View Full Version : Kustom force field question

03-10-2011, 03:32 AM
Hi all.

Ok so in the Ork codex it says that any unit that is within 6 inches of the KKF gets a 5+ cover save or makes vehicles obscured. So my question is that what happens if an enemy comes within 6 of the KKF, do they get the cover save/obscured from my shooting?

Your in luck I have 2 questions.

So I you are playing with a friend do they benifit from the KKF? It doesn't say friendly Ork models it just says unit.

Thanks ahead for your help.

03-10-2011, 03:49 AM
redemption Hi all.

Ok so in the Ork codex it says that any unit that is within 6 inches of the KKF gets a 5+ cover save or makes vehicles obscured. So my question is that what happens if an enemy comes within 6 of the KKF, do they get the cover save/obscured from my shooting?
a) There is no minimum distance requirement (unlike the old KFF). So even if the enemy unit is 1" right in front of the Mekboy's face, his KFF will still grant that cover save.

So I you are playing with a friend do they benifit from the KKF? It doesn't say friendly Ork models it just says unit.This will depends on how you play with your rules. There are 3 schools of thought:

a) Any mention of "allied" or any specifics ("All nearby Orkz", "Blood Angels within 6 inches", etc) refers to ALL allies. This is the least commonly used, as far as I had heard.

b) Any mention of "allied" refers to ALL allies, but any specifics will only affect THOSE units specified. Even with this one, there are two schools of thought:

i) The specifics can jump between armies, as long as the correct specific unit is on the receiving end: A single Sang.priest can up-power any Blood Angels, no matter which allied Blood Angels they may be...

ii) The specifics cannot jump between armies, only "allied" can.

c) Any mention of army-wide rules will ALWAYS not affect any allied troops/units. Thus, that KFF from one Ork Mekboy cannot jump to his ally's vehicles.

All of the types of benefit granting is equally valid, to be honest... it would be best to discuss this in detail with your ally and opponents before the game begins to choose which type of alliance benefit is being used.

03-10-2011, 05:01 AM
I suppose to some extent it depends what you class as the army. A lot of the time when I play games in store, there will be a few kids around who want to play. I've got the patience of a saint most days, so I'll happilly give them a game, and because they often have quite small armies I encourage them to team up against me as a lot of armies work better at 1500 points than at 500, not to mention encouraging them to think about how they are going to buy their army and what they'd actually want to field in a full size force, rather than just buying another random mdel that they then can't use very often.

Newho, long story short, whatever pairing I'm against I tend to say that abilities like KFF and characters that give a bonus within a certain radius only effect units for the relevant armies (so only Orks for the KFF) and independent characters can only join units from their army. Thus if I'm playing against a combined Orks and Space Marine army, the space marines wouldn't get a cover save for being close to the Mek with the KFF. If I was playing against two Ork armies, they all would.

Unsurprisingly I tend to play mostly against Space Marines... lol

03-11-2011, 01:02 AM
Wasn't there an FAQ about how wording must expressly allow enemy units go gain benefits from your army, "all units" not being enough?

I belive it was in connection with enemy models making use of your Locator Beacons.

EDIT. There it was!

The very last question in the Rulebook FAQ.

03-11-2011, 11:56 AM
Hi all.

Ok so in the Ork codex it says that any unit that is within 6 inches of the KKF gets a 5+ cover save or makes vehicles obscured. So my question is that what happens if an enemy comes within 6 of the KKF, do they get the cover save/obscured from my shooting?

Enemy units/models do not benefit from your wargear unless your wargear has the words "enemy/opponent" in it's rules.

So I you are playing with a friend do they benefit from the KKF? It doesn't say friendly Ork models it just says unit.

The game is not built for team play. The game is built for 1v1's for the most part. You will not get a straight answer here. Best answer you can get is to just decide what happens with your teammate and opponents to ensure the game goes by smoothly and fun for BOTH parties involved.

Some effects are too strong to allow a teammate to use, while others are okay. Use your best judgment. Remember, unless you are in a tournament, make sure the game is fun for ALL players, not just you.

Archon Charybdis
03-12-2011, 10:42 AM
Like BuFFo already mentioned, the game isn't designed for 2v2, the rules simply don't cover it. I tend to find the easiest and most balanced thing is for everyone's special rules to only affect their army. It keeps things from getting out of hand, and within the framework the codex writers designed the rules for, so no one finds themselves on the receiving end of some borked combination that was never intended to happen.

03-12-2011, 06:44 PM
Like BuFFo already mentioned, the game isn't designed for 2v2, the rules simply don't cover it. I tend to find the easiest and most balanced thing is for everyone's special rules to only affect their army. It keeps things from getting out of hand, and within the framework the codex writers designed the rules for, so no one finds themselves on the receiving end of some borked combination that was never intended to happen.

Archon is right. If you think there will be any balance issues, just do what he suggested.

03-12-2011, 08:06 PM
Just imagine the Fun of taking SoB with Vulkan He'Stan!

Archon Charybdis
03-12-2011, 10:39 PM
Just imagine the Fun of taking SoB with Vulkan He'Stan!

This. Also, Ork Boyz with Sanguinary Priests granting FnP. Or an Eldar Farseer Fortuning TH/SS termies.

03-13-2011, 02:05 AM
... Deepstriking Deathwing with Chaos icons, Nobs granted Leadership 10 by Captains, +1 Attack bubble (Kantor, Sanguinous) affecting Nobz...

03-13-2011, 07:11 AM
u realise only 1 army i think still grants leadership 10 with captains? and No BT player would ever sully themselves and ally with orks :p

Added, wargear should only affect YOUR army unless specified.

03-14-2011, 03:36 AM
Both Dark Angels and Black Templars still have "Rites of Battle", but as usual it doesn't really matter.

Par for the course, a few people run around making up weird and "broken" examples that has no relevance to the issue at hand and has no basis in the rules.

I leave these people to figure out themselves why it isn't relevant.

PS. Please note that I am not pointing to anybody particular in this thread. I merely address the general idea of making up examples without doing the home work first.