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View Full Version : For those Lost Souls - A prayer or a thought for those in Japan and SE Asia

03-11-2011, 07:22 AM
Hi All,

I think we all should spare a prayer and / or a thought for those people who have suffered and been affected by the horrendous events in Japan and SE Asia.

I think a 2 minute silence on the board (i.e. no texts or messages) would be the best idea on showing our condolences to all those who have suffered not just today in Japan and SE Asia but throughout this year through tragedy.

For those lost Souls - rest in peace

For those who may have friends missing see (in Japanese and English)


Brass Scorpion
03-11-2011, 08:28 AM
Why is this in 40K Discussion? There's an off-topic area of the forum called The Oubliette. That is where posts that are not 40K related go.

03-11-2011, 08:39 AM
All my thoughts are with Japanese people...

Hope the deads are the less possible!!!

Why all 11īs are lately sign of bad news???

September, 11th 2001 ==> WTC in New York

March, 11th 2004 ==> Train bombs here in Madrid, Spain (today is the 7th anniversary)

And today the Tokyo earthquake and tsunami...

03-11-2011, 09:04 AM
Why is this in 40K Discussion? There's an off-topic area of the forum called The Oubliette. That is where posts that are not 40K related go.

Hundreds dead, many more missing and your worried about where somethings posted :mad:

show some compassion man

03-11-2011, 09:27 AM
Nothing he sed shows no compassion. however there is a correct place for this post and its the oublette. tragic as the tsunami and earthquake are, they are not 40k related.

03-11-2011, 09:29 AM
Yes, Our thoughts also go to those in Japan.


03-11-2011, 01:26 PM
Why is this in 40K Discussion? There's an off-topic area of the forum called The Oubliette. That is where posts that are not 40K related go.

I wasn't aware there was forum for off topic which I dare say it probably isn't off topic as we all know that Japan has one of the largest gaming communities on the planet....

And for your information this has become more than just Japan centric Hawaii, USA has just been hit although not very bad, and it still travelling to South America......

But thank you for pointing out the right forum.

03-11-2011, 02:11 PM
For anybody who cares to see the math: the difference in energy output between the recent NZ quake (6.3) and today's Japan quake (8.9) is ((10^2.6)^(3/2)), or a factor of ~7,943.28. In layman's terms, today's quake released ~8000x as much energy. Not 8000% (80x), but 8000x (800,000%). The difference in the scale of destructive force is just baffling. My thoughts and prayers for those effected.

[edit] Just to reinforce how much energy was released: if it was actually 9.0 (as now estimated), that single .1 magnitude increase amplifies the different to 11,220.19x the NZ quake. People look at 9.0 compared to the 6.3 and think "Man, that's half-again as much." Nope, it's 1.12million% more.