View Full Version : doubles tournament 2000 pts SHared Force chart.

03-13-2011, 09:26 PM
First time putting up a thread. so this is my list for a 2000 point doubles tournament sharing a force chart.
I am going to go with my Dark Eldar since i have spent so much time putting together the models and custom making 2 voidraven bombers.

list 1
Void raven w/ff and 4 shatter missiles 195----heavy support1
Void raven w/ff and 4 shatter missiles 195----heavy support2

10 warriors with DL on a raider w/ff185pts---troop1

10 warriors with DL on a raider w/ff185pts---troop2

4 trueborns w/ 4 blasters with Haemonculus w/ liquifier gun on a Raider with FF 178pts+60pts Elites1 HQ1

list 2
Ravager with FF 115---Heavy support3
10 warriors with DL on a raider w/ff185pts---troop3

10 warriors on raider with ff and Splinter racks 170pts----troop4
10 warriors on raider with ff and Splinter racks 170pts----troop5
4 trueborns w/ 4 blasters on raider w/ff disintegrator cannons 178--- Elites2
4 trueborns w/ 4 blasters on raider w/ff disintegrator cannons 178--- Elites3

Total = 996

All total it is 8 raiders 1 ravager 2 voidraven bombers
12 blasters 12DL 4Void Lances 5troops 3 elites

Any and all comments welcome. Thank you.

03-14-2011, 03:44 AM
Firstly why the dark lance on your warriors in raider? Unless your planning keeping the raider still or deploying seperate not much point. Though if you are doin that then fair enough :)

In that points slot i would replace one of the elite units with incubi. I just feel you'll need some counter assault and incubi with pain token are evil :)
they are perfect with haemoclus :p

03-14-2011, 01:03 PM
You r right about the incubi and the hamuncli. love the pain token. But as good as they are I have found them not as usefull or cheaper then warriors. Not that happy with the codex after waiting over 10 years.
But I am happy with poison weapons and flicker fields.
I do plan on not moving the warriors in raider with dark lance, I figure with 36in range i can hit most anything on the bored plus I get to pick 2 different targets with my dl on raide and with the warriors. I am not confident enough with close combat, I know dark eldar are great in close combat, but after they beat there opponents they are very vulnerable to shooting.5or6 armor saves sucks and feel no pain is overrated. With 5 troops choice I can hold a lot of objectives and with 8 raiders can contest a lot too.

Even 9 warriors rapid firing poison weapons into an ic or monstrous creature is terrifying.