View Full Version : Psyker Battle Squad soulstorm question

03-12-2011, 02:29 PM
Hi All,

I've been lurking on this forum for a while now and i feel i've finally got a reason to post something.

now this may seem like a truly dumb question but given that i'm going to use some psyker battle squads in an upcoming game and it's my first time using them, i read through the rules regarding soulstorm. What's confusing me is that i couldn't find any definite answer to the following question: does the soulstorm blast scatter as per other blast weapons? or does it just plop a big old blast template on the target you've chosen?

I've looked through both the main rulebook and the Ig codex and neither gives a definite answer... can anyone help clarify this for me?

yours confused,


03-12-2011, 02:37 PM
Yes, it scatters. Just like any other blast weapon.

03-14-2011, 03:44 AM
There is a definite answer.

Soulstorm is a Psychic Shooting Attack and thus follows the rules for shooting.

Soulstorm is Assault 1, Large Blast and thus follows the rules for Blast Markers.

Soulstorm is not given any exceptions to the shooting rules and thus follows them to the letter.

It is really very clear and definite. The Soulstorm doesn't have to say that it scatters as that is what weapons with blast markers normally do.
The only time to adress scatter would be to change it from the norm, ie no or different scatter.