View Full Version : Goodbye Black Templars, Hello Novamarines

03-08-2011, 11:58 AM
I'm growing a little tired of my BT Terminator army, and I'm all crazy for Badab armies these days, so I decided to repaint the Templars.


Hello mud-slogging Terminator. And goodbye.


This is just a base coat tester, but the Foundation Mordian Blue and Deneb Stone really covered well. It shouldn't be any trouble to get the rest of them whipped into Novamarines. Now just 25 more to go!

03-09-2011, 09:55 AM
I'm growing a little tired of my BT Terminator army, and I'm all crazy for Badab armies these days, so I decided to repaint the Templars.


Hello mud-slogging Terminator. And goodbye.


This is just a base coat tester, but the Foundation Mordian Blue and Deneb Stone really covered well. It shouldn't be any trouble to get the rest of them whipped into Novamarines. Now just 25 more to go!

Nice start, Post the finished model it will be good to see it. What will your army look like organisation wise?

03-09-2011, 10:19 AM
Nice start, Post the finished model it will be good to see it. What will your army look like organisation wise?

5 Terminators
10 Terminators
10 Assault Terminators
6 Sternguard in Razorback

Obviously only for things like Apocalypse and WAR Games Con Narrative.

04-13-2011, 11:14 AM
Got the base re-coat done on a squad of 5; now re-working some of the details.


04-13-2011, 05:38 PM
Blasphemy... but very pretty blasphemy

04-14-2011, 04:48 AM
could you take a pic or two of the power sword of the terminator with an iron halo? As i am currently struggling with tactics of painting pretty power weapons :)

Other than that, i like your theme and paintwork, i am currently myself building an army of blue / black with similar painting layout (named nova templars :) )

04-14-2011, 08:55 AM
Here's a pic of the Sarge and another BT model with power weapon:

I use three steps to paint power weapons: 1) base coat/technique, 2) power effect, 3) top effect

The base is either a color or a metallic. Sometimes I'll just use a plain metallic, but if I'm doing a color I like to do a blend (one end lighter than the other, like on the Sarge) or other technique to give the background more interest. You can do light background power weapons, but they always look a little funny to me, so I usually pick dark backgrounds like black, dark blues, or dark reds.

Power effect I usually use three colors in a close analog (http://colorschemedesigner.com/). The darkest goes down first, well thinned, in a wide pattern. It doesn't have to be crisp, but it should be wide so that you can easily paint the other colors inside the outline you've made of the darkest color. Next use the middle color inside the first and then the lightest color just in a few spots inside the second color. If I'm going for a nicer blend of colors I'll mix each color 50-50 with its neighbor to get 5 colors (3 solids, 2 half-mixes) in the effect. For the Chaplain I did a lightning effect, for the Sarge I did some dots and sword edge lines. Different designs work well, too; the new BA codex also has good photos of power weapons (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440192a&prodId=prod680007a) you might want to take a look at for ideas.

Once that is done and dry I usually use a coordinating color wash over the top. This helps give the weapon a little shine, and make it feel like the power effect/lighting is inside the sword and usually ties everything together. The Sarge has just a Asurmen Blue wash as the final coat. The Chaplain has a Baal Red was with a little bit of Mithril Silver mixed into the Baal Red to give it a little reflection. It is hard to photograph, but it is just enough metallic to give it a little glint at certain angles.

If you are doing black as a base coat, I definitely recommend a basecoat of 3 parts Adeptus Battlegrey and 1 part Chaos Black. By going with a very dark grey, you'll still be able to have black shadows and the models will still "read" as black.

04-14-2011, 09:30 AM
as much as these are brilliant, you are still a heretic, stay where you are, a Extermenator chaplain will be with you in 5 bequerels.

Now if someone can find the mistaken phrase and give me its tru meaning u get a cookie.

04-14-2011, 09:57 AM
The bequerel would be a measure of radioactivity rather then time. :p

Also, it's aN exterminator.

Kan haz cookie nao?

04-14-2011, 02:23 PM
yes the bequerel was the correct thing tho the darleks use it as a time :)

04-14-2011, 08:30 PM
Very cool stuff indeed... I like these a lot more than the Black Templars, the Quartering looks great!
