View Full Version : GW acknowledge the existence of Specialist Games

03-13-2011, 06:43 AM
Well, its not exactly new, but nice to see GW actually talk about specialist gmaes:

While I'd love to think this may herald a revival of the SG range*, i'm not going to read to much into it. Still, its nice. Perhaps some people will actually buy some SG kits.:rolleyes:

*in fact someone within GW told me they intended to do so once the company was confident of its profitability, this was back in 2007.

03-13-2011, 07:18 AM
More Necromunda Please.

In seriousness I think the specialist games are the best thing GW have produced. To bad they haven't really done anything serious for them since about 2005. The problem is with most of them once you have the rules (which are available free now) all you need is about a squad- so its much cheaper thank 40k. The only way they could have made profit was by releasing more rules (which was part of what made the game so great- so many new possibilities being released regularly) in a magazine.

I'd love a revival

03-13-2011, 07:29 AM
I always thought that GW had the wrong idea with the Specialist Games. It always struck me that the thing to do would be to release them in the same style as Heroclix; released in comics shops and non-GW establishments, with sets of pre-painted models. You know, kind of an "intro" thing. The fact the games are so self-contained would make it a lovely little collector's thing. It would work really well with Mordheim and Necromunda - they almost lend themselves perfectly to it.

It won't happen, as it's too far out of GW's "The world outside our shops doesn't exist" sales strategy, and pre-painted models is well out of their comfort zone, but it struck me as something that might work.

03-13-2011, 07:33 AM
Apart from the pre-painted bit, I agree. Using the 40k/WFB starter boxes alongside a series of SG starter kits a recruiting tools in model and toy stores would seem like a good idea, depending on the logistics of it.

03-13-2011, 08:13 AM
agreed! Bloodbowl was what brought me in, its a sweet game and I am willing to take all comers! Anyone want a piece of the Dark Karnival? Necromantic world champions of the Northern Illinois Blood Bowl league!

03-13-2011, 10:24 AM
I'd like to see some more BFG support and intrest. I have a huge fleet and no one to play with.

03-13-2011, 10:26 AM
sounds like my love life

03-13-2011, 11:46 AM
Probably an unpopular opinion but I'd love to see the old Necromunda plastics from the boxed set rereleased on their own. I think they'd make great Vets, cultists, retinue, penal legion, etc.

03-13-2011, 12:00 PM
BFG is awesome. That is my favorite GW game, I just have no one to play with. Got a nice wolf pack fleet, led by a Rogue Trader n' friends. Lots n' lots of little ships (good chunk of them are fire ships!) and carriers.

I attack you with lots n' lots of ordnance and then try to light you on fire! Oh yeah, the average Ld in the fleet is 5-6! Hahahah!

03-13-2011, 12:42 PM
i think an expansion that mixes
BFG,epic and 40k

would be soooo fun!

03-13-2011, 12:59 PM
Fuzz- there once was a 40k battle rep that mixed a 40k battle with BFG. It was great.

03-13-2011, 01:34 PM
In the BFG books it brings up 4ok and BFG mixed games often.
Agree with Fuzz it would be great to see an expansion that ties in the systems.

03-13-2011, 02:18 PM
was the batrep in a WD or online? im intrested :D

03-13-2011, 07:38 PM
I would like to see Mordheim with some more updated rules.

I played it a lot, and I felt that some warbands were far more powerful. Also, the game mechanics could be brought 'in line' with the current fantasy system (just a few tweaks).

Same for Necromunda.

The major drawback for SG are the price; have you had a look recently? They are charging 'modern day prices' for old stock. I'd love to get into Epic or BFG, but not at that price.

03-14-2011, 06:46 AM
How about they change the specialist games to expansions. So you kept the basic rules from 40k/fantasy but the rules allow for smaller skirmish games. So a reverse of LOTR where it went from a skirmish to big battles. That way new players could start will a few models play games learn the basic rules and then they can move to the full game and expand their army more. Plus it would make for great campaigns, start with small skirmish add naval battles then add in a full battle/apocalypse game to end it.

03-14-2011, 08:13 AM
I have / had all the specialist games at one point or another. BFG is still my favorite (6 fleets), but I still have the Blood Bowl TEAMS and Epic figs from Titan Legions era.

When they 1st folded Specialist Games into their own division - there used to be great support for them. Couple of magazines, new experimental rules and yearly FAQs or rules reviews . GW would roll out a new set of figures (not many) every quarter for one of the systems. It had a very active forum. Things were fine until they closed off the seperate Specialists games website and "brought everything home".

I honestly hope they fix things up and support these games properly. I'm not going to hold my breath though...

Maybe SOMEBODY release an OFFICIAL Forgeworld Tau Fleet List for BFG! :(

Forgeworld's released the stats and points costs - but there's never been an official Fleet List!!!

03-14-2011, 05:14 PM
I would have loved BFG a whole lot more if the models for almost every single fleet weren't so awful looking, and some of the rules weren't so nonsensical. If GW ever re-releases that game, it should be with a complete redesign from the ground up, from models to rules. Honestly, they could learn a lot from the Firestorm Armada guys - and with their new plastic technology, they could make some really sweet ships!

03-14-2011, 08:09 PM
Is this also a Sirenīs chant from GW??

They are the first that doesnīt sell the SG on their stores, and also forbid playing them in their stores...

If they really want to relaunch them... Allow again the selling and playing on the official stores must be the first step!!

I would like to play Bloodbowl and BFG

03-14-2011, 09:10 PM
You can play specialist games in US GW stores.

From what I heard, about the time they went to single employee stores, GW said they are allowed to run specialist games if there is community interest.

03-15-2011, 03:05 PM
Well, in Spain you canīt

03-16-2011, 03:02 AM
How about they change the specialist games to expansions. So you kept the basic rules from 40k/fantasy but the rules allow for smaller skirmish games. So a reverse of LOTR where it went from a skirmish to big battles. That way new players could start will a few models play games learn the basic rules and then they can move to the full game and expand their army more. Plus it would make for great campaigns, start with small skirmish add naval battles then add in a full battle/apocalypse game to end it.

This would be great.

Sometime I don't have the time for big games, and a small skirmish is all I need.

Also, as you said, the potential for campaigns is huge.

An optional rpg-like element would be good too. I really liked how my warband for Mordheim evolved and changed as things happened to each character. Models create themselves, and great stories are written. It adds a lot of depth to games, which is what I truly enjoy.

It aids in the suspension of disbelief.

03-16-2011, 11:49 AM
Well, in Spain you canīt

Is it GW policy that you can not play specialists games in stores there or is it manager policy?

How large are your stores and how busy are they?

Even the smaller stores I have seen in the US have room for 2-3 tables plus the demo game table. The closest store has four gaming tables, a demo table and a painting table. Most week nights there is at least one open table. If there was enough interest, and GW support, I sure nobody would have a problem finding space to play specialists games at my store. The real problem is that Epic is not well supported, costs as much to play as 40k and to some extent people are unsure if they could paint the minis.

03-16-2011, 12:46 PM
This would be great.

Sometime I don't have the time for big games, and a small skirmish is all I need.

Also, as you said, the potential for campaigns is huge.

An optional rpg-like element would be good too. I really liked how my warband for Mordheim evolved and changed as things happened to each character. Models create themselves, and great stories are written. It adds a lot of depth to games, which is what I truly enjoy.

It aids in the suspension of disbelief.

LOTR battle companies had a great rpg element and was a skirmish version of a skirmish game and was brilliant and LOTR is a brilliant skirmish game so we know GW can do skirmish so i do not understand why they don't move these elements over to 40k.

Even there historical games have some great RPG elements so why don't GW do 40k or fantasy versions is beyond me.

03-16-2011, 05:50 PM
Is it GW policy that you can not play specialists games in stores there or is it manager policy?

How large are your stores and how busy are they?

Even the smaller stores I have seen in the US have room for 2-3 tables plus the demo game table. The closest store has four gaming tables, a demo table and a painting table. Most week nights there is at least one open table. If there was enough interest, and GW support, I sure nobody would have a problem finding space to play specialists games at my store. The real problem is that Epic is not well supported, costs as much to play as 40k and to some extent people are unsure if they could paint the minis.

In Madrid, Spainīs capital city, and where I live, we have 3 stores in the city: 2-3 gaming tables, the demo game table and the counter.

But is a GW policy for our country, it seems...

03-20-2011, 08:22 AM
Want to see something depressing


03-20-2011, 01:36 PM
Want to see something depressing

You mean the fact that there have not been any new Specialist games releases in forever?

Or is it that they think a WD that only covers the main games still counts as specialist?

03-21-2011, 10:03 AM
Dear GW,
I have an idea on how to make money:

Step 1) Drop LotR. seriously.

Step 2) Bring back the specialist games in full

Step 3) DON'T do limited "Splash" releases like you did with Space Hulk, I wanted so bad, but they were all sold out by the chance I could get to the FLGS, and I didn't feel like sinking $200 into one on Ebay, so GW lost over $100 CDN from me, and who knows how many others. If you're going to bring it back, bring it back with a bang!

Step 4: PROFIT!

03-21-2011, 12:58 PM
Dear GW,
I have an idea on how to make money:

Step 1) Drop LotR. seriously.

Drop a game that was voted second best GW game, thats just about to get a new film release so another big increase in sales and has a high turn out for GT, last year there was 90 people at GT. As well as this its rules are so simple they now use them for the historical systems GW produce. So scrapping it would actually be the worst thing they could do.

03-21-2011, 02:05 PM
But does anybody but LOTR?

Seriously, I'm not sure if my local GW store has sold more than one starter box in six months. We have maybe ten people with minis for the game but only see it played once a month.

03-22-2011, 04:25 AM
Its very popular in the UK and Europe my gaming group regularly plays LOTR more so than any other GW system. Also GT tickets are Ģ50 the LOTR GT had 100 people turn up last year, that's quite a sum. Yes sales are down but what do you suspect of an unsupported game come the release of the hobbit the game will pick up again.

03-22-2011, 08:47 AM
Well gentlemen, I stand corrected on LotR. A few buddies of mine run a hobby store and they picked up some LotR stuff to stock when it came out, and it still hasn't moved, they have to dust it off on a regular basis. It must just not be too popular in these parts!

03-22-2011, 09:04 AM
Step 3) DON'T do limited "Splash" releases like you did with Space Hulk, I wanted so bad, but they were all sold out by the chance I could get to the FLGS, and I didn't feel like sinking $200 into one on Ebay, so GW lost over $100 CDN from me, and who knows how many others. If you're going to bring it back, bring it back with a bang!

You certainly make a fair point, as GW certainly didn't allow anyone to pre-order the game. Shame on them.

03-22-2011, 11:30 AM
The real problem was that A$$hats were ordering 50 of them to sell on Ebay at double the price.
IIRC they were available to order online for about a week. One of the local GW stores had been shipped too many and had a dozen on the shelf a month later.

03-22-2011, 11:39 AM
The real problem was that A$$hats were ordering 50 of them to sell on Ebay at double the price.
IIRC they were available to order online for about a week. One of the local GW stores had been shipped too many and had a dozen on the shelf a month later.

My local FLGS had like.. two of them. The nearest store that had any beyond that was Toronto, about an hour drive from here (and I don't own a car, so about 2 hours by Train). Sucked demiurge so bad :mad:

03-22-2011, 12:12 PM
Two of the best games GW has brought us are Blood Bowl and Battlefleet Gothic. Unfortunatly we play both not often enough. My last BB League is years away und my last BFG engagement was in Aug 10 - but ist still was a big one - bringing some fluff to a big apo-battle. The SG games-range lives from the developement of your team/fleet but i honestly donīt understand why gw showed them no love in the past.

03-22-2011, 12:16 PM
Two of the best games GW has brought us are Blood Bowl and Battlefleet Gothic. Unfortunatly we play both not often enough. My last BB League is years away und my last BFG engagement was in Aug 10 - but ist still was a big one - bringing some fluff to a big apo-battle. The SG games-range lives from the developement of your team/fleet but i honestly donīt understand why gw showed them no love in the past.

Absolutely! Finding leagues for BB and BFG is a challenge I find. The BB PC game isn't bad, but its just not the real thing. Maybe liscencing the PC games are GWs way of saying "suuuuuure.. we still support that product.. but.. we don't want to make more models for it if we can avoid it..."

03-22-2011, 01:36 PM
Absolutely! Finding leagues for BB and BFG is a challenge I find. The BB PC game isn't bad, but its just not the real thing. Maybe liscencing the PC games are GWs way of saying "suuuuuure.. we still support that product.. but.. we don't want to make more models for it if we can avoid it..."

I sincerely urge you to check out FWs Aeronautica Imperialis then. Super fun.

03-22-2011, 04:38 PM
I wonder if the Specialist Games range suffers from lack of designers.

IIRC Andy Chambers wrote BFG and a good chunk of 2nd - 3rd edition Epic. Jervis was in charge of specialist games for a while and had a few updates during that time. Not sure when the last time I sa Jervis listed as the designer on anything. I think Rick Priestly has been management for even longer.

One of the key features of the specialist games range is that they do not adapt 40k or WHFB rules to other scales, they have they own rules mechanics suited to the scope of the game. As we have seen some of the current designers have a problem with balance in an established rule set. It could be that nobody is left that could handle a new rules set or change in scope.

03-23-2011, 11:07 PM
space hulk hooked me at 1st sight,then got into 40k then necromunda,gorkamorka,bloodbowl,BFG,epic,mordahime & ternid attack....would love a new nec or gork game not just a book like nec did, and i love the new space hulk now weres the back up 4 it deathwing,. geansteler.....

03-24-2011, 06:56 AM
I sincerely urge you to check out FWs Aeronautica Imperialis then. Super fun.

I've been thinking about it quite a bit lately, but its a tricky one. Living in Canada our dollar pales to the pound, so anything from Forge World tends to get pricy for me (oh, 18 pound sterling for that gubbin? well... thats only $35CDN...), and I've had some bad experiences from them shipping to me. Went the long way around the world for some reason, so it took me a month to get my bitz.

Still, the stuff for AI looks great, and I've been thinking on. Just need to convince my friends to play too, they have the same price/delivery problems.

03-25-2011, 08:29 AM
I've been thinking about it quite a bit lately, but its a tricky one. Living in Canada our dollar pales to the pound, so anything from Forge World tends to get pricy for me (oh, 18 pound sterling for that gubbin? well... thats only $35CDN...), and I've had some bad experiences from them shipping to me. Went the long way around the world for some reason, so it took me a month to get my bitz.

Still, the stuff for AI looks great, and I've been thinking on. Just need to convince my friends to play too, they have the same price/delivery problems.
Well, speaking as another Canuck (Winnipeg), I've had great experiences with Forgeworld.

I've made multiple orders and while I cringe at the thought of spending that much on a Titan, I've bough fliers,accessories and other tidbits without issue. Hardest part for me was trying to direct-dial to Europe (hadn't done it before, when FW first openned up).

Patience is required - I usually got things in 2-3 weeks, but I have a hate for certain delivery companies so insisted they use regular Parcel Post. Any issues with tracking, they either found it or re-shipped right away. Couple of times they caught the problem before I did!

I'm still drooling over the Space Station and Tau Fleet for BFG. Maybe this summer I can find some time and money...