View Full Version : Stupid Dice............>:(

03-04-2011, 09:48 PM
Ever have one of those days where the dice hate you?
today i played 3 games and i couldn't make any 2+/3++ F.N.P.saves it was rediculus:mad:. every missle really EVERY ONE i shot i rolled a 1. of all the melta /tank hits the most damage i got was 1 weapon destroyed (a storm bolter on a rino. ugg). the list of bad luck goes on and on.:mad:
has this ever happend to you?
oh i through those dice away too.
................STUPID DICE.....................

03-05-2011, 01:10 AM
Dump them into the microwave and cook until they are no more than a pile of molten slag.

Better if you buy new dice before and arrange them near the microwave to show them the execution.

That'll teach them.

03-05-2011, 01:16 AM
Dice only hate me when I play warmachine, oddly enough. Every time I get los to my opponent's warcaster, I will miss with my first shot, no matter if I need to roll a 5 on 4d6 or something absurdly easy like that.

03-05-2011, 02:12 AM
weirdest bit of bad luck I had was not the number of ones I rolled more the fact how all the 1 dice formed a perfect straight line. It was if i had hit a lay line.

dave l

03-05-2011, 03:15 AM
48 str 10 attacks on a monolith, total result? May not move or shoot...

03-05-2011, 03:44 AM
80% of my dice rolls have been bad. Honestly, using shokk attack gun- I occasionaly get double 6 while targeting that terminator squad with storm shields, and then it scatters a full 10" away from them:mad: However if anyone has used twin-linked weapons you may have discovered an interesting phenomena. Usually when I get to reroll using twinlinked the second result is 10 timmes better.

03-05-2011, 04:44 AM

thats the almighty power of the jervis reaching down

03-05-2011, 05:34 AM
My Shokk attack gun has always, without fail, rolled 11 for the Strength.

I also have had a good few games where nothing in my SM army was able to hit in shooting or assault for whole turns... never a whole game though. Unfortunately my luck tends to turn good just after I've lost too many men and tanks to actually be able to win (I'm getting quite good at forcing draws though lol)

I NoSe
03-05-2011, 06:24 AM
My Hellhound took 3 Meltagun shots and a squad of melta bombs and could not shoot the next turn. Best part as it tank shocked it killed a meltagunner.

03-05-2011, 07:08 AM
Stop the presses. A Marine player lost models during a game. How ever will we cope? Quick GW, make Terminators 2+/2++ with 2 wounds STAT. We can't have Marine players lose models.

So the question is, has this ever happened to me?

Yeah, it is rare, but I do fail my 5+ armor saves from time to time. I hate it when my guys get shot by bolters and I just fail 5+ armor saves over and over again.

03-05-2011, 08:44 AM
Casino dice will treat you more fair. Regular "chessex" dice (the type GW sells) have the pips drilled out of the face and thus have less weight on the six face, and typically the one face is on the opposite side of the six face. They also are rounded on the edges due to the tumbling process. Typically, the dice are dipped in paint to fill the pips, then tumbled in an abrasive compound, which removes the excess paint and polishes the dice. The problem is that the tumblers do not polish evenly so you get the rounded edges and each die is not a perfect cube. This, along with the drilled pips, results in less random rolls (more likely on any particular die to get ones than sixes). Gamblers call chessex dice "cheater's dice."

03-05-2011, 09:32 AM
Casino dice will treat you more fair. Regular "chessex" dice (the type GW sells) have the pips drilled out of the face and thus have less weight on the six face, and typically the one face is on the opposite side of the six face. They also are rounded on the edges due to the tumbling process. Typically, the dice are dipped in paint to fill the pips, then tumbled in an abrasive compound, which removes the excess paint and polishes the dice. The problem is that the tumblers do not polish evenly so you get the rounded edges and each die is not a perfect cube. This, along with the drilled pips, results in less random rolls (more likely on any particular die to get ones than sixes). Gamblers call chessex dice "cheater's dice."

ARE YOU (%*$ING SERIOUS!?!?!?! I've been playing with damn CHEATER'S DICE!!! Where do I go to get a good deal on some real dice?

03-05-2011, 09:54 AM
ARE YOU (%*$ING SERIOUS!?!?!?! I've been playing with damn CHEATER'S DICE!!! Where do I go to get a good deal on some real dice?

If someone calls mine "Cheater's Dice" I'll go hipster on them and tell them there more "green" for me to use.
(Chessex HQ is 3 miles from my house-I know people who work there)

Plus if those are "cheater's dice", why do I have such a crappy W/L record?!

03-05-2011, 01:52 PM
If someone calls mine "Cheater's Dice" I'll go hipster on them and tell them there more "green" for me to use.

Plus if those are "cheater's dice", why do I have such a crappy W/L record?!


As for me...

I have had the same dice that I started with & yes...I lose alot more then I win but I am ok with that.

Sadly tho... I saw one of my friends just threw there dice away during a GAME & went up to the front to buy a new set....

& another who sends bad dice a watery fish tank grave...

03-05-2011, 02:10 PM
No matter which dice i use, i always have bad luck.

There will be rare occasion where i will role a ridiculous amount of invunerable saves on a character or something. But by then my poor rolling has lost me the rest of my army.

My inability to roll higher than a 2 has caused many a space marine death.

03-05-2011, 03:28 PM
Yes it happens to me alot. When I need to roll to hit, I roll ones or twos. When I need to roll a leadership for Azzy, I roll two 6's. Like come on. I always seem to roll the opposite of what I need. Then when My opponent rolls his dice, they are good.

The Dice Gods just do not like me. :p

03-05-2011, 03:39 PM

03-05-2011, 05:12 PM
LOL. My friend just had a day like this. We played 2 games Tau VS. Ultramarines. It was terrible I never seen so many ones rolled in one day ever! 1st game I damn near Alpha striked him in the first round and he was in cover. Poor guy I haven't seen someone that puppy in awhile.

03-05-2011, 09:26 PM
ARE YOU (%*$ING SERIOUS!?!?!?! I've been playing with damn CHEATER'S DICE!!! Where do I go to get a good deal on some real dice?

Hey, don't shoot the messenger LOL. I use the chessex dice too, mostly because I'm too lazy to buy some casino dice. You can get them on Amazon.

03-06-2011, 12:28 AM
Incidentally, I just played a game against orks in a tournament in which, over the course of the game, my four TL lascannons and 8 meltaguns failed to do a single damage result against any of my opponent's vehicles. I managed to kill one battlewagon with a lucky krak grenade, and immobilize the other vehicle by assaulting with my dreadnought.

A Marine player lost models during a game. How ever will we cope? Quick GW, make Terminators 2+/2++ with 2 wounds STAT.

Oh, they will. They will;).

03-06-2011, 12:54 AM
A week or so ago I had the most bizarre dice rolling experience I've ever had. I had 750pts of Dark Eldar, my brother had 750pts of Dark Eldar. Over three turns we both failed to kill a single model. All of 15 wounds were inflicted altogether, and every one saved.

03-06-2011, 06:57 PM
A week or so ago I had the most bizarre dice rolling experience I've ever had. I had 750pts of Dark Eldar, my brother had 750pts of Dark Eldar. Over three turns we both failed to kill a single model. All of 15 wounds were inflicted altogether, and every one saved.

I haven't seen the Dark Eldar codex yet but with all those poinson attacks nobody could fail a wound? WoW. :eek: Wouldn't that mean great armour saves though? So good dice rolling. :)

03-06-2011, 07:19 PM
Everyone has bad dice once in awhile...i threaten mine with the Freezer....cold enough to torture them for weeks...but non fatal.

I have a bud who bites his dice....

On a related note, I have also seen some weird things happen on the good side. I had a buddy in a dnd game who has bad luck with the d20. One evening her rolled two twenties back to back. So i joked, bet you cant do that again. So he picked up the same die....bam...another 20. Aghast...i said "do it again"....he picked it up...and bam....20. 4 in a row....whats the odds...i started doing the math....and he picked up the die....and offhandedly rolled it...for the fifth time in a row....bam ....20

If my math is correct....the odds are 1 in 3,200,000

03-06-2011, 07:35 PM
If my math is correct....the odds are 1 in 3,200,000

Roll it another 3million times and tell me if it happens again.;)

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
03-06-2011, 08:17 PM
I know how you feel, i really do...

Apoc battle once, fielding four Exorcist Tanks where you roll d6 missiles, luck would have it all one's. To add insult to a great game, most dice came up one's again to penetrate.

03-06-2011, 11:36 PM
Something like 90% of our shots/attacks missed, most of those then failed to wound. My brother hit 6 Wyches with a Shattershard, and not one died. Really bizarre things like that. But then those Wyches would utterly fail to do any damage to his Warriors and Haemonculus over the next two turns. It was so unnerving we ended up calling the game.:rolleyes:

I haven't seen the Dark Eldar codex yet but with all those poinson attacks nobody could fail a wound? WoW. :eek: Wouldn't that mean great armour saves though? So good dice rolling. :)

03-07-2011, 01:16 AM
Stop the presses. A Marine player lost models during a game. How ever will we cope? Quick GW, make Terminators 2+/2++ with 2 wounds STAT. We can't have Marine players lose models.

So the question is, has this ever happened to me?

Yeah, it is rare, but I do fail my 5+ armor saves from time to time. I hate it when my guys get shot by bolters and I just fail 5+ armor saves over and over again.
LOL Buffo, you forgot to make each and everyone of them immortal warriors, with bolter, bolt pistol, power sword and feel no pain - With Re-Rolls to save if they fail the first time, oh and bionics just to addd insult to it all. LOL

Seriuosly, I find I tend to roll badly if I do not eat or drink during the game, if I am playing against certain people, or rolling the dice on certain surfaces such as polystyrene foam custom terrain.

I had za game the other day against a Black Templars player who was using the new errata update for storm shields, etc, and in the annihilation game, I only just beat him on turn 6 by 2 kill points. I had the worst luck for most of the game. In turns 5 and 6 my luck went back to normal average rolls, and I it all chnged from a 5 -3 against me, to a 6 - 6 in round 5, to a 9 -7 win for me in the 6th turn.

Strangest thing was another gamer turned up to watch the game, and just sat there watching and not adding to the tactics or anything, he just watched. I think that because he plays Tzeentch Chaos Marines, he boosted my Slaanesh Chaos Marine armies luck. The Black Templar player said he was bad luck, and to go away. LOL I had to laugh, because the BT player was rolling just as well as he was before, which was just above average for dice rolls.

03-07-2011, 02:34 AM
I use GW and yahtzee dice when I want to role leadership tests. TBH, I haven't found chessex dice to roll favorably on any one side. I have Gamescience dice for D20 and D10 games...now if only they mass produced a D6...

03-07-2011, 07:42 AM
On Chessex dice the one side is heaviest so most likely to end up down right? So they are more likely to roll 6s. Which means I need one casino die and one chessex to role my psychic tests. Got it!

03-07-2011, 09:35 AM
More likely to roll 1's, actually. (http://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/That's_How_I_Roll_-_A_Scientific_Analysis_of_Dice)

Essentially, weight influences two things when you're rolling dice: the center of gravity, and the inertia. The center of gravity will try and be as low as possible, which on its own would bias the die towards rolling a 6. The inertia, however, biases the die to keep on rolling past certain results, and the research article above comes to the conclusion that inertia has a greater influence and ultimately biases dice towards rolling a 1.

03-07-2011, 09:42 AM

lol. that makes me wish i didnt through them away. i should have burnt the heresy out of them.:D

03-07-2011, 10:02 AM
Gotta say my bad luck comes in the the roll to wound, I can hit like a monster but just can't seem to roll to wound. Strangely if someone uses my dice against me they work wonders, to this day I remember pumping a 11 heavy bolter shots into and orc unit in cover, buddy used my dice so he wouldn't have to count out his own and blam only one orc died XD so harsh. In armour saves I never make the ones I need to make but always make the ones I don't, example allocated wounds to two regular sisters, one to a superior and one to a meltagun guess what meltagun and superior die, sisters stand around wondering what just happened, while staring at a dreadnought the meltagun girl assured them she had covered.

03-07-2011, 10:43 PM
lol. that makes me wish i didnt through them away. i should have burnt the heresy out of them.:D


i remember (/DURP I'M AN OLD 40k PLAYER /DURP) about 10 years ago when my friend use the same dice to roll third edition ork armor plate saves.... one game he made 5/6 in a turn, rendering my iyanden beast-D-cannons useless and his 35 pt trukks unhurt.

next game he had to roll probably 15 times in a turn and he didn't make any... then he used the same dice to roll his mega armored warboss' saves (as you can all recall in mid-third edition before necrons and codex creep, mega armored warbosses were pretty insane) .... i think i forced like 5 saves and he rolled the dice repeatedly... 1, 1, 1, 2, 6. (the additional rolls were made just to see if the dice was purposefully screwing him... apparently it was)

so he puts all his dice in the alley in a line then smashes the one problematic dice with a sledgehammer... he wanted them to see what happens.

Chris Copeland
03-07-2011, 11:39 PM
Ha! I laugh at all of this nonsense! We are talking about little plastic cubes here. It is all random. There are no forces influencing your dice. There are no dice gods. Sometimes the dice turn up in your favor and sometime they don't: it is all meaningless.

Cheers. Chris

PS I love picking up and opponent's dice and rolling them... after all: it is the most efficient use of time. I have seven saves sitting on the table after my opponent is done? Great! I pick up those seven dice and roll them... it's all good!

PS I KNOW that some of my friends have dice related superstitions... I don't touch their dice... not because I think it matters cosmically (it doesn't)... rather, because I don't want to diminish their enjoyment of the game.

PPS I seriously doubt the polishing or weighting of Chessex style dice (the most common style of dice used in the greater San Antonio area) has any noticeable or recordable affect on probability...

Emerald Rose Widow
03-08-2011, 01:29 AM
I carry my dice with me in my purse, so they know their momma is always there, mwahahahaha. My dice roll well for me because they know i loves them because they are awesome and so pretty.


but i have had to punish them before, when they roll bad for me consistently i put them in the freezer for a few hours, all of them, because then the good ones will get mad at the bad ones and teach them how to do things right. -giggles- Then they start rolling better because they want their momma to show them love not punishments. My dice are usually good to me though, with the occasional bad days.

Today when i was playing DND they were good and were rolling lots of 20's for me so i gaves them hugs.

Morgan Darkstar
03-08-2011, 05:56 AM
All this talk of dice torture is making me feel nervous.

03-08-2011, 06:46 AM
All this talk of dice torture is making me feel nervous.

Why is this? Are you going to become a dice at Halloween or a costume party? :eek:

03-08-2011, 07:51 AM
In order to be just, we must be cruel.

03-08-2011, 08:49 AM
I just tell my dice that I'm not mad at them just dissapointed. Now that gets them working harder.

Morgan Darkstar
03-08-2011, 10:53 AM
Why is this? Are you going to become a dice at Halloween or a costume party? :eek:

well that's the surprise out the bag :D

03-09-2011, 08:25 AM
My master of the forge never hits anything with his conversion beamer, ever, i must have used that guy in 50+ games and not once has he hit. my regular opponents now ignore him completely, only ever if one of their units is bored and has noting else to do.

one day though, one day he will bring that emporer class battleship down onto their heads, then we'll see whos laughing!!!

also my unit of 5 incubi charge into a unit of 6 ard boys, i roll 12 1s and 4 2s... now thats aweful rolling...