View Full Version : Mat Ward the author of the new Necron Codex?

03-10-2011, 05:33 PM
Hi all,

Now that the new GK codex has dropped and the infamous Mat Ward was the author, what does this mean for the forthcoming Necron codex? There was talk that Mat Ward was the author of that, but he has already done Codex: Space Marines, Blood Angels, and now Grey Knights. Phil Kelly and Robin Cruddace have both done two for 5e.

So what is the word now? Is Mat doing the new Necron codex or will it be someone else?

Brosef Stalin
03-10-2011, 06:04 PM
I don't know but I want to contribute 'cause I'm really excited! NEW NECRONS!! :D

03-10-2011, 08:24 PM
I don't get all the hate to Matt Ward. He's rule are pretty good and balanced. I guess his fluff kinda suffers though. He's like the opposite of Phil Kelly.

03-10-2011, 08:35 PM
NECRONS! yes yes yes! me want. me need. robot undead, i loves them!

03-10-2011, 08:53 PM
I don't get all the hate to Matt Ward. He's rule are pretty good and balanced. I guess his fluff kinda suffers though. He's like the opposite of Phil Kelly.

Matt Ward's two major transgressions were the WFB Daemons of Chaos book (terribly OP) and the fluff in the BA codex where the Blood Angels and Necrons respect one another after joining forces to destroy a Tyranid splinter fleet.

I was happy with the DE codex. DL was overpriced, but all of the units are useful and there is no auto-pick for any slot unlike SW.

03-10-2011, 10:20 PM
And it sounds like it will be the same for the Grey Knights, too. Do you take 4 TL str 8 autocannons on your dreadnoughts, or toss a dreadknight in your opponent's face, or a land raider to deliver your terminators? Do you want to build a Paladin deathstar, or do you take a cheaper but just as deadly unit of purifiers? Which combo of HQs will you take? So many options, and so few points:rolleyes:.

But anyways, it's probably a little early to wonder about Necrons. You kinda need to have the rumor mongerers release some rumors before you can really start discussing said rumors. Lacking that, this thread will probably turn into a ward hate-fest. Seems like every other post on certain forums rant about how ward should burn in hell for his sins. Really? Seriously, people, not cool. It's one thing to dislike the work he does, but to actually start cursing some guy you've never met is unacceptable.

It would be funny to have a necron character working alongside the BA in his fluff, though;). He and Dante could be giving each other respect knuckles over the carcass of a carnifex:rolleyes:.

03-11-2011, 01:23 AM
1. We don't know if Necrons will be next (or even planned in the near future).

2. There has been "talk" about Matt Ward being the author? He might very well be, but in the end we will have no say in the matter.

3. What does this mean for the Necron codex? I don't know. What do you think it means?

03-11-2011, 01:50 AM
fluff in the BA codex where the Blood Angels and Necrons respect one another after joining forces to destroy a Tyranid splinter fleet.

I think that whole event is a foreshadowing of what will happen to the Necron fluff in the new codex. Which is good, because Necrons currently have the worst fluff of any army.

I was happy with the DE codex. DL was overpriced, but all of the units are useful and there is no auto-pick for any slot unlike SW.

DE where pretty good, I think it's the Space Wolves that suffered rule wise. Way more then any of Ward's codexes.

I still think something really good would be Matt Ward doing rules, and Phil Kelly doing the fluff.

03-11-2011, 01:52 AM
1. We don't know if Necrons will be next (or even planned in the near future).

2. There has been "talk" about Matt Ward being the author? He might very well be, but in the end we will have no say in the matter.

3. What does this mean for the Necron codex? I don't know. What do you think it means?

Necrons are thought to be the next 40k codex to be updated, or if not first, then second or third. If you didn't see the post above, Mat Ward's fluff for the BA Codex where Dante had respect for the living-hating Necrons did not go over well. The fact that Mat Ward has done GK makes it less likely that he will be doing the 'cron codex and making up more fluff like in the BA codex. If that was a preview of what he would do to the necron fluff, I hope he doesn't write it.

03-11-2011, 03:09 AM
Necrons are thought to be the next 40k codex to be updated, or if not first, then second or third. If you didn't see the post above, Mat Ward's fluff for the BA Codex where Dante had respect for the living-hating Necrons did not go over well. The fact that Mat Ward has done GK makes it less likely that he will be doing the 'cron codex and making up more fluff like in the BA codex. If that was a preview of what he would do to the necron fluff, I hope he doesn't write it.

Lets be fair, he couldn't make Necron fluff any worse then it currently is.

03-11-2011, 10:26 AM
Yeah, it's kinda ironic that when you write fluff about an identical legion of souless machines, the machines themselves aren't all that interesting. If you look at the Matrix, the machines had wildly differing personalities and character traits. In Terminator, the Terminator wasn't so much a character as a threat the actual characters had to avoid, so it worked.

03-11-2011, 10:35 AM
Necrons are thought to be the next 40k codex to be updated

By whom?

, or if not first, then second or third.

Wow. So you are telling me that in the next 12-18 months Necrons might get updated??
Well, I'll be dammed! Stop the presses!! :)

If you didn't see the post above, Mat Ward's fluff for the BA Codex where Dante had respect for the living-hating Necrons did not go over well.

I did.

The fact that Mat Ward has done GK makes it less likely that he will be doing the 'cron codex and making up more fluff like in the BA codex.

That is very true, assuming the 'cron codex is indeed next.

If that was a preview of what he would do to the necron fluff, I hope he doesn't write it.

I hope he is never allowed to write fluff for anybody.

Having said that, we don't actually know if he wrote that very specific piece (or the piece on the curb-stomping Grey Knight Grand Master), do we? Or have I missed something?
Just because his name is the one being promoted, codex writing is know to be a collaborative effort across the entire studio.

Just like I am sure that Ward, as the "main author", didn't paint all the artwork in codex Blood Angels, I am sure he didn't write all the fluff-pieces or physically playtested every single rule.

03-11-2011, 10:47 AM
I wonder sometimes if people realize how condscending it reads when you quote individual lines and respond to them. I'm not saying that was your intent, steelmage, but it sorta reads like that. Food for thought.

As for the Necron/BA outcry: read Dead Men Walking, the newest of the BL books involving Necrons. They're thought processes seem to be pretty pragmatic, in that they attack the most visible and direct threat. It would make sense that they would "work together" with the Blood Angels, given that Dante practised the same pragmatism, against the Tyranid swarm.

Now, I realize a tenet of the Imperium is to burn all Xenos, but a commander as old and tactically sound as Dante isn't going to sacrafice his men needlessly. Just my 3 cents.

03-11-2011, 10:49 AM
You know what is a good necron story is when a tyranid fleet was coming to kill a bunch of tau. I don’t remember where I read it but I think it was the new tyranid codex. So the tyranids are jumping from world to world headed for the tau, but the tyranids wake up a bunch of necrons and the necrons killed all of the tyranids. So then the tau ethreal thinks that the necrons saved them so they go over to thank the necrons then the crons kill all the tau.:D So funny.

He just forgot to add that twist.

03-11-2011, 10:54 AM
Most of the rumors are starting to converge on a fall 2011 release for Necrons, and it's fairly likely that 'Crons will be the only other 40k codex this year.

03-11-2011, 11:12 AM
Most of the rumors are starting to converge on a fall 2011 release for Necrons, and it's fairly likely that 'Crons will be the only other 40k codex this year.

Well they might be able to get in another one. The grey knights release doesn't seem to be too big. They didn't really have to make so many models. They made that one box of grey knights that can be made up into like 3 different things. They might be able to squeeze in a new codex after the necron codex with a few models to start out with and more to come.

03-11-2011, 11:45 AM
Yeah, one can only hope that they get in another codex beyond the next one.

We are still missing Black Templars, Dark Angels and Withhunters. Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons. On the xenos side; Eldar, Tau, Orks and Necrons.

Having released Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Space Wolves, Tyranids, Blood Angels and Dark Eldar, GW isn't even close to being half-way done. It is way too early for them to sit back and think; "Yep, we done good in 5th. Early lunch everyone?".

Baron Spikey
03-11-2011, 12:14 PM
Matt Ward's two major transgressions were the WFB Daemons of Chaos book (terribly OP) and the fluff in the BA codex where the Blood Angels and Necrons respect one another after joining forces to destroy a Tyranid splinter fleet.

You mean where they just didn't kill each other? where on earth has this 'respect' crap popped up from?

Both forces were pretty bashed about by fighting off the tyranids, with neither being in any sort of condition to have another all out scrap, so they both retreated- end of story.

03-11-2011, 12:26 PM
You mean where they just didn't kill each other? where on earth has this 'respect' crap popped up from?

Both forces were pretty bashed about by fighting off the tyranids, with neither being in any sort of condition to have another all out scrap, so they both retreated- end of story.

How about the part where the thought of fighting against someone who he had been fighting alongside seemed distasteful. Read the codex, dude. Dante would have found it 'distasteful' to fight against his necron colleagues.

Regarding the crap fluff that necrons have, it is a 3rd edition codex with no 2nd edition antecedent, so the fluff was pretty bare at that time. I imagine the necrons will kind of be like Thousand Sons in that the masses cannot afford luxuries, so they have become practically undead robots over the millions of years, but the better off retain some semblence of personality which (hopefully) will be fleshed out in the upcoming codex.

Baron Spikey
03-11-2011, 12:45 PM
How about the part where the thought of fighting against someone who he had been fighting alongside seemed distasteful. Read the codex, dude. Dante would have found it 'distasteful' to fight against his necron colleagues.

You mean the Blood Angesl find it distasteful, not Dante specifically- read the codex, dude.

It doesn't say anything about respect, merely that they found the idea of turning on the force they'd so recently fought alongside an unpleasant prospect. If they hadn't been so battleworn as to not be able to guarantee victory then there's no doubt they would have attacked the Necrons despite their reservations.

03-11-2011, 01:35 PM
You mean the Blood Angesl find it distasteful, not Dante specifically- read the codex, dude.

It doesn't say anything about respect, merely that they found the idea of turning on the force they'd so recently fought alongside an unpleasant prospect. If they hadn't been so battleworn as to not be able to guarantee victory then there's no doubt they would have attacked the Necrons despite their reservations.

Believe me, I have plenty of company when I interpret 'they found the idea of turning on the force they'd so recently fought alongside an unpleasant prospect' to mean that it conveyed a weakening of their hatred of the xenos and not mere exhaustion and not being able to win a battle. 'Turning on' someone conveys a change in attitude or allegiance. You can interpret the fluff your way but it is open to other interpretations. The fact that they had recently fought alongside one another is the crucial part of the sentence, which gives no information about their state of exhaustion. It indicates that they found it 'distasteful' to fight against their erstwhile allies. This can be interpreted as respect on some level.

03-11-2011, 02:01 PM
As long as there's a model of a Necron that can hook himself into the torso of a bigger Necron, I'll be happy!

03-11-2011, 04:48 PM
Lets be fair, he couldn't make Necron fluff any worse then it currently is.

Matt may not, but I bet you Cruddence can. :p

03-11-2011, 05:37 PM
Cruddance doesn't kill fluff. He kills rules.

03-11-2011, 11:26 PM
Cruddance doesn't kill fluff. He kills rules.

Together, they could destroy an entire army.

03-11-2011, 11:39 PM
As long as there's a model of a Necron that can hook himself into the torso of a bigger Necron, I'll be happy!


03-12-2011, 12:44 AM
No, they need something unique and original. How about a transport that, once it has dumped it's guys, transforms into a monstrous creature and can assault. And it can modify itself to look like enemy vehicles, so the opponent can't shoot at it until its too late.

03-12-2011, 11:52 AM
No, they need something unique and original. How about a transport that, once it has dumped it's guys, transforms into a monstrous creature and can assault. And it can modify itself to look like enemy vehicles, so the opponent can't shoot at it until its too late.

This sounds like this is going to be a Space Marine, or Ultra Marine rule for 6th edtion. :eek: