymeras.....they have smae xeno feel for me.

04-06-2011, 02:04 AM
Is resin cheaper or more expensive than metal

From my understanding they're roughly the same price.

FW models are more expensive because of the mould degradation. Moulds for the Manta (for instance) are custom made each time one is ordered, used once then scrapped cos they fall apart. Don't know what they're like now. But sometimes you go a FW model with more flash on than usual. This tends to be when the mould is appraoching the end of its life

Also a big issue....metal is "recyclable". Should GW cast a bad batch with a lot of defects (i mean...more than usual :P (not that i've ever had any problems)) they can simply be remelted down and recast. Resin can't do that. The only options for bad resin casts are binning them, or putting them through a grinder and using them as rubble in terrain

04-15-2011, 09:52 AM
From 2xDakka:

As many of you are aware there will be at least 2 more Dark Eldar release waves, maybe more. We've got a rough idea what they will contain, Plastic Talos/Chronos kit, Plastic Scourges and maybe even a Razorwing and Voidraven Bomber.

Having seen the upcoming release schedule in GW, they have 2 more waves written in for the 10th June and the 24th June 2011. Not 100% sure whether this will be the day the releases are announced, or the models actually released, meaning we could then expect an Incoming article towards the end of May.

So as it stands and barring any changes, we shall see a few more Dark Eldar releases in June!

Good times! :thumbsup:

Farseer Uthiliesh
04-15-2011, 04:37 PM
I was informed last weekend by GW staff that the next wave is due for release in June.

04-15-2011, 04:59 PM

I wish for Haemonculi circus in second wave.

Farseer Uthiliesh
04-15-2011, 05:52 PM

I wish for Haemonculi circus in second wave.


04-18-2011, 06:27 AM
7hastings says we will get Wracks, Grotesques AND Court of the Archon, see here (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5471382&postcount=420).

Though not necessarily in June.

04-18-2011, 07:00 AM
Dammit I need Wracks and Hemos by end of July...

And if this big switch to resin is coming, its not happening overnight, its obviously been in the works for a while. Surely the new moulds (new metal/resin) minis should be designed originally for resin-ation?

Also on a side note on that....if the switch is happening surely they must be building up a resin stock, they're not just one day going to say "Right no more metal minis...lets start making resin today and make get the whole worlds supply ready straight away!"

04-18-2011, 05:31 PM
7hastings says we will get Wracks, Grotesques AND Court of the Archon, see here (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5471382&postcount=420).

Though not necessarily in June.

Dont belive in that, GW aint so stupid to make CoA before ANYTHING else in DE codex....I hadnt seen even one list with CoA, much more profit would be....emmm..trueborn upgrade kit for example.
We have left:
(trueborn/bloodbride upgrade kit- I hope they put trueborn kit coz buying all those wariorrs is bit annoying)

This shouldnt take more than 3 waves(my speculation): Wracks-Grotesques-Haemonculi//Scourges-Razorwing/Voidraven//Talos-Cronos, questions are: when & in what order?

04-18-2011, 05:51 PM
The incoming pics are thought to be grotesques and Talos-Cronos. The venom seems a strong possibility as it was mentioned by the designer on the original release.

That would cover three plastic kits which may be your lot this wave.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a plastic haemonculus slipped into one of the kits (based on the new tomb king sphinx.

Wracks are rumoured to be metal-resin though I'd really prefer plastic.

This would leave the flyers (inc scourges) for a final future wave with maybe some metal/resin court figures.

Don't hold your breath for a trueborn upgrade kit.

Just my best guess

04-18-2011, 06:45 PM
There won't be any need for a Trueborn upgrade. Scourges will come with Shardcarbines, and there are plenty of bitz/potential for alternate paint schemes to make some warriors stand out as 'Trueborn'.

Same goes for Bloodbrides.

They're like Sternguard Veterans. Yes, there are some cool metal models for those dudes, but...
A: They're Space Marines.
B: There's reason to believe GW is phasing out metal models in the near future.
C: It's easy to make plastic Sternguard, anyhow, and I've seen plenty of people do it. Trueborn/Bloodbrides are no different.

That said...I'm really looking forward to/hoping for the Talos/Chronos, as well as the fliers and some Scourges.

04-19-2011, 12:37 AM
I agree, I can't see GW releasing Trueborn/Bloodbride upgrade kits, and I don't see any need for them to do so. You get so many extra bits in all the plastic sets it really isn't hard to make a single unnit stand out.

I'm surprised we will see a Court set as well, but 7hastings is usually very accurate.

04-19-2011, 07:01 AM
I dind mention Trueborn kit cuz we lack of bits, we lack of weapons, for 5 trueborns with blasters you need 4 warriors box(one balster in box) thats why I want that kit with WEAPONS not for unit to stand out(thats easy)

Ow yes I forgot about venom.

04-19-2011, 07:53 AM
I dind mention Trueborn kit cuz we lack of bits, we lack of weapons, for 5 trueborns with blasters you need 4 warriors box(one balster in box) thats why I want that kit with WEAPONS not for unit to stand out(thats easy)
Sadly, that's the sort of logic GW uses.

If you need 4 of anything - there's 1 per box.

In fantasy, if you prefer units of 5 or 10, models are sold in 4s or 8s.

That way, if there's is enough demand - they can sell a blister with a single figure for $10!

If you're looking for Blasters, my best suggestion is track down people with the old Dark Eldar - we used to get 2 blaster models per blister and most of us have had to buy lots of blisters (though I need all mine now - sorry!). I "think" the blaster was metal and glued onto the warrior as a shoulder mounted weapon (used the same models as for shooting Dark Lances). The old Warrior models won't match a "new" warrior unit. As I still use my old Warrior models, that's not an issue for me.

Hopefully, Forgeworld will do Dark Eldar weapons the same way they started doing alternate bolters for Marines.

04-19-2011, 08:03 AM
Its better than having to shell out for separate metal troopers which is what you used to have to do for lots of the armies and there is a limit to how much they can squeeze on the sprue. Interestingly, the new power armour grey knights come with 2 psycannons in a squad of 5 guys, so GW aren't completely insensitive to gamers' needs.

I'm all for the extra weapon blisters though. they have a few of these but mostly for marine weapons.

04-19-2011, 08:06 AM
Chop the blaster out of a reaver box and use that...little converting needed perhaps

Hopefully the scourges will come with more as well.

And it wouldn't taker too much work to turn blast pistols, shredders and disintergrators into Blasters..

04-19-2011, 08:18 AM
Yes, Scourges will come with more blasters and shardcarbines. Frgt/10, I think, said they had enough to equip the squad with all the weapons they could use, so there should be plenty of spared for Trueborn.

04-19-2011, 08:43 AM
Chop the blaster out of a reaver box and use that...little converting needed perhaps

Hopefully the scourges will come with more as well.

And it wouldn't taker too much work to turn blast pistols, shredders and disintergrators into Blasters..

Also eldar flamers from the wraithlord kit if you can find them online. Any gun with a bulb shaped muzzle would do.

04-19-2011, 03:03 PM
I want Wracks :(... Plastic if possible, but I don't care if they're metal I just want them D: (Oh and of course a god damn Talos xD)

04-20-2011, 05:39 AM
Yes, Scourges will come with more blasters and shardcarbines. Frgt/10, I think, said they had enough to equip the squad with all the weapons they could use, so there should be plenty of spared for Trueborn.

Now I love scourges even more(having 4+/6++ is so amazing afther so many years with 5+)

04-20-2011, 12:01 PM
An easy conversion for blasters is actualy the shredder weapon in the warrior box. Clip of the little pieces on the nose and bam!

04-20-2011, 03:44 PM
apparently, the new scourges come with two options of wings. feathered and mechanic. Not sure if thats been mentioned yet. if it has my bad.

Farseer Uthiliesh
04-21-2011, 01:59 AM
apparently, the new scourges come with two options of wings. feathered and mechanic. Not sure if thats been mentioned yet.

Good lord, that would be wonderful.

04-21-2011, 02:16 AM
I hope it is true, I don't particularly like the organic look of the new artwork. But plenty of people do so giving us both would be nice.

04-21-2011, 07:50 AM
You never dreamd about flying on your own wings??
Im fan of those bio-modification provided by Haemonuli.

Its already so late, where is blury pic from GW??
Wada ya thik `bout dat?

04-21-2011, 09:43 AM
I hope it is true, I don't particularly like the organic look of the new artwork. But plenty of people do so giving us both would be nice.

well the source is a good friend of mine and is usually left in the dark, and having said that they have no idea what the talos/cronos kit looks like but knows it's coming. as for the wings they have seen them, but i failed to ask whether it was at design stage or at production stage but as its late in the day im going to presume at production stage suggesting both wing options.

Farseer Uthiliesh
04-21-2011, 03:41 PM
You never dreamd about flying on your own wings??
Im fan of those bio-modification provided by Haemonuli.

Its already so late, where is blury pic from GW??
Wada ya thik `bout dat?

That's a great image. I love the look of the Scourges.

04-23-2011, 03:42 AM
WD 377 (Mays) just dropped through my letter box...

Back Page


That picture suggests to me at least one flier in the release...

04-23-2011, 05:06 AM
Well there we go then, Dark Eldar flyers. I really doubt the claims that most of the races will be getting them, as I can't see GW making non-codex models en masse, they brought out the Baneblade and Stompa singly over a long period of time.

I'm actually mainly hoping for the ICs, it would be a bit stupid if they didn't release guys like Vect and Haemonculi soon, but then GW aren't exactly known for their clever marketing techniques.

04-23-2011, 06:02 AM
So its gonna be around end of may.....Yuuupeee:D(Im like 5yo in candy factory)

04-23-2011, 09:04 AM
That release date is WD. By then we'll know what the next wave is, they'll be up for advance order, and probably have black boxes in stores.

But they won't be available for actual sale till middle June probably.

On a side note, the guys in my GW said they usually find out whats in a release 8 weeks before release, which puts them finding out (and thusly us finding out) any time soon

04-23-2011, 10:23 AM
I can't wait :')... I seriously hope the Talos/Wrack models are as they look in the book xD. Oh and if that flier is how they are going to actually look... Then I am so getting one :D

Farseer Uthiliesh
04-26-2011, 02:39 AM
I just read on the news page that *possibly* wracks and grotesques are being pushed back due to a metal to resin issue. Which is a great shame. However, I desperately want Scourges (at least fifteen) and a Talos and Cronus. So, I am happy with the next release. Heck, I'll even purchase Venoms, and the two air vehicles.

Edit: I just realised that GW's main website had an image of a possible Grotesque, so maybe we could see that unit released in June. Perhaps June's second wave.

05-02-2011, 02:36 AM
My local GW just created 2 facebook events

"Preview the New Dark Eldar - May 11th 2011"
"Preview the New Dark Eldar - Part 2 - May 14th 2011"

I commented and asked if these were the balck boxes. He replied the black box was due in store Friday 13th.

So not long now! They should be up on advance order within a fortnight!

Farseer Uthiliesh
05-02-2011, 02:51 AM
My local GW just created 2 facebook events

"Preview the New Dark Eldar - May 11th 2011"
"Preview the New Dark Eldar - Part 2 - May 14th 2011"

I commented and asked if these were the balck boxes. He replied the black box was due in store Friday 13th.

So not long now! They should be up on advance order within a fortnight!

Given that they are releasing the next wave on June the 10th (well, around then), won't that mean the pre-orders should be up this week?

05-02-2011, 03:07 AM
Yeah maybe...there won't be anything out of GW today, being a Bank Holiday and all...but I would expect them to be on advance order really soon.

Farseer Uthiliesh
05-02-2011, 03:09 AM
Yeah maybe...there won't be anything out of GW today, being a Bank Holiday and all...but I would expect them to be on advance order really soon.

All I can say is, let's hope it is indeed soon. :)

05-02-2011, 03:17 AM
Usually in the week after the previous release. Tomb Kings next weekend so should be in the week after that.

Wednesdays I think are currently the preferred day.

05-09-2011, 05:33 AM
Just thought I'd post this


Farseer Uthiliesh
05-09-2011, 05:39 AM
Is that the GW Talos model?

Edit: I think that's the prototype.

05-09-2011, 05:44 AM
If its genuine its a Talos (assuming of course it isn't a Cronos)...looks damn like the one in the codex and pretty awesome to boot

Although not sure on the bulky forearms...

We'll see for real soon! My manager confirmed via the stores FB that they will be up for advance order on Wednesday and black boxing it up on Friday

05-09-2011, 05:56 AM
even though that cronos looks stunning, it's not GW's. You can find that one on someones blog, scratch build.

Hoping they'll bring an article sooner than Wednesday :mad:

Farseer Uthiliesh
05-09-2011, 06:14 AM
We'll see for real soon! My manager confirmed via the stores FB that they will be up for advance order on Wednesday and black boxing it up on Friday

Dear god, yes. Here am I sitting here about to do an order of Tau from Maelstrom, taking advantage of the 15% sale. I think I will wait for the Dark Eldar.

05-09-2011, 06:54 AM
Sorry that's my bad, please ignore my last post.

I had been sent that pic by somebody, but have just discovered that it is in fact somebody's scratchbuild, the pic is taken from tabletop gaming news.

Guess that's what happens when you post at work, you don't get time to check these things.

Sorry guys, didn't mean to get anybody's hopes up.

05-09-2011, 07:06 AM
To be fair Silver, a Talos is one of the most credibly rumoured (almost confirmed) model that we'll be getting alongside the Venom.

05-09-2011, 03:56 PM
Damn it I was about to start dance of happines. Im amazed, this scratchbuild looks like talos from codex art....exacly like.

05-10-2011, 12:52 AM
Damn it I was about to start dance of happines. Im amazed, this scratchbuild looks like talos from codex art....exacly like.

It's such an awesome Scartch-build :P

05-11-2011, 03:39 AM
They up!
But as far as I can see...no release date on them yet(Edit now there is - June 4th)


A Talos and Cronos..in 2 seperate kits. And look nothing like what I expected





The Venom...which looks very nice, with Wych passengers


And Scourges. In Plastic. 80 piece kit, for 5 models. With some truely gorgeous wings.


Also a battleforce of warriors wyches, reavers and a raider

So No Hemonculi, No Wracks, No Grotesques and most notably given the WD back page...No fliers!

And both the preview pics on the Incoming page where the Talos or Cronos

05-11-2011, 03:49 AM
And now the newsis posted...my opinion

Why couldn't that scratchbuilt Talos on the last page have been real? The new one...is cool i guess...and i'll be getting at least 1...but the scratch built looks much nicer

And maybe its just me being silly...but the sprue preview for the Talos and cronos look identical. Not sure why its not just 1 kit?

Venoms and Scourges are perfect. Can't wait to get my hands on some. I like the scourge has 2 choices of cockpit...it can be open so you can see the driver

And the battleforce is nice I guess...but contains no new models, so why it wasn't released at launch I don't know

The customisation in them all looks amazing

05-11-2011, 03:53 AM
I see what they did there, further tying the visuals of the Chronos/Talos with the Haemonculi covens by making them the even bigger grotesques. It'll grow on me, but for now I more prefer the Scorpion monster art in the Codex.

Speaking of Wracks/Grotesques, where are they? No metals in this release. Are they being made in plastic too, or did they get caught up in the metal hulabaloo going on in GW?

05-11-2011, 04:02 AM
Check the details. The Talos/Cronos claims it is one kit. Odd that they'd have two listings like that.

05-11-2011, 04:09 AM
It's nice to finally have pics at last, especially of the Scourges.

I must admit I am not yet sold on the Talos/Cronos but I reckon it's one of those kits that when seen in the flesh I will no doubt want.

I am a bit confused as to why they couldn't have been one boxed set though, looking at the sprue breakdown there really is little difference that I can make out.

The Venom is as expected, to be honest I already knew exactly what this would look like, and I do really like it.

The Scourges are by far the best for me though, which is annoying as I hadn't planned to use them in my list but now might have to!

The two choices of wings are what have sold it for me, I don't like the feathered ones (there's nothing wrong with them, just personal preference) but the bat or harpy looking ones are really cool.

Bearing in mind that White Dwarf is written 3 months in advance I don't think we will be seeing the flyer this month, although I could be wrong.

There were some problems with the kit earlier this year apparently and this has delayed it.

The Venom as far as I know was held back for a few weeks to fill the gap, but I suppose the real answer will be in White Dwarf.

Fingers crossed though as I really want to see the flyer, it is supposed to be very cool.

Edit: Just saw above post (got ninja'd) - makes much more sense that Talos and Cronos are one kit, now makes it more appealing too, more things to convert with.

05-11-2011, 04:10 AM
I like the Talos/Cronos more than I thought I would. The venom is perfect, but the Scourges are masterpieces. I was prepared to dislike them, I didn't care for the Codex art but those are magnificient.

Nice to see the rumours that here would be no battleforce were wrong. Again. :rolleyes:

05-11-2011, 04:13 AM
Wow...that Talos is freaking amazing. When the beastmasters came out it looked like the quality of the figs was slipping a bit but with this release it just shot right back up again. The scourges and the venom are just perfect. Man I cant wait to get my hands on this stuff lol

Just noticed that the Razorwing isn't there...I was REALLY hoping to see it. I guess we have to wait a couple more weeks for that one (ie middle of the month). Ah well lol

05-11-2011, 04:15 AM
Well I've made my order...the wierd thing for me still is...even after the order went through...there is still no date for release. it just says available for preorder.

As for the rest of the models...is it possible there will be a staggered release wave like the GK had? That a few more bits will surface in 2 weeks?

EDIT - I know this is hardly confirmation, and comes from the most untrustworthy of sources...but on the GW Facebook page, someones commented on the new advance orders and said there will be a 2nd wave

05-11-2011, 04:21 AM
Yup, rumour has it that the Razorwing and maybe some other things will be up for pre-order in a week or two.

05-11-2011, 04:47 AM
The Talos/cronos are listed separately but it looks from the narrative and sprue pics that it is really just one kit. I quite like it, although I agree the cronos is not what I expected.

The venom looks pretty much as expected, but feels a bit pricey given its size, but I suppose the crew could be used to create more wych models to save money.

The scourges look good, but I'm disappointed that there are no mechanical wing options that were rumoured. I think they could have done something a little more impressive with them.

Battleforce is a pretty obvious collection of the four original release kits.

Note: No metal releases announced, this is the second month in a row and provides further support for the no more metal rumour.

The aircraft are still MIA (pretty mean tease in this month's white dwarf :mad:)
The other big hole is wracks (plastic please)
Grotesques should be relatively easily convertible using some leftovers from the Talos/Cronos kits

05-11-2011, 05:00 AM


05-11-2011, 05:04 AM


Only 81 minutes late :P

05-11-2011, 05:15 AM
Only 81 minutes late :P

Sorry :D
Was completely discombobulated by how much i liked the models and failed to pay any attention.
I do not actually have any dark eldar models at all. But all the new stuff they have released over the last few months is just too good not buy. I'm gonna go work out what to buy right now.

05-11-2011, 05:40 AM
Agreed. Was only planning on getting 1 scourge box, just to have them. But the models are too nice not to get a few more!

05-11-2011, 05:42 AM
Also (Whoops double post)

They now have a dispatch date! June 4th for these goodies.

Farseer Uthiliesh
05-11-2011, 05:48 AM
Just ordered:

1 Talos
1 Cronus
4x Scourges
2x Venoms.

05-11-2011, 05:55 AM
Farsser you do know the talos and cronus are the same set. I think the reason they listed it twice is so they could show it off

Farseer Uthiliesh
05-11-2011, 06:21 AM
Farsser you do know the talos and cronus are the same set. I think the reason they listed it twice is so they could show it off

I wasn't aware of that, but I plan to construct a Talos and a Cronus anyway.

05-11-2011, 06:57 AM
Yea its a bit odd but about half way down the product details it says on each item "Can build a talos or Cronus" maybe they will sell more if they list it twice trust GW to be sneaky with Dark eldar products

05-11-2011, 07:08 AM
Razorwing picture:

Will buy. Many. Of Everything.

05-11-2011, 07:12 AM
Damn you Eldargal you just beat me to it! :)

Lovely, lovely, lovely kit!

Can't really say much more than that.

05-11-2011, 07:14 AM
Is the one on the right a voidraven the wing looks slightly different and it has 4 missiles instead.

05-11-2011, 07:16 AM
Nope just different missiles.

05-11-2011, 07:26 AM
Wouldn't be too difficuult to convert one to other if they don't release 2 kits, or a combi kit

Does kinda nnoy me that they're staggering releases like this, cos it means I have to make 2 orders, and sit at home on 2 seperate days waiting for the postman...

Farseer Uthiliesh
05-11-2011, 01:48 PM
Razorwing picture:

My pants just exploded.

05-11-2011, 02:30 PM
My pants just exploded.

I know why. On other side, those models scream for bigger table imo.

05-11-2011, 04:42 PM
I know why. On other side, those models scream for bigger table imo.

No more than the 1-9 Valkyries IG can field.

05-11-2011, 10:22 PM
There is four missiles on the one on the right and different guns

05-11-2011, 11:07 PM
I wonder if GW still intend on releasing plastic wrack passengers for the transports. Hard to see how they could now, the raider has warriors, the venom has wyches (though I'll be using the Wych passengers on my raiders mostly) no more transports to come so... Perhaps a bitz pack, or they just won't bother.

05-12-2011, 12:53 AM
There is four missiles on the one on the right and different guns

They both have 4 missiles and the one on the right has disintegrators instead of dark lances. :)

05-12-2011, 03:10 AM
I wonder if GW still intend on releasing plastic wrack passengers for the transports. Hard to see how they could now, the raider has warriors, the venom has wyches (though I'll be using the Wych passengers on my raiders mostly) no more transports to come so... Perhaps a bitz pack, or they just won't bother.

If they ever do plastic wracks, they could slip in a couple of legs/arms suitable for vehicles. Seems unlikely though.

05-12-2011, 08:39 AM
They both have 4 missiles and the one on the right has disintegrators instead of dark lances. :)

oooo yeah duh stupid FINALS

05-12-2011, 04:27 PM
Something I noticed reading the GW Developer Blog from Jes today about the design on the new Talos

in the end we went for two racks curving over the back, made from extruded bone and bearing flasks and syringes (a feature occurring on other Coven models

Now I know we've got Urien already, but no other coven models confirmed. And yes Urien has these design features. Does this give us clues that the rest of the Coven line has been done as well?

05-13-2011, 11:28 AM
Sure...I belive they notice connection betwen awesome lookin models for xeno(DE) and actual sell rate.

05-13-2011, 12:10 PM
I need for GW to hurry up and get the 2nd batch of Tomb kings and DE out for pre order already so i can get my order in before i get married and move to cali. all those bone giants and bombers and wracks and grotesques and possibly some named characters

i'd love to have the duke or vect with an uber legit vehicle like a 2 tiered raider spaniard / columbus style - mega ship

must get orders in so they arrive before july - aahhhhhhhhhhhh

05-13-2011, 12:40 PM
I need for GW to hurry up and get the 2nd batch of Tomb kings and DE out for pre order already so i can get my order in before i get married and move to cali. all those bone giants and bombers and wracks and grotesques and possibly some named characters

i'd love to have the duke or vect with an uber legit vehicle like a 2 tiered raider spaniard / columbus style - mega ship

must get orders in so they arrive before july - aahhhhhhhhhhhh