View Full Version : Annoncing the Bay Area Open, a Warhammer GT, July 30-31!

03-05-2011, 07:21 PM
Bay Area Open Site (http://bloodofkittens.com/bayareaopen/)

To preregister send an email with your name, game system, army and if you will need a hotel room to the following email and you will receive a confirmation email back within 24 hours: [email protected]

The Bay Area Open is an 1,850 Warhammer 40K and 2,250 Fantasy tournament for the Bay Area of California (Contra Costa County Fairgrounds). The 40K Side will be 6 rounds, 4 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. Fantasy will either be a 5 round event with 3 games on Saturday and 2 on Sunday or a 6 round event with 4 on Saturday, 2 on Sunday dependent on turnout.

This tournament has been designed with the key concepts of simplicity, transparency and fun in mind. We have striven to create a system that as closely as possible uses the game design elements set forth in the core rule books. We feel that this allows a level playing field for all players to come and enjoy their favorite game without worrying about subjective scoring, or new scenarios they have never seen before. We want anyone to be able to come from any gaming background and play their best game with familiar rules and missions. For specifics, please visit our website linked at the top of this post.

Both 40K and Fantasy are using a Swiss style pairing system with no battle points. We will be using a W/L/D format as presented in the core rule books. This means that as you win games, you will play other players with the same record, and at the end, like the Highlander, there can be only one! The player to win the most games at the tournament's end will be declared the Tournament Champion!

The only non-core book mechanic we are using is the implementation of "Bracket Points." Bracket Points are bonus points you can earn during the course of the game. However, the Bracket Points DO NOT EFFECT THE GAME BEING PLAYED! They are NOT battle points. All they do is determine who will play up or down in the case of an odd number of players in either the winner's or loser's bracket. They will also be used to break ties for final standings, meaning if you have the same record as another player at the end of the tournament, whoever earned more Bracket Points will rank higher.

40K will be using the INAT FAQ.

Fantasy will be using GW FAQs.

As the books themselves are the only guide we need for making armies, this will be a no "comp" event, meaning you can bring any legal list! So long as your army is legal, then it is welcome at the Bay Area Open. There will be restrictions on the Fantasy side of the event on special characters and magic items. Check the site for details.

Sportsmanship will be a simple thumbs up, thumbs down affair. A thumb's down will come with a written explanation and will be shown to your opponent who will have the opportunity to explain their position. The first is a warning but if a player gets more then one, administrative action will be taken up to and including reversing a win, and expulsion from the event. The parameters for a thumbs down will be strictly enforced and clearly defined. In other words, we are all big boys and girls and the staff expects you to act as such. Don't be a douche.

Painting and playing, while equally important aspects of the hobby, are very different skill sets. The playing aspect of the game will be the tournament itself, which means if you are not an expert painter, you can still win the tournament champion award. The hobbyist aspect of the tournament will be completely separate, with judged painting and modeling according to a clearly defined rubric which is available to see on our website so you know exactly what to expect! This means, if you are a great painter, but only play casually and don't care about winning and losing, you can still win best painted! However, we also want to recognize those gamers who excel at both aspects of the hobby and so have included a renaissance man award to the player that scores best in both categories.

No one likes to play against unpainted armies though, so the 3 color tournament standard applies with primer counting as a color for our tournament. Use this as motivation to finally get that army finished!

The 40K Tournament Champion prize for our event will be an 1,850 point army of your choice!

The Fantasy Tournament Champion prize for our event will be a 1,500 point army of your choice!

And there are loads more prizes for multiple categories, door prizes, wooden spoon awards and a super secret prize to be given to every single attendee!

We are capping 40K at 64 players this year and Fantasy with a soft cap of 32, possibly 64 depending on preregistration figures.

We have gotten a very positive response for this event and expect to sell out rapidly! So if you want to be involved, please preregister ASAP! Preregistration will be free and will get a $5 discount on ticket price when the time comes to purchase a ticket ($45 per ticket, $48 through PayPal). After preregistration, we will open the doors for general registration which will be priced at $50 a ticket, $53 through PayPal. If any tickets are left, late registration (3 weeks out, up to the day of the event) will be $55 a ticket, $58 through PayPal.

To preregister send an email with your name, game system, army and if you will need a hotel room to the following email and you will receive a confirmation email back within 24 hours: [email protected]

So get excited for the Bay Area Open! We look forward to seeing old friends and making some new ones.


Location : July 30th-31st at the The Contra Costa County Fairgrounds 1201 West 10th St. Antioch, CA 94509

If you want to get a room, the very nice Days Inn and Suites, which is less than a mile from the event, let me know. We have worked a deal with the hotel that if we can book 10 rooms, they will only be $75 a night! http://www.stayantioch.com/index.php

If you are flying in, coordinate with us. You can take the BART (subway) in from either Oakland or San Fransisco out to Bay Point station and from there we will have a shuttle to pick people up!

We will be selling drinks and Pizza at the event, and while we won't be selling alcohol there, you can bring your own so long as you are over 21 years old!

Terrain: We pledge to have quality terrain on every board, particularly 40K where every board will have a true LoS blocking piece of terrain mid board. No open tables!

Tables: Each Table will be 8' x 4', so plenty of room! Also, the hall we have rented is HUGE! Plenty of room for your stuff and no crowding.