View Full Version : Blood of Kitten 6th Edition 'bombshell'.

03-12-2011, 04:16 AM
I'm only posting this because it warrants discussion, I'm highly skeptical:

Ok the ”Bombshell” I really need to use better wording…

”By the end of the next Olympics we will treated to 6th ed Warhammer 40k”
Now that is something that people that follow GW trends have suspected for awhile. So really that is not that earth shattering. What makes 6thed potentially earth shattering is the version of AoBR we will get. For the first time ever neither Xenos, the Warriors of Roboute Guilliman, or the Sledgehammer of the Emperor will be chosen to fill the starter box.

What that means well all of us will have to wait to find out…

Speculation says SoB vs Chaos Marines.

Remember we had contradictory rumours about the contents of the 8th ed WFB box right up to its official announcement, from reliable sources. Even Harry says he only found out the specific races very late in the game. While I would be quite thrilled for a starter to contain SoB, or atleast no Marines, I'm not getting my hopes up. Especially since there have been other runours that Eldar (xenos) will be in the starter.

03-12-2011, 04:35 AM
Oh please, Chaos Marines. That would make me happy.

Hell, the Sisters make me happy, too...with the proper Iconography, they will make excellent converts to the Ruinous Powers.

03-12-2011, 04:44 AM
Taken literally (and assuming no new race), that gives you the following options:

Marines (just painted differently from Ultramarines)
Black Templars
Blood Angels
Space Wolves
Dark Angels
Grey Knights (too complicated for a starter set)
Sisters of Battle

Chaos Marines
Chaos Daemons (not really xenos but very unlikely)

Traditional wisdom has always been Ultramarines and a non-power armoured, non-imperial foe.

Chaos marines vs Sisters of Battle is vaguely similar to this I suppose, but it's a lot of 3+.

I just can't see them moving away from basic loyalist marines. They serve 5 codices, are the most popular force and are the thing that really defines 40K.

My vote goes to Marines vs Eldar, with Eldar as the first 6Ed codex.

03-12-2011, 04:50 AM
I agree, I think Marines vs Eldar is much more likely.

BUT, traditional wisdom said the WFB starter would be Greenskins vs Empire, as Dorfs had had their turn and all the others were unsuitable. In that regard, SoB vs Chaos would not be impossible.

03-12-2011, 05:31 AM
And in addition to that, would be a nice theme.

03-12-2011, 06:22 AM
Also as possibly imperial guard or perhaps lost and the damned. The fact it specifically mentions ultramarines and the imperial fists makes me think (if its true) it'll just be another spacemarine chapter.

Hasn't there also been mention of a new race coming out at some stage? They might not necessarily be Xenos.

Were the imperial fists ever in the starter set? I know some of their successor chapters were (templars in 3rd ed, and now crimson fists) but I don't think the original sons of dorn ever were.

I guess theres no chance of a kroot mercanaries v Necron starter set.

03-12-2011, 06:34 AM
That would mean that both sisters and Chaos marines would not get a 5th edition army codex.

If they go with their trends, they will probably change their basic codex design format. In 4th every army was nerfed, and weakened down by some margin, in 5th they made each army that followed even better than the next, giving ICs abilities that allow units like terminators to be troop choices, get nasty weapons and have special - I will kill everything rules. They also made just about everythin able to either deep strike or flank attack, or infiltrate/scout or it became mechanised or had the ability to if it was not before (for the most part). And they came up with new and deadlier monsters, war machines and special units.

6th edition will probably go back to something like a nerfing the army list and its special rules and characters abilities. So I would rather see Chaos Marines released before 6th edition, so they can atleast get a few really nasty characters, monsters, and special deep striking flank attack units and probably a drop pod. I would rather see Dark Angels verses Eldar, and have Chaos Marines, Black Templars, Necrons, and Sisters released before 6th edition.

03-12-2011, 06:53 AM
cant GJW sit down reasle a big book of rules and codexs that have tons of stuff and spend the rest of the time making new models, expansions and stuff

but really thats never going to happen but...... im not keen on relearning most of the rules adn buying another rulebook :(

03-12-2011, 08:43 AM
I seem to recall GW saying they wanted to get all the Codexes up to date before they release 6th ed. Or have I just dreamt that up?

You also have to look at what is to come out between now and then. Necrons are fairly strongly rumoured for this year, along with nids 2nd wave, which still leaves room for another codex, lets say Tau for arguments sake.

That leaves DA, BT, SoB, CM and Space Elves (I'm excluding Demons as they are 5th ed to all intents and purposes) all still in need of an update. I would be amazed if at least 2 of those weren't released between January and Aug 2012 (I'm assuming this Olympic deadline is referring to standard Olympics rather than Paralympics.) That narrows down the choice of armies to 3.

And without wanting to be a party pooper, SM are ALWAYS the first army to get a codex as they sell about as much SM stuff as the rest of the range combined.

I would be surprised if nearly all the armies were not UTD by the time 6th ed comes out, so i'm not putting too much stock in this summer 2012 release, especially as WFB as set a precedent of the box set armies not necessarily being the ones to get new rule books 1st.

03-12-2011, 08:58 AM
Wildey Beast actually beat me to it, I remember hearing that that was Games-Workshop's intent as well...also, I don't think we'll expect to see 6th edition nerfing anything too much - this seems to be Games-Workshop's intent, including more special rules in each army, giving them more tactical flexibility, and having one or two FoC-changers per 'dex.

Besides, if anyone deserves super-killy characters, it's Chaos Space Marines and Eldar. :/

Brass Scorpion
03-12-2011, 09:12 AM
No this is not "earth-shattering" nor is it really news that 6th Edition is coming soon. The last 40K revision cycle was only 4 years and it clearly was a huge money-maker for GW, so it is expected at this point that the revision cycle will remain that short for some time to come.

Hopefully this time skeptics won't bash people for relaying this news. Last time I had some inside info in the December ahead of time and when I posted it on forums people went nuts screaming about how 40K would never be revised so soon after 4th edition and that it was crazy. Except one, Harry on Warseer messaged me at the time to say he also knew it was coming and that I was correct.

Start saving your money now people, the 40K 5th Edition hardback rule book was released in July 2008, next summer will be 4 years since then. In the US, you'll need at least $57.75 + tax, or perhaps $74 and change if they go the route of the last Fantasy Battle book.

03-12-2011, 09:23 AM
This is just one source, though - and more people have been saying that Games-Workshop wants to update all their codexes before 6th edition is released.

Well, the clear-terms were "bring in line" with the new codexes, so they FAQ'd the two armies that they could, but other armies, like Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Tau, and Chaos Space Marines need to be completely redone to be "brought in line."

Keep in mind, the Dark Eldar release also generated a large, and unexpected, sum of money - so new or updated armies also can bring in the bucks. I expect to see the four I just mentioned updated before 6th edition, which really isn't all that impossible...with Orcs for WHFB, then Grey Knights for 40k, then Tomb Kings coming up? That's three updated in armies in three months. They're really pumping these things out.

03-12-2011, 09:35 AM
Another thing to bear in mind is that GWs plans do change, things can be pushed back etc. Even if they are planning a new edition in 2012 it doesn't necessarily it will arrive in 2012. Just pointing that out.

I know it would be unprecedented for SMs not to be included in a starter set, I have to admit I think breaking with that tradition would be a breath of fresh air for 40k.

03-12-2011, 09:43 AM
It would be, and to have Chaos Space Marines in it? Special commander sculpt? Ohhhhhh yes please. Gimme dat plastic Chaos Lord.

03-12-2011, 11:56 AM
I can see Chaos Marines being in the starter set, but not SoB. The SoB are a niche army, albeit a rather cool one. Plus, as they stand now, they are complicated to use effectively with many rules. Unless they both have a codex come out previous to the box set, I don't see the pairing working that well.

03-12-2011, 12:21 PM
I just cant believe it was 3 years ago (ish) the current rule set was released, doesn't seem that long ago.

03-12-2011, 12:46 PM
I can see Chaos Marines being in the starter set, but not SoB. The SoB are a niche army, albeit a rather cool one. Plus, as they stand now, they are complicated to use effectively with many rules. Unless they both have a codex come out previous to the box set, I don't see the pairing working that well.

They're supposed to. Hell, there was even talk of someone spotting the plastic test-sculpt for the new models a few months back.

03-12-2011, 01:15 PM
cant GJW sit down reasle a big book of rules and codexs that have tons of stuff and spend the rest of the time making new models, expansions and stuff

Probably not. In fact, almost certainly not. GW makes most its money off of its distributed releases, and a new codex is the best way of building up hype for the models. And see how people whine about GW releasing rules for models that won't come out till the second wave, like the Tervigon? Imagine if every single army got released all at the same time, but then every single army had to wait years and years until GW had the time to get around to making their new models. Massive nerd rage would ensue.

but really thats never going to happen but...... im not keen on relearning most of the rules adn buying another rulebook :(

So you're not keen on learning new rules, but you want GW to change every single rule in the entire game all at the same time?

03-12-2011, 02:24 PM
@ darklink

i was looking at that from my point of view: personally i wouldnt mind having to convert a stormraven/dreadknight/tervigon BUT i would mind that if every 2 years my army became usless or my converted unit was removed.

oh and as a fellow GK player how does it feel to have IST's shoved into the 'warrior henchmen' slot?

i was just pondering.

p.s. isnt it a bit early for GW to release 6th ed?
rt-2nd ed =6yrs
2nd ed-3rd ed= 5 yrs
3rd ed - 4rth ed = 6 years
4rth ed - 5th ed = 4 years
5th ed - ?6th? ed = 4 yrs

oh noes :( if it was released 2013/2014 thatd give them more time to release SOB,crons,eldar,demons,CSM,BT,DA,tau,and orks
so thats 9 40k armies in 15 months.

p.s. for a starter set how about CSM v.s. *last 5th ed dex here*

03-12-2011, 02:31 PM
Another thing to bear in mind is that GWs plans do change, things can be pushed back etc. Even if they are planning a new edition in 2012 it doesn't necessarily it will arrive in 2012. Just pointing that out.

I know it would be unprecedented for SMs not to be included in a starter set, I have to admit I think breaking with that tradition would be a breath of fresh air for 40k.

The way I see it, everyone has SM. When you only include what people may not have, DE in 3rd, Tyranids in 4th and Orks in 5th, you are only enticing people with one army.

So say you have Elder and IG or SoB vs Necrons, now you introduce 2 armies to start collecting that they didn't want to start. So maybe one of the 2 that were introduced, people will start buying at least one of them.

SM will always sell, so do they really need them now? So start with 2 armies that people don't necisarly sell. I believe Orks didn't sell unit AoBR came out. So now you can have 2 different armies instead of just one.

I agree that things can be pushed back, and while it may be two non SM armies planned, that could change as well. My guess it will be Black Templar. Isn't 2012 when the MMO GW game start? Isn't BT the poster child for the MMO? So just like 3rd edtion, BT will be the poster boys this time. It's only a guess though.

03-12-2011, 02:48 PM
I will be seriously disappointed if they either don't give Orks a new codex before 6th, or nerf them. I want Orks to benefit from the current codex creep trend!!! I don't care what people say, the only winning Ork builds now are boring and unfluffy.

03-12-2011, 05:10 PM
I agree that things can be pushed back, and while it may be two non SM armies planned, that could change as well. My guess it will be Black Templar. Isn't 2012 when the MMO GW game start? Isn't BT the poster child for the MMO? So just like 3rd edtion, BT will be the poster boys this time. It's only a guess though.

That seems like a good guess.

03-12-2011, 09:48 PM
I will be seriously disappointed if they either don't give Orks a new codex before 6th, or nerf them. I want Orks to benefit from the current codex creep trend!!! I don't care what people say, the only winning Ork builds now are boring and unfluffy.

Orks wont be getting a new codex before 6e. They have a new codex already.

Also, the "Blood of Kittens" "Blog network" is the most shameful and irritating collection of attention whoring on the internet.

03-12-2011, 10:17 PM
Orks wont be getting a new codex before 6e. They have a new codex already.

Also, the "Blood of Kittens" "Blog network" is the most shameful and irritating collection of attention whoring on the internet.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

03-13-2011, 12:08 AM
At least they're pretty accurate. But, yeah, seriously, why bother with all the "we're going to hand you this piecemeal, and try and force you to join us in order to see it" stuff? I just waited a day after they posted it and it was everywhere on the internet anyways.

03-13-2011, 12:33 AM
I don't care what people say, the only winning Ork builds now are boring and unfluffy.


Orks probably have the most winning builds out of any codex, bar none.

Drew da Destroya
03-13-2011, 12:48 AM

Orks probably have the most winning builds out of any codex, bar none.

But the internet hates them! How could they win? :p

My bet? Return of the Crimson Fists. Then they don't even need to break too much from their "Boys in Blue" theme, but can still say "See, internet? They aren't Ultramarines. Now shut up and buy it, like you were going to anyway."

03-13-2011, 04:46 AM
We also have to bear in mind that there is a Hobbit movie on the way, most likely towards the end of 2012. GW has recently renewed the license with New Line, specifically so they can produce a new game to tie in with the movie. Given that the release date of the film is currently not fixed, GW has probably already started work on the new rules and models to accompany this to ensure it is ready when the film is. If anything, the game will probably be relased beofre the film to tie in with the fanboy hype.

I would be amazed if they can a) produce that and a new 40k rulebook at the same time and b) they are very unlikely to release both in the same year. It would be oversaturating the market and they only ever do 1 big realease a year to spread out the profits.

03-13-2011, 05:49 AM
dear GW shifitng focus form specialist games > LOTR was the biggest mistake you made

dont ever do it again!

Brass Scorpion
03-13-2011, 08:27 AM
dear GW shifitng focus form specialist games > LOTR was the biggest mistake you made dont ever do it again!Clearly GW doesn't agree with that, just a few weeks ago they renewed their license with Warner to extend it for another six years, allowing them access to all of the material in The Hobbit novel and new movie and continued access to Lord Of The Rings.

Orks wont be getting a new codex before 6e. They have a new codex already. Agreed. The Ork Codex is awesome and wicked fun, I'd hate to see any changes to it for now.

Also, the "Blood of Kittens" "Blog network" is the most shameful and irritating collection of attention whoring on the internet. Not necessarily the most, but otherwise... :D

03-13-2011, 11:41 AM
If you put a lot of these rumors together, it paints an interesting picture:

1. GW intends to update all armies to 5th edition before 6th is released.

2. GW is adding official rules changes (amendments) to codices via FAQ/errata releases

3. 6th Ed is due in summer/fall 2012. Therefore, expect updated PDFs for all armies by 2011 or 2012.

4. Whichever armies are featured in the 6th ed box set are likely to receive new codices either late in 5th ed or early in 6th ed

5. With 6th ed coming so soon, there are only a few release slots left in 5th. I'd expect, at most, three new codices before 6th: Necrons, a mystery army, and then one of the box-set armies. There are possibly only two more 5th ed codices, especially if GW is dedicating a lot of resources to updating FAQs and getting 6th edition ready for next year.

03-13-2011, 12:13 PM
dear GW shifitng focus form specialist games > LOTR was the biggest mistake you made

dont ever do it again!

That license made them a HUGE boatload of money and generated a TON of interest for their original IPs.

It was one of the best decisions they ever made.

You don't have to like it - I've never played the LOTR wargame, myself - but that doesn't make it a mistake.

03-13-2011, 01:41 PM
5. With 6th ed coming so soon, there are only a few release slots left in 5th. I'd expect, at most, three new codices before 6th: Necrons, a mystery army, and then one of the box-set armies. There are possibly only two more 5th ed codices, especially if GW is dedicating a lot of resources to updating FAQs and getting 6th edition ready for next year.

I'm not so sure. Were this a year ago, or two years ago, I'd agree with you. But they are REALLY cranking the codexes out.

03-13-2011, 05:35 PM
If you put a lot of these rumors together, it paints an interesting picture:
5. With 6th ed coming so soon, there are only a few release slots left in 5th. I'd expect, at most, three new codices before 6th: Necrons, a mystery army, and then one of the box-set armies. There are possibly only two more 5th ed codices, especially if GW is dedicating a lot of resources to updating FAQs and getting 6th edition ready for next year.

I think you totally miss the mark here. There are a LOT of release slots before 6th edition. In fact, we have seen two 40K releases so far this year (and two fantasy) and should see AT LEAST two more 40K this year.

We know pretty much Necrons are next. Then Sisters/Tau/Black Templars. One of those three. Put the other two in early 2012 and you could still do Eldar before 6th edition.

03-13-2011, 06:51 PM
I'm getting a bit grey in the hair, but I don't remember another 40k release in 2011. DE hit late last year if I recall correctly.

03-13-2011, 07:08 PM
Of the remaining codices, only Necrons, SoB and Tau NEED updating really (being 3rd ed). After that, in my opinion, Daemons, CSM and Eldar. Black Templar, Dark Angels really ought to be just given a couple of pages in the new SM codex, the amount of differences between chapters really doesn't warrant individual codices slowing down the update schedule. The Ork codex is excellent and really doesn't need an update, apart from Dark Eldar orks have the most fluffily competitive list there is.

Necrons are on the way, Tau are being worked on and SoB are also in the pipeline for either late 2011 o early 2012. Then I think we may see 6th ed followd by SM and Eldar codices, then Chaos. Just speculation, but based on the rumours.

03-13-2011, 08:46 PM
Was I the only one who thought Dark Angles Vs. Chaos? I remember rumors saying Dark Angles were going to be the first SM book released for 6th ed*, and if CSM got Cultiests and things like that put back into there army/Used in the starter set it could work. Since it means you would have your non-powerarmoured dudes in the set also.

(Cultists could also be a way to get some new modles out there for vets. Ah-la-Deff Copptahs, Griffins, Plague Mortars, ect.)

Won't lie thow. a SoB Vs. CSM starter would be bad ***......

*Pretty sure the Dark Angle thing based of the fact they have always been the "experimental" marine book." So it could of just been speculation I was reading. But I can't help but feel it's more likely.

03-13-2011, 09:29 PM
I'm also thinking DA will be part of the 6th ed release box. It would make business sense to save the BT codex for the release of the 40k MMO that features BT. The box set will feature some kind of imperial force, and DA seem to be the best candidate. That puts the release schedule something like this:

Fall 2011 Necrons
Winter 2011/2012 Sisters
Spring 2012 Dark Angels
Summer 2012 6th edition
Shortly after: Chaos Space Marines

Honestly, as a DA player, I'd be fine with DA being wrapped into the Ultramarine codex, but I certainly won't turn down the opportunity for lots of cheap robed space marines in a starter box =)

03-13-2011, 09:41 PM
It would be a great deal for CSM players, since they just have to paint the Dark Angles black. Now you have some Fallen Angles to bulk your CSM army. lol

03-13-2011, 10:25 PM
I feel the same way about Chaos Marines.

With the likelyhood of only 4 or 5 codexes being released before 6th Ed 40K comes out, and rumours of Sisters and Necrons being worked on already, this leaves Orks (maybe), Chaos Marines + Black Templars (both so over due an update), Tau, Eldar, and Dark Angels.

Orks were the main release army for Assault on Black reach, 5th editoins release box set. GW has had to put up with Choas Marine, Black Templar and Tau players begging for a new codex for ages, I think the Eldar and Dark Angels will be the release armies for the 6th edition box set.

Sisters might replace Dark Angels as the relase army for the Imperium, however because GW has had so many problems geting the molds working for the sisters plastic models, and GW can Nerf them as I am guessing the new trend will be, Sisters have never been a favourite for GW. It has not promoted them or back them as much as other Imperial armies, so they might just be the army that gets the wooden spoon award for the 6th editon box set release.

03-13-2011, 10:29 PM
I'm also thinking DA will be part of the 6th ed release box. It would make business sense to save the BT codex for the release of the 40k MMO that features BT. The box set will feature some kind of imperial force, and DA seem to be the best candidate. That puts the release schedule something like this:

Fall 2011 Necrons
Winter 2011/2012 Sisters
Spring 2012 Dark Angels
Summer 2012 6th edition
Shortly after: Chaos Space Marines

Honestly, as a DA player, I'd be fine with DA being wrapped into the Ultramarine codex, but I certainly won't turn down the opportunity for lots of cheap robed space marines in a starter box =)
Chaos Space amrines released after 6th edition, OMG, they had better not Nerf them again. I want themn to get some really cool stuff like drop pods, Some special ICs, more special rules for the troops and fast attack forces. Things like scout bikers, iron Warrios Champ that allows havocs the relentless and tank hunter rule, and so on. Knowing GW the Chaos marines will be Nerfed again.

03-13-2011, 11:04 PM
I'm also thinking DA will be part of the 6th ed release box. It would make business sense to save the BT codex for the release of the 40k MMO that features BT. The box set will feature some kind of imperial force, and DA seem to be the best candidate. That puts the release schedule something like this:

Fall 2011 Necrons
Winter 2011/2012 Sisters
Spring 2012 Dark Angels
Summer 2012 6th edition
Shortly after: Chaos Space Marines

Honestly, as a DA player, I'd be fine with DA being wrapped into the Ultramarine codex, but I certainly won't turn down the opportunity for lots of cheap robed space marines in a starter box =)

I honestly hope we get a codex before 6th edition. -_-

03-13-2011, 11:42 PM
Honestly, if 6th edition is really coming in 2012, it's much better for CSM players to hope for a 6th edition codex. This coming from a Dark Angels player who has seen what happens when you are one of the last codices released in an edition cycle. It's worth the wait.

03-13-2011, 11:47 PM
dear GW shifitng focus form specialist games > LOTR was the biggest mistake you made

dont ever do it again!

OH my, ignorant peope and or haters again. Just so you know, that if it wasn't for LotR, GW wouldn't be where they are now. LotR really boosted up 40K and Fantansy. For a while there, LotR was the bread maker, bringing in more money than 40K and Fantasy.

So why was it a big mistake? I would love to read why.

Also didn't Tau have a 4th edtion codex? Someone said it was Necrons, SoB and Tau. I am sure the invisible Potatoe on the Tau cover is 4th edtion.

03-13-2011, 11:55 PM
Tau do have a 4th edition codex. The remaining 3rd ed codices are Necrons and SoB.

03-14-2011, 12:28 AM
Why is Lotr a mistake? because it's not under the specialist games section. That's why! sure it was a burst in sales, and got their other stuff some attention, but just as movies come and go from theaters. This should have been tossed into the closet labeled "Specialist Games" and then they could pull resources to B.F.G., Necromunda, Mordhiem, B.B., etc.. and then make even more money as they could tie in 40k and fantasy players with their other respective game's.

03-14-2011, 12:49 AM
Why is Lotr a mistake? because it's not under the specialist games section. That's why! sure it was a burst in sales, and got their other stuff some attention, but just as movies come and go from theaters. This should have been tossed into the closet labeled "Specialist Games" and then they could pull resources to B.F.G., Necromunda, Mordhiem, B.B., etc.. and then make even more money as they could tie in 40k and fantasy players with their other respective game's.


03-14-2011, 01:07 AM
I have to agree with Conjurus. - What?

I am not, and do not intend to be a LOTR gamer, but, if GW/Citadel moved LOTR to specialist games, then they would not be pulling resourses to BFG, BB, Necromunda, etc.

History shows us that they would concentrate resourses on 40K and Fantasy, or introduce another new test bed game that would eventually become a specialist game.

03-14-2011, 02:44 AM
The only problem with LOTR is that the tie in with the films created a sort of financial bubble which helped disguise certain inefficiencies and weaknesses in GWs business which ultimately led to the rather terrible 05/06 crash in profits. Apparently certain less popular GW decisions were contractual obligations of the LOTR deal as well, such as the no sales policy. Though this may be one of hte little factoids people make up and get passed around as facts.

I find myself hoping more and more for SoB vs Chaos, to be honest. If it is Marines vs Chaos then I think it will end up being the first starter box I don't buy simply because I find the combination stultifyingly boring. Eldar and Marines would be lovely too, of course, but something unprecedented like SoB vs Marines would just be such a pleasant surprise.

Farseer Uthiliesh
03-15-2011, 02:36 AM
I seem to recall GW saying they wanted to get all the Codexes up to date before they release 6th ed. Or have I just dreamt that up?

When I was last in the UK I was told the same in London's GW store. However, given that 2012 will be the 25th anniversary of 40k, I wouldn't be surprised if GW release 6th edition then. Or at least a special commemorative edition.

Unzuul the Lascivious
03-15-2011, 05:04 AM
Wading in to the LOTR debate - It's no too long and 'The Hobbit' will be appearing in cinemas - they've just started rehearsals and are due to start filming this year. GW are almost certain to be cashing in on this, and I would think they'll be stringing out the LOTR range for a couple more years to tie in with the film. If it brings in money which they then spend on developing 40K amongst other stuff, bring it on. It was not a mistake, it was a master stroke. Many people got into fantasy via Tolkein, so it made perfect sense.

6th Ed? I'd love to see a Chaos Daemons codex very quickly afterwards - we're up against it with Grey Knights...

03-15-2011, 11:20 AM
I find myself hoping more and more for SoB vs Chaos, to be honest. If it is Marines vs Chaos then I think it will end up being the first starter box I don't buy simply because I find the combination stultifyingly boring. Eldar and Marines would be lovely too, of course, but something unprecedented like SoB vs Marines would just be such a pleasant surprise.

It's only a boring match up at the moment because Chaos has a boring codex.

Even if they for example gave the CSMs human cultists and put a little hoard of cultists in the starter box, it would go a long way to making a more interesting match up.

03-15-2011, 01:15 PM
When I was last in the UK I was told the same in London's GW store. However, given that 2012 will be the 25th anniversary of 40k, I wouldn't be surprised if GW release 6th edition then. Or at least a special commemorative edition.

When Warhammer had its big anniversary there was no new rulebook, just a shiny special edition one with a copy of the very first rulebook in it. Its beautiful, I have a copy on my shelf.

03-15-2011, 03:30 PM
Its not the rules, its the models. Marinesvs Chaos Marineswould be an incredibly dull box in my opinion, they are too similar. Someone on Warseer came up with the brilliant idea of 'Renegade Marines' (Space Marines lacking any insignia) vs SoB. Which while both are power armoured the aesthetic of the SoB is significantly different to that of Marines. Have the fluff about SoB attacking a renegade chapter, much fun had by all.

It's only a boring match up at the moment because Chaos has a boring codex.

Even if they for example gave the CSMs human cultists and put a little hoard of cultists in the starter box, it would go a long way to making a more interesting match up.

03-15-2011, 03:36 PM
Its not the rules, its the models. Marinesvs Chaos Marineswould be an incredibly dull box in my opinion, they are too similar. Someone on Warseer came up with the brilliant idea of 'Renegade Marines' (Space Marines lacking any insignia) vs SoB. Which while both are power armoured the aesthetic of the SoB is significantly different to that of Marines. Have the fluff about SoB attacking a renegade chapter, much fun had by all.

Hey, Space Marines and SoB clash from time to time. Rather than having it be "renegade", make it so that it's Space Marines, but there are conversion bits to make them Chaos Space Marines instead.

03-15-2011, 03:41 PM
Well that would work well too, but GW seems to avoid having 'good' armies fighting other good armies in the starter sets. I still think its more likely to be SM vs Eldar though, fun to speculate all the same.

03-18-2011, 05:22 AM
I don't think there will be SOB vs. ANY kinda Marines/Guard.
Nowadays WH40K it's a mature product, along witha lotta gamers (almost 25 years ago), but one (sometime disliking) real truth, is that the main focus target audience for GW it's .... kids & early teenagers.
I don't think in an started box that comes with armies (in the parent's eyes) one side males fighting a war with the other side... females, for a non-fluffy audience it's just "Politically Incorrect" and I don't see the poor GW staff trying to justify such intro level box arguments to those very same parents.

Just my 2 cents

03-18-2011, 07:55 AM
GW - political correct? What, killing other because they are aliens is OK, but not a different sex?

Not convinced. Think sisters possibly too niche though - Eldar vs DA? Necron vs BT? Evil sunz biker clan versus Squat trike horde? Admech versus grey sensei with rogue administratum data clerks?

03-18-2011, 08:02 AM
And how many parents really examine what they are buying their kid closely? Hell one of my games groups parents has been taking her son to GW for six years now and she still thinks the 'Games' means thingss like monopoly and scrabble. To the vaguely disinterested and slightly bored parent one set of 28mm figures looks much like any other set.

03-18-2011, 08:50 AM
And how many parents really examine what they are buying their kid closely? Hell one of my games groups parents has been taking her son to GW for six years now and she still thinks the 'Games' means thingss like monopoly and scrabble. To the vaguely disinterested and slightly bored parent one set of 28mm figures looks much like any other set.

Monopoly? Hat = 3++ save, shoe = fleet, dog = beast/cavalry, iron = thunder hammer, car = dedicated transport, battlehsip = Plastic Thawk.

Community chest and chance combines to form 2ed psychic phase cards.


03-22-2011, 07:06 AM
Its almost bound to be Marines of power armoured nuggets of some breed (not sisters though). Its the biggest seller GW has, and its the easiest army for new players to pick up on, who would be the ones buying the boxed set. Space Marines are *everywhere*, in books, games, and "movies".

40K differs from Fantasy in the sense that Fantasy doesn't really have "the newbie army" - in 40K most players start with marines, then break off and play a different race. So it makes sense for GW to put them in every starter set. Fantasy doesn't have one of these "newbie" races - there's no race that generally dominated by newer players, which is why they're free to cycle the races that show up in the starter set (I still have my brettonians vs lizardmen kicking around somewhere).

It'll be marines of one breed or another, I can promise you that!

03-22-2011, 10:02 AM
my moneys on eldar/SM starterbox. why would GW wait this long to bring out a dex for one of 40ks most iconic races the eldar. (space elfs) Its almost 100% that space marines will be in the box. hopefully it wont be ultrasmurfs, give a lesser known chapter a run. ala 3rd edition.

03-22-2011, 10:07 AM
Personally I hope for SM/Eldar (or maybe even DE given how succesful they are right now).

It almost guarentees i'l be able to swap the marines out from the boxset for double eldar goodness

03-22-2011, 11:01 AM
Personally I hope for SM/Eldar (or maybe even DE given how succesful they are right now).

It almost guarentees i'l be able to swap the marines out from the boxset for double eldar goodness

we should start pounding GW with emails......."give us eldar in the starter box you fools, give us a NON space marine codex at the start of 6th, give us price cuts".......like that would happen.

I would like something new at the start of 6th other than here's the generic space marines vs the numberless hoards of orks/nids. but they have to appeal to the throthing masses of kids who like to paint there army in "plastic gray".

03-22-2011, 11:02 AM
My hopes are SM V Crons, with plastic wraiths in the box like they did with the deff copters. I know it wont happen but you can only dream :)

03-22-2011, 11:05 AM
My hopes are SM V Crons, with plastic wraiths in the box like they did with the deff copters. I know it wont happen but you can only dream :)

if only.....

03-22-2011, 11:38 AM
and "movies".

lol this made my arfternoon!

03-23-2011, 09:16 AM
if only.....

I like this idea (SM and Necrons)....you have SM (or any type of SM), which is GW's best selling, and you have Necrons which are a good starter army for painting and playing...very good for getting new players into the game.

03-23-2011, 09:44 AM
Theres a reason the last 2 boxes have been Nids and Orks...contrast

In a box, tailored to an individual (cos lets face it they are) trying to convince someone to start an army. Black Reach, and before that Macragge gave you a look at 2 different types of armies that exist.

Hordes vs Elites
CC vs Shooty

That contrast means new people can see what type they want to play

SM vs Eldar would be great (as i've said its what i'm hoping for) or SM vs Necrons, or Sisters vs Chaos would all be great for fans. But to a newcomer its an Elite army against an Elite army. Its a 3+ T4 army against a 3+ T4 WBB army (and if WBB DOESN'T get reduced to FNP, or phase out still exists, Necrons are too complex for a babies first 40k box).

The variety in armies types are carefully selected...

03-23-2011, 09:54 AM
Know what would rock a starter set?

Imperial Guard VS Chaos.

Keeps the power armour nuggets around, but still includes one of the bigger selling lineups...

03-23-2011, 11:12 AM
Imp Guard vs. Chaos Space Marines would be a great box set, but I don't think we'll be seeing another Imp Guard codex for quite some time.

03-30-2011, 07:11 AM
i honestly cant see them not having a SM army of some kind included in the boxset however i feel it could be Necrons included in the next boxset especially after the recent book release coverning the fall of Damnos and the talk a new codex coming out this year

03-30-2011, 09:37 AM
i honestly cant see them not having a SM army of some kind included in the boxset however i feel it could be Necrons included in the next boxset especially after the recent book release coverning the fall of Damnos and the talk a new codex coming out this year

If that's all it took then Sisters would be a shoe in for it as they have book rerelease, a new book, a new audio book(all scheduled for this year), plus rumors.

03-30-2011, 10:11 AM
Its not the rules, its the models. Marinesvs Chaos Marineswould be an incredibly dull box in my opinion, they are too similar. Someone on Warseer came up with the brilliant idea of 'Renegade Marines' (Space Marines lacking any insignia) vs SoB. Which while both are power armoured the aesthetic of the SoB is significantly different to that of Marines. Have the fluff about SoB attacking a renegade chapter, much fun had by all.

I'll just say I disagree. I like my spiky marines over thows boring loyalist dogs.

Thow I will agree a CSM Vs. SoB starter set would be AWSOME, and I would buy the hell out of that set.

03-30-2011, 12:52 PM
Well either way SM of one breed or another are bound to feature in the box set, Maybe just maybe some new Black Templer marines to tie in with the mmo release ?. That could be quite cool.

03-30-2011, 05:16 PM
I'm pretty sure it's going to be Tau vs Necrons in the new boxed set..... Bwaahahahha as if. Sorry couldn't keep a straight face. :)

03-30-2011, 05:50 PM
It would be really cool to see a box set based on the Fall of Damnos or the Purging of Sanctuary 101, I think. Especially the latter, but I'm just saying that 'cause I'd want to split it with my friend so I could get the Necrons and he could get some plastic Sisters. :)

03-30-2011, 08:50 PM
I'm pretty sure it's going to be Tau vs Necrons in the new boxed set..

Which would guarantee that I would only buy the rule book and not the box set.

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-31-2011, 05:18 AM
I'd love sisters or death korps vs necrons myself but thats too awesome to ever happen, and then theres the grey knights vs enslavers boxset i dream about when my GF isnt at home...

03-31-2011, 07:00 AM
Well either way SM of one breed or another are bound to feature in the box set, Maybe just maybe some new Black Templer marines to tie in with the mmo release ?. That could be quite cool.

It's not quite cool if they do, it's quite stupid if they don't. Then again, with all the people coming into 40K just from Dawn of War, how come GW hasn't made the Blood Ravens chapter yet, goes to show that GW may not capitilze on the MMO.

I guess GW has a Ultramarine fetish that will not go away.

03-31-2011, 07:11 AM
GW think of their video game licenses as way to generate extra revenue while increasing the brands visibility. What could they do with Blood Ravens short of giving them their own codex in an already crowded line up? No point giving them their own section on the website because they don't have a codex.

03-31-2011, 09:30 AM
The reason the Dawn of War Games are based on the Blood Ravens over a already established chapter, is because it gives relic the flexibility to create the story they want to tell. Since the Blood Ravens are kinda there creation and don't have to be tied down to any pre-established events in the 40k universe/cannon, besides the big ones that effect everyone.

Turning them into a codex will effect that freedom. Especially since newer installments of the game, could cause fluff in a book to become quickly outdated/or contradicted. (Well. More so then what already happens in 40k anyway. lol)

I do think they should have a shot out to the game thow in the Codex:Space Marines, for people who came into the game off the Dawn of War Games. Doesn't have to be much. Just a painting guide with the other Space Marine examples in the book. Maby a small fluff blurb.

03-31-2011, 10:26 AM
Blood Ravens are a Codex: Space Marines chapter. They don't even deserve being talked about as their own codex.

Besides, Relic is pretty much done with Blood Ravens for now. They posted a poll a while back asking "When we finish with Dawn of War 2 what chapter would you like to see in upcoming games?" and there was a list of various chapters, both Imperial and Chaos.

Last I checked Black Templars were still leading the pack. ;)

03-31-2011, 10:37 AM
What would be awesome would be if GW released more than 1 starter set. Take two new codices and pair them with a recently released 5th editon one:

Imperial Guard Vs Necrons
Blood Angels/Space Wolves vs Tau
Grey Knights vs Chaos Daemons
Dark Eldar vs Eldar

LOL to the poster that said something aboout a parent thinking gaming night was monopoly, Ive been playing D&D/Dark Heresy/Vampire for 15+ years now on Tuesday nights, my mom still asks me "How was poker Tues?"

03-31-2011, 11:19 AM
I would think if I wanted to 'introduce' the unique character of 40K then imperial vs chaos would be the way to go. Anyone who reads sifi is familiar with the Aliens being bad.... because, just because. The concept of Hungry Gods trying to plunge the Galaxy into anarchy is more unique to 40K...

If Chaos Marines feature at all in the Box Set then I dont think we will see Imperial Marines in the Box, they are just too similar in stats and looks (barring a massive codex chaos overhall).

So Chaos vs Sisters seems the most logical to me

03-31-2011, 12:06 PM
hmmm as GW likes horde VS small elite army how about IG VS chaos marines with parts to make either chaos marines VS IG or traitor guard VS SM??

lol i know its unlikey bit itd be cool!

03-31-2011, 02:46 PM
Id bet my right ball the next starter set has marines in it of some shape or form.

04-03-2011, 01:07 AM
Id bet my right ball the next starter set has marines in it of some shape or form.

Careful bro, if you have to go double or nothing you might end up singing saparno.

I would give my right ball to have the next starter set include SoB. So GW if your reading this I can have it on ice and in the post by sun up!

04-03-2011, 02:41 PM
Id bet my right ball the next starter set has marines in it of some shape or form.

I would also like to bet Deadlift's right testicle that the next starter has Marines in it.