View Full Version : Throne of skulls and Extra armour

03-05-2011, 04:51 AM

I'm going to Throne of Skulls tornament at some point my army is WYSIWYG but do I really have to model extra armour can't I just say the crew compartments are reinforced.

Will I get away with placing tanks on the table in a tornament setting and saying they have extra armour without sticking £40 worth of forge world armour plates on the side????



03-05-2011, 05:33 AM
Having gone last year, I didn't play anyone that anal. Swords, powerfists etc WYSIWYG, but not grenades/melta bombs. So I would have thought that you would be OK with vehicles - I certainly didn't call any opponents on it.

Particularly when you had an IG armoured army made from grot tanks scratch built.

03-05-2011, 05:53 AM
I've been to tournaments so anal that in a 1500 point tau/IG doubles list, we lost WYSIWYG points because only two of the IG models didn't have at least two grenades (a frag and a krak) despite having several pouches each that could easily fit three or four grenades in them... needless to say next time I went I spent a lot longer checking my models.

If you don't want to buy the FW extra armour kits (which I can fully understand) you could make some quite easilly from plasticard, and even keep them removable, potentially without the use of magnets

I NoSe
03-05-2011, 06:27 AM
With a careful hand paint "Certified Reinforced Ceramite" in small print on each of your tanks and you'll be fine.

03-05-2011, 07:21 AM
I like this last idea imensely.



03-05-2011, 09:14 AM

I'm going to Throne of Skulls tornament at some point my army is WYSIWYG but do I really have to model extra armour can't I just say the crew compartments are reinforced.

Will I get away with placing tanks on the table in a tornament setting and saying they have extra armour without sticking £40 worth of forge world armour plates on the side????



I found that as long as you explained any wargear not visible every opponent i had was fine.
Take a few extra copies of your army list for reference.