View Full Version : What's Out There?

03-04-2011, 09:43 PM
hi everyone,

I flirted with 40 K back in the early 90s, dwarves riding motorcycles with chainsaws. I taped a loop off of a Metallica album that sounded like the seven dwarfs"OH WE OH" with some heavy drums. But other things (read as my wife) led me in other directions.

Now I have returned, and I'm looking forward to some real competition. I haven't done a tournament yet, but I'm thrown my hat in the ring for 'Ard Boyz this summer. I know I've posted my Storm Wolves for critique before, but it's always available on my blog (http://grayhartswarclown.blogspot.com/)

My real problem is I don't know what's out there! I know I can whoop my friends, and I know I do well at the game store, but I have a feeling 'Ard Boyz will be tougher. So what is it that I am going to find when I play in the tournament? What kind of lists are most prevalent? Is there an archive of past scenarios? Are there generic lists that I'd be likely to run into?

Can you help a gamer out?

03-04-2011, 11:53 PM
if your goin to use space wolves, then check out adam's blog. There is a link on the main bols website to it. He has battle reps against alot of stuff and good advice for tourney lists. Mainly you'll face wolves IG and Blood Angels, maybe some vanilla SM's with vulkan. pretty much your goin to see fast, in your face units, or long range pounding.

with Wolves, expect long fangs with missles, and rune preists everywhere, also rhino rush seems popular again.

with IG, you'll see chimeras and vendettas goin every which way with melta/flamer in EVERY squad, who are in every vehicle.

with BA, look for rhino rush tactics backed up by some heavy hitting characters like Mephiston.

you probably won't see Grey Knights, Witch Hunters, Necrons, Templars or Dark Angels.

with orks, trukk/wagon rush with lots o melee/crazy shooting, Lootas, ork boyz with shootas, and a couple of people with nob bikerz.

with Eldar...Eldrad, with "Gundar" you'll see ALOT of strength 6 shots coming from war walkers, also expect fast "hard-to-kill" transports with burst damage units.

There most likely is more, but that's just off the top of my head. :rolleyes: whatever you do, Good Luck.

03-05-2011, 09:57 AM
Thanks Mr Pickelz, that was exactly what I was looking for. You didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know from reading the forums, but you sure as **** condensed it!

I think I just want to get it started! All my figs are together, and only two squads left to paint!

03-05-2011, 12:32 PM
Actually, if you're preparing for 'ard Boyz, expect to see a ton of Grey Knights from the new codex. It's looking to be a popular codex for high-point games especially, and very competitive.

Basically to do well at 2500 points, you'll want to have the following in your army list:

1. A way to deal with 15+ pieces of light armor on the table.
2. A way to deal with 2-3 Land Raiders
3. A way to deal with deathstar close-combat units. I wouldn't be surprised to see 1000+ pt Grey Knight death stars at 'ard Boyz with the new codex out
4. 4 or more scoring units

03-05-2011, 01:46 PM
Anybody know about old scenrios and what to expect from this years?