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Morgan Darkstar
03-05-2011, 06:59 AM
Hi people with the new Tomb Kings Army due out soon, I have decided that i want to start collecting them asap my question is what models for the Tomb Kings do you think are a safe buy i.e not going to be replaced?

03-05-2011, 08:20 AM
Well, rumours strongly suggest that basic infantry won't be replaced, but if I were you I'd wait a few weeks, they should have an article mentioning which kits won't be replaced soon, they did for Orcs and Goblins and possibly Skaven.

03-05-2011, 09:57 AM
Just cos a model is due to be replaced doesn't mean you can't buy it. Its replacement may be more expensive

03-05-2011, 10:35 AM
Well, rumours strongly suggest that basic infantry won't be replaced, but if I were you I'd wait a few weeks, they should have an article mentioning which kits won't be replaced soon, they did for Orcs and Goblins and possibly Skaven.

Regarding Skaven, I got 4 of the battalions before the new armies book came out and it was kind of a wash. I thought that the value of the battalion was going to diminish, which it did, but I loved the new clanrats. I lucked out in that Skaven became a starter set army, so I could get IoB for my Clanrats and use my old ones for slaves.

I would say if you like the look of the plastics in the Battalion, you should get one or two and start on those, for if they change the minis, the price will go up. If you really like the new plastics, you can get them when your army size increases. Even if the minis stay the same the value of the battalion can get diminished. I am thinking of High Elves where the Silver Helms got replaced with a chariot and the price went up. The potential for that happening to TK exists.

Morgan Darkstar
03-05-2011, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the responses, i think i will take the plunge and pick up 2 TK Battalions.

Brass Scorpion
03-06-2011, 10:40 PM
Its replacement may be more expensiveLikely will be. The basic Orc Warrior box has quietly been repackaged at $29 for 10 models, replacing the 16 models for $35 set. This kind of thing happens all the time, even when the sprue is not recut or revised in any way. Remember Imperial Guardsmen? They were 20 models for $35 till the IG got their new Codex, then it was 10 models for $22, after last June it went to $24.75. Snap up the remaining $35 boxes of 19 Orc models while you can!

Kieranator K82
03-07-2011, 05:25 PM
I personally hope they replace most of the plastic models. They don't live up to the undead standard GW set with the more recent VC Skeletons + Graveguard. Besides, if TK Skellies get light armour they'll need an actual WYSIWYG representation. This is why I have been holding out on getting more models.

03-08-2011, 06:38 AM
A few skellies on each sprue have light armor in the current kit. I had to do a bunch of swaps to get my "heavy" :rolleyes: cavalry units assembled.

Kieranator K82
03-08-2011, 06:34 PM
The problem I have with that light armour is that it doesn't fit the TK theme at all. This is because of the nature of the sprues: the old skeletons were shared between TK and VC alike, with army specific shields and command upgrades packaged in.

Drew da Destroya
03-08-2011, 11:42 PM
I'd say get some Ushabti if you can. The models are some of the best in the current range (really badass, honestly), and I've heard rumors they're getting redone. If the do, they'll probably still be cool, but it's always nice to have "classic" versions.

Especially when the Classic versions are nice.

Morgan Darkstar
03-19-2011, 07:49 AM
This is by no means confirmed but i was talking with a GW staff member on thursday who i trust, about collecting a tomb kings army.

Rather than trying to sell me everything in the range he warned me away from standard infantry, he wouldn't go as far as saying there would be new models but hinted at it.

Another source also suggests the cavalry models will be getting a update soon.

04-30-2011, 11:08 AM
The ushabti are badass, they are why I wanted to get into TK originally. I instead decided to wait for their new book and now that they are here, I think personally I'd rather save for some Necropolis Knights. My advice, then, becomes the same as everyone else's. Get infantry, it's how I've started and with skeletons being cut in points price by a lot, I think I'll need a lot of them. So even if they do get new models I'll just get the new kit and intermix the old ones in with the groups.