View Full Version : Favorite army to play against?

03-13-2011, 02:26 PM
Everyone has their favored army to play - whether it was your first army, or a newer one you've come to love. But what's your favorite army to play AGAINST? The one that gives you the games that are the most fun, or the biggest challenge?

For my Chaos Space Marines - Loyalist Space Marines and Sisters of Battle. I know, I know, MEQ vs MEQ blahblahblah, but those are the most thematic for me. Against Space Marines, because the Long War still endures, and every fight against the Loyalist dogs of the Emperor is another fight closer to ending it. Sisters of Battle, because I just KNOW that Chaos Space Marines see them as pretenders to a legacy they do not deserve - trying to be something they can never be, etc etc. I think that's how the Chaos Space Marines view them - and besides, from a gameplay perspective, Sisters of Battle are awesomely fun to play against when I bring my Thousand Sons.

For my Chaos Daemons...I don't know, really. Every game is different with them, and I haven't gotten to play them as much as I like.

For my Necron? Tyranid. Definitely Tyranid. More specifically, horde lists of Tyranid. That bit of fluff about the Tyranid purposefully avoiding random worlds in the path of their hive fleets, even if they were teeming with life, just made me laugh. Even Tyranid know to stay away from the Necron, and besides, against Horde lists, nothing says "go away" like some Gauss Flux Arcs.

03-13-2011, 03:57 PM
My orks just love to crush space marines of all shapes and sizes into dust.

for my IG???? it has to be tau. gunline vs gunline its a hell of a lot of fun win or lose

03-13-2011, 04:06 PM
Favorite armies to play against: Chaos Daemons, Blood Angels, Dark Eldar, Tau. The games are fast, fun, and bloody.

Most frustrating armies to play against: Black Templar, IG, Deathwing, Necrons. They just won't die.

03-13-2011, 04:10 PM
What do you play as, Lerra? Eldar?

03-13-2011, 06:36 PM
There are two ways I could answer this, i.e. which army do I like to game against and which armies I like to win against.

As far as armies I like to beat...
-Tau. I love stomping those space cow commies who think they're better'n me.
-Necrons. As an Eldar/Dark Eldar player (among others), I feel an obligation to purge them from the galaxy once and for all.
-Mech IG. They have consistently proven to be the army I lose most to, and so every victory over them brings joy to my heart. They are a PAIN to fight though.

For armies against whom I bear no particular grudge, but with which I enjoy the simple pleasure of watching them die...
-Anything hordes. Orks, foot IG, gant-heavy Nid armies. It's a target-rich environment and they all die before my guns. If my opponent is removing handfuls of doods every turn, I'm at peace with the universe.

03-13-2011, 06:46 PM
For my Eldar, Necrons and Chaos because of the thematic interactions. Pity Necrons are, in general, so easy to fight.
For Dark Eldar, Space Marines and IG. Important to show those infantile primates who really rules this galaxy.

03-13-2011, 06:53 PM
I don't get to fight Eldar as much as I'd like with my Chaos. :(

03-13-2011, 08:36 PM
For my Chaos Marine army I would have to say the current Black Templars, even with the eratta/ FAQ update. They are challenging with a good general, but not so overpowiering that I need to design my list as a anti hero/tank setup, or specifically set up my list to combat a specific strength or take advantage of a specific flaw in the opponents army.

If I have a even chance of winning as I have of losing when using a well balanced army, and assuming the dice roll average, and the opposing general is as good as I am, then I would enjoy fighting that army.

Which armies do I not enjoy playing against, well that is different. Eldar 9too anti- psyker) so I can not use daemon princes, or tzeentch forces., Blood Angels or the new Grey Knights when the finally ome out. Smaller armies, (about same size as mine), but they have far more powerful characters, over powing rules and abilities that seem designed to target Chaos Marine tactics/bonuses. Necrons with their Monoliths and res orbs make destroying their troops almost impossible, and I have nothing except the Vindicators that can destroy the Monoliths, and they are the necrons first victim in every battle, and finally Tau because I can never get across the table quick enough to colse combat them. I have no drop pods, and most of my forces that deep strike are wiped out before they can be effective.

The list goes on, but I like playing against Orks, Sisters, Dark Angels, and to a smaller degree Tyranids.

If I had drop pods, or skimmers, I could alter my tactics, and the list of armies I would love to play against would expand greatly.

03-13-2011, 08:43 PM
As Dark Eldar, any Marine based army.

As Ork, um, hmmm.... IG perhaps?

03-13-2011, 09:07 PM
with my green tide. Chaos,BT's(local player is tooled up for anti-mech lol) and melta spam vets IG, they all say, "That's alot of orks..."

my wolves like fighting orks and eldar.

grey knights like fighting chaos C:CSM or C:D or bolth. :cool:

03-13-2011, 09:20 PM
What do you play as, Lerra? Eldar?

Mostly Chaos Daemons, but I also have a Tau/Kroot Mercs and a Marine army.

I NoSe
03-14-2011, 04:06 AM
With my IG: gotta say another IG. Its the best in a city fight.

With my BT: orks hands down i love a good scrap

03-14-2011, 05:29 AM
My eldar love beating the crap out of tyranids and orks, hence the emphasis on dire avengers and fire dragons
however, i do like seeing the smug faces of space marine players, especially ultramarine players, when their precious tanks get destroyed by my dark reapers

I. Hate. Ultramarines.

03-14-2011, 06:35 AM
Specificly for me I hate Vulkan/salamanders vanilla army lists. I hates me some TL Melta and flamers not forgetting to metion raiders full of TH/SS termies. That being said I love that with the replacement of one character you can have a whole new SM army.

My Pedro SM force love fighting Nids. My sterngaurd hold objectives and eat carnifaxs with ease.

For my BA I love playing Tau for an easy win or Mech IG for a challenge.

03-14-2011, 12:06 PM
Only got one army Sister of battle (don't use inquisition models often), and I'd have to say Orks I've never beat them, I've come close but like they say that only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades. Never realy had a problem with Tryanids or other swarm armies though. Played Guard once and was tabled that sucked monkey didn't even get the turn three, for marines both chaos and 'nilla it's always a close game. Dark Eldar have yet to face and regular Eldar is always a fun time, Tau only once and was tabled, never played BA, SWs twice one lose, one win, BT again always a blast. But in all things considered Orks are my favourite nemisis XD.

03-16-2011, 11:15 AM
My Blood Angels like to kill Chaos Marines and Demons.

Tyranids can be a fairly ruff game for me.