View Full Version : Eldar conversions. Any thoughts?

03-10-2011, 03:02 PM
Hey everyone,

In May battle of the clubs in Holland is about to kick off and of course I'm going to be there. Thing is, eldar doesn't leave much room for actual converting as you need to make lots of stuff from scratch if you want to make something unusual (imo)

Does anyone have any thought on how I can convert my army, or a part of my army so I can get points for it?

My arm composition roughly:

3 Wave serpents with, banshees,dire avengers, fire dragons
2 falcons with dire avengers
2 war walkers
HQ 1 farseer.

I was thinking of trying to make my own farseer, but I've had my farseer painted by one of the better painters of my club so I'm very fond of that one.

Any one with some ideas?

Emerald Rose Widow
03-10-2011, 03:23 PM
Hey everyone,

In May battle of the clubs in Holland is about to kick off and of course I'm going to be there. Thing is, eldar doesn't leave much room for actual converting as you need to make lots of stuff from scratch if you want to make something unusual (imo)

Does anyone have any thought on how I can convert my army, or a part of my army so I can get points for it?

My arm composition roughly:

3 Wave serpents with, banshees,dire avengers, fire dragons
2 falcons with dire avengers
2 war walkers
HQ 1 farseer.

I was thinking of trying to make my own farseer, but I've had my farseer painted by one of the better painters of my club so I'm very fond of that one.

Any one with some ideas?

well one option for the vehicles is to get some forgeworld pieces, they are very unique and add a nice look to any vehicle. Or you could even look at the pieces on forgeworld as inspiration for your green stuff, i mean the sky is the limit. do some creative basing for all your units, a fun colour scheme, make it so they are stepping over the dead bodies of other units (like space marines for example). Change up their poses, make it look like they are jumping, or kicking, or kneeling. Really with any army the sky is the limit, and your only limitation is how far your imagination can go. So just go with it, come up with some neat ideas.

03-10-2011, 04:12 PM
Eldar aren't the easiest to convert but you have options.

Dark elf corsair cloaks work well on fire dragons

Dire avengers are plastic so are easy to pose dynamically. War walkers are also easy to pose stepping over wreckage, aiming etc.

Eldar vehicles are a great opportunity for some simple or complex freehand with all that open space

I mounted my farseer on a guardian weapons platform so he/she doesn't have to walk

The high elf archmage has a few good options for eldar

03-10-2011, 04:18 PM
if they arnt built war walkers anc be converted,dynamicaly posed or just awsomeised

remember a convesion can be as simple as a head swap: (looking at dire avengers/war walker)

but remember if you invest a lot of time into it you could make something cool (firedragons on dragons-wave serpents with pimped engines: re done weapons mounts OR mounting a guardian in a wraithlord ala dreadknight!

03-11-2011, 08:37 AM
There are some cool things you can do, kitbashes with high or dark elves, or lizardmen for exodites, but I've always felt that Eldar are a painters army the way orks are a converter's army (space marines fall in between somewhere). The elder benefit from striking colors and cool freehand far more than any other army out there.

03-11-2011, 10:55 AM
There are some cool things you can do, kitbashes with high or dark elves, or lizardmen for exodites, but I've always felt that Eldar are a painters army the way orks are a converter's army (space marines fall in between somewhere). The elder benefit from striking colors and cool freehand far more than any other army out there.

What a great point. Had never considered it like this, but you're so spot on!

03-11-2011, 11:21 AM
Tnx for the help! ;) I'll do my best ;)

I'll let you know how it turned out:D