View Full Version : More Dark Elves on the way

03-12-2011, 04:26 AM
A few titbits from Warseer:

I totally forgot to post this before with my other post here...

But it comes from the same person and the same occasion...

He saw in production a Dark Elf Lord on a Dragon at the Manufacturing stage...

That fits with the characters/monsters theme thats been going on in this thread...

Good to hear it is in production. It is a beauty.
Some good stuff in the pipeline for Dark Elves.

It may or may not be in connection with the rumoured expansion, though Harry may be implying a second wave, or he may not.

03-12-2011, 12:30 PM
I have been saying for years that the Druchii were going to get their own dragon, probably with Malekith on it. After all, there isn't a single picture of Malekith in the army book aside from one carefully cropped old drawing. It's about time the actual son of Aenarion got some love.